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  • press
  • 用手按:~钮。~电铃。


[方] (按) press:

  • 用手指揿按钮

    press a button with one's finger

  1. 方法制备了含抛射剂的两相INS气雾剂,并用HPLC方法测定其每揿剂量。

    METHODS Two phase INS aerosol in propellant system was prepared and the amount of insulin delivered per actuation was determined by HPLC method .

  2. 采用HPLC法测定了布地奈德气雾剂中布地奈德总量、每揿含量、有效部位药物沉积量及R-异构体的含量。

    A HPLC method for determination of the total content , the content per spout , the deposition ratio in the effective position and R - isomer in budesonide aerosol was presented .

  3. 动物学习用它们的脚爪揿按开关。

    The animals learned to press switch levers with their paws .

  4. 她不耐烦地揿着喇叭。路路通不耐烦地叫着说。

    She sounded her horn impatiently . asked Passepartout , impatiently .

  5. 请把我衣服背后的揿钮揿好。

    Please do up the fasteners on the back of my dress .

  6. 驾驶员先是摆弄开关,接着又揿按按钮,可车子却没有什么反应。

    The driver turned switches and pressed buttons , but nothing happened .

  7. 我揿揿门铃,没有人来开门。

    I rang and no one came to the door .

  8. 注意看着我揿按扭时会发生什么事

    Just watch what happens when I press this Button

  9. 揿压式旋转转换开关结构设计

    Press and Turn Changing Switch Structure Design ELLIPTIC REVOLUTION

  10. 他揿了按钮,门铃响了。

    He pressed the button and the doorbell rang .

  11. (揿动时)照相机移动了。

    The camera was moved ( when clicked ) .

  12. 揿响喇叭提醒其他的司机。

    Sound your horn to warn other drivers .

  13. 我揿了蜂鸣器,不一会儿就有人来开门。

    I pressed the buzzer and after a while someone came to the door .

  14. 我又揿了一下门铃,一名侍女紧绷着脸把门开了。

    I rang again and a maid with a sullen face opened the door .

  15. 孩子们揿晌他的门铃,然后跑开,纯粹是恶作剧。

    The children rang his doorbell , then ran away , purely out of devilment .

  16. 揿动这一按钮,暖气系统就开始工作了。

    This button activates the heating system .

  17. 他想着,揿下接听键。

    He thinks clicking the answering key .

  18. 她不耐烦地揿着喇叭。

    She sounded her horn impatiently .

  19. 拿一支玻璃杯放在机器上,然后揿一下横杆。

    Just pick up a glass and set it on that machine and push it against the lever .

  20. 机器型:发个指令,揿动按钮才会动一动,缺少积极主动精神。

    Machine : send a statement , press just can move pushbutton , lack active and active spirit .

  21. 长着扁脸和断鼻梁的人在桌上揿灭了烟蒂。

    The man with the flat face and the broken nose crushed the end of the cigarette on the table .

  22. 今年早些时候,黑人乔治·弗洛伊德在美国明尼阿波利斯被一名白人警察杀害,之后“黑人的命也是命”运动在全球揿起热潮。

    The BLM movement surged around the world earlier this year following the killing of Black man George Floyd by a white police officer in Minneapolis .

  23. 女人揿灭了烟蒂,又点上一支,但是我发现了她眼角,那一抹潮湿的晶莹。

    The woman pressed extinguished the cigarette butt , also selected on , but I have discovered her corner of the eye , that as soon as wiped moistly crystal clear .

  24. 方法:本手术通过凿断鼻骨及部分上颌骨额突揿压折断使其耸立以抬高鼻背和移植自体鼻中隔软骨以增高鼻尖或鼻翼,一次性完成鼻外形的整体修复。

    Methods : The operation procedure included frustration and elevation of the nasal bone and part of the forntal process of maxilla and replacement of the nasal septum between greater alar cartilages .

  25. 门铃门外响则表示有客来访的铃、钟或蜂鸣器我揿揿门铃,没有人来开门。

    A bell , chime , or buzzer outside a door that is rung to announce the presence of a visitor or caller . I rang and no one came to the door .

  26. 飞机起飞前或在空中,座舱里常听到一声铃响,是怎么回事?他跑到窗前去望了一会儿,忽然又跑回来揿着电铃。

    There is a ringing before take-off or in the air , what does it mean ? He went across to the window and stood looking out for a moment , then suddenly came back and pressed the bell .

  27. 熨斗上的按钮在面料需要蒸汽时放出。除非揿住按钮,为使蒸汽沿管子排出进入熨斗,因此这个容器是加压的。

    The steam is not discharged unless this button is pressed . the tank is pressurized in order to force the steam along the tube and into the iron ; a button on the iron releases the steam into the fabric when and where it is required .

  28. 嵌件的设计,旋转接触片和旋转机构的设计为设计的关键。保证每揿压一次开关键帽,接触簧片旋转45°进入下一接触区。

    The design for inlaid pieces , rotation contact piece and rotation mechanism is the key points for design , so as to assure every time of press on the switch key cap , the contact spring piece to turn 45 ° to enter into next contact area .
