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  • boil and spill out
  • 液体沸腾溢出:烧在锅里的牛奶~出来了。


(液体沸腾溢出) boil and spill out:

  • 牛奶潽出来了!

    The milk is spilling out!

  1. 牛奶潽出来了!

    The milk is spilling out !

  2. 牛奶一煮开就会潽出来。

    Milk spills over as soon as it boils .

  3. 对固态白酒实际生产装置潽甑操作工艺条件、流酒产量和风味物质组成进行了实验研究。

    To investigate the influence of liquor vapor overflow on distillation of Chinese liquor , experiments were carried out in an industrial-scale distiller .