
  • Volcanic eruption;tephar
  1. 长白山火山喷发物的堆积类型及火山活动机理

    Accumulation types of the Changbaishan volcanic deposits and its active mechanism

  2. 金川泥炭沉积中火山喷发物的发现及其意义

    Discovery of volcanic EXPLOSION-DERIVED materials in Jinchuan peat and its significance

  3. 因此,系统研究天池火山喷发物的微观特征是十分必要的,并且具有一定的应用价值。

    Hence it is possible to identify the dates and sequences of volcanic eruptions as well as their environments based on a systematic study of micro characteristics of eruptive materials in the Tianchi caldera .

  4. 火山喷发沉降物扩散理论模型

    A theoretical model for diffusion of volcanic eruptive sediment

  5. 爆破性火山喷发空降物的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation on airborne substances of blasting volcanic eruption

  6. 利用ERS-2SAR图像纹理分析方法揭示长白山天池火山近代喷发物空间分布特征

    Revealing distribution of modern eruption of Changbaishan Mountain Tianchi volcano by ERS-2 SAR image

  7. 修改了Suzuki二维扩散模型,并对长白山天池火山喷发碎屑沉降物分布特征进行了模拟,进一步讨论了喷发柱高度和风速对沉降分布的影响。

    Suzuki 2D diffusion model is modified and used to simulate the distribution characteristics of volcanic eruptive clastic sediment at Tianchi , Changbaishan . Furthermore , the influences of height of eruption column and wind velocity on the distribution of sediment are discussed .

  8. 当代火山喷发碎屑堆积物的研究进展及其主要类型

    Advances in Pyroclastic Deposits at Present and the Main Types of the Pyroclastic Deposits

  9. 主要论述了这次大爆发的火山喷发碎屑堆积物的层序和分布。

    The author deals with mainly the sequence and distribution of the pyroclastic deposits of the800 a.B.P.eruptions .

  10. 粒度分析表明,天池火山最近一次喷发物以空降堆积为主,夹一层薄层涌浪堆积,火山喷发类型为射气岩浆型。涌浪堆积碎屑物的分数维值为2.71。

    Grain size analysis shows that the ejecta are composed mainly of fall deposit with an interbed of surge deposit , and the type of eruption is phreatomagmatic .

  11. 使用热辐射数据以及将遥感与其它技术相结合能够研究火山区的热活动和火山喷发物。

    The study of thermal activity and volcanic ejecta in terms of thermal radiation data and the combination of remote sensing and other techniques is presented .

  12. 通过对研究区火山产物分析,推测未来主要火山灾害由火山喷发空降碎屑物、火山碎屑涌流、熔岩流、火山喷发气体造成。

    Based on the analysis of volcanic products , it is inferred that the future probable volcanic hazards would be caused by descending pyroclasts , pyroclastic outpouring flows , lava flows and gases from volcanic eruptions .

  13. 在开展长白山天池火山近代喷发历史的研究中,通过野外考察、粒度分析、岩石化学研究,识别出了一套新的火山喷发物。

    In the research of recent eruption history of the Tianchi volcano , a set of recent ejecta were recognized through field investigation , grain size analysis and petrochemistry analysis .

  14. 火山碎屑矿物主要分布于15°N两侧的深海平原和海山区,来源于海底火山岩的剥蚀物和附近弧状列岛的火山喷发物。

    The volcanogenic minerals mainly distribute in the abyssal plain and the seamount near the latitude of 15 ° N , mainly come from the erosion of the volcanic rocks in the seabed and the volcano eruptions in the vicinity of islands .