
  1. 我们认为他向北去哀嚎通灵塔了。

    We think he went off north to the Wailing Ziggurat .

  2. 1956年前,寺院内还供奉唐代高僧玄奘法师的舍利。寺庙后院的灵塔,存放着这位高僧的遗骨。

    Before 1956 , the temple had a repository for a relic of Monk Xuan Zhuang of Tang .

  3. 用十几个人向被污染的蜘蛛城市外围的天灾通灵塔进攻,我看是疯了。

    Call me crazy , but storming a Scourge ziggurat outside a plagued Nerubian city with a dozen men ain 't my idea of fun .

  4. 中轴线的东侧是蕅益大师灵塔塔院、药师殿、僧寮和寺院办公室。

    The funerary Stupa laying the remains of Great Master OuYi , Pharmacist Hall , Monks'Cell and Office of the temple are at the east of the midfield axis .

  5. 为修建十世班禅灵塔祀殿,国家一次就拨专款6620万元、黄金650公斤。

    In addition , the state has allocated 66.2 million yuan and 650 kg of gold for the construction of the funerary stupa and sacrificial hall of the 10th Panchen Lama .

  6. 太行山东麓西周时期考古学遗存研究寺庙后院的灵塔,存放着这位高僧的遗骨。

    A Research into the Archaeological Relics at the Period of Western Zhou Dynasty in the East Foothill of Mountain Tai hang ; Inside the pagoda in the backyard of the temple , there lay the remains of the dignitary .