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  • bow ;hunch
  • 驼背:~人。~傻(a.驼背;b.曲身,表示恭敬)。

  1. 他是个衣衫褴褛、伛腰曲背的小个子酒鬼。

    He was a shabby stooped little drunkard .

  2. 她总是坐在一个地方,总是勤勉地伛着身子。

    She was always in the same place , always bent industriously over a piece of work .

  3. 椅子的另一头,一个若有所思的水手用他那把大折刀还在往上面添着花样,他伛着身子,在他两腿间的木头上用劲地刻着。

    At one end a ruminating tar was still further adorning it with his jack-knife , stooping over and diligently working away at the space between his legs .

  4. 但是,他又伛着身子,对着下边的人群,低垂着头,以一种非常深切而又极富有男子气概的谦恭态度,说出这些话来:

    But again he leaned over towards the people , and bowing his head lowly , with an aspect of the deepest yet manliest humility , he spake these words :