
  • 网络incentive wages;incentive pay
  1. 对模型求解发现,在经理分享利润情况下,如果经理努力边际负效用高会导致较高的经理的激励工资,当经理分享利润比例较高和激励工资增幅较大时,能够激励经理更加努力工作。

    And more profit and higher incentive wage will lead to the manager 's working harder .

  2. 不完善激励工资契约、团队成员流动与互助合作:职业声誉关注的角度

    Imperfect Incentive Wage Contract , Team Member 's Mobility and Cooperation : A Perspective of Career Concern

  3. 该项立法通常被认为是导致CEO激励性工资提高的因素之一。

    This legislation is often cited as one of the drivers for the rise of CEO incentive pay .

  4. 这种会计方法使公司的损益表更好看,因为股票期权薪酬不会作为开支出现,因此这种会计惯例通常被认为是造成CEO激励性工资提高的一项关键因素。

    This accounting , which made companies ' income statements look better because the stock option compensation did not show up as an expense , is often cited as a key contributor to the rise in CEO incentive pay .

  5. 工作丰富化,加强员工工作创造性;激励计件工资制适用于生产工人。

    Job enrichment ; Incentive piecework system is suited for production workers .

  6. 岗效工资制和激励计件工资制是两种能够激励员工的企业工资分配办法。

    Post benefit wage system and incentive piecework system both are incentive staff 's business wage distribution methods .

  7. 在知识经济时代,人才竞争日趋激励,工资作为对人力资本的投资,是企业吸引人才、留住人才、激励员工的重要手段。

    In the era of Knowledge Economy , the competition for the talents is very fierce . Base pay is one of the most important measures to attract , retain and motivate the employees . Thus it is kind of investment in the Human Capital .

  8. 实行高水平且重视长期激励和资历工资的薪酬制度。

    And the corporation should exert a higher-level salary system with emphasis on long-term motivation and longevity . performance related pay ;

  9. 一般认为显性激励来源于工资合约,以各种方式把经营者的行为与企业的效益联系在一起。

    Usually , explicit incentive is introduced by wage contracts , which connect the behavior of the manager with the performance of the firm .

  10. 以人为本,依据现代激励理论、工资理论,合理设计薪酬体系,成为企业经营者和人力资源主管不断探索和实践的主题。

    Designing the C & B system according to modern motivation theory , salary theory , reasonably is the topic that enterprise operators and HR supervisors have been studying and practicing .

  11. 研究发现,我国的民营上市公司高层管理人员的激励机制中工资、奖金等现金激励是主要的激励手段;

    The study found that : in the incentive mechanisms of senior corporate executives in China 's private listed companies , wages , bonuses and other cash incentives are the main means of incentives ;

  12. 薪酬按带给员工的激励是因为工资、奖金、福利等外在报酬的强化,还是因为工作本身带给员工内心的愉悦和满足,分为外在薪酬和内在薪酬。

    Salary can be divided into external salary and internal salary according to whether the incentive of the salary is wage , money award , allowance and similar external rewards or the joy and satisfaction that come from the job itself .

  13. 调查结果显示,AA企业知识型员工最为关注的激励因素为:工资福利、领导素质、团队合作、公司前景、工作成就、能力发挥。

    And the incentive factors gained most attention of the employee in AA company include Salary and Benefits , Managers ' Capability , Organization Cooperation , Foreground of the Company , Accomplishment from the Work , Capability of Exertion .

  14. 其次,利用Black-Scholes模型思想,得到能判定某一期绩效工资是否具有激励性的绩效工资激励性判定模型。

    And then , according to the Black-Scholes model , this dissertation obtains the incentive of performance pay decision model , which can judge whether a particular phase of performance pay is incentive or not .

  15. 构建学习型社会有效激励机制:知识工资方案

    Constructing Effective Stimulating Mechanism in a Learning Society : Knowledge Salary Programme

  16. 激励员工的企业工资分配办法

    Wage Distribution Methods Encouraging the Employees

  17. 强化激励建立岗位绩效工资模式&浅谈深化地勘单位分配制度改革

    Establishing Post Performance Wages Pattern for Strengthening Incentives System & Brief Discussion on Deepening the Reform of Distribution System in Geological Prospecting Institutions

  18. 本文介绍了构建学习型社会的有效激励机制之一知识工资方案。

    This article introduces one oft he effective stimulating mechanisms : knowledge salary programme , and analyses the background , advantages , disadvantages and countermeasures of the programme .

  19. 美国花了一代人的时间通过削减最高边际税率来加强针对高技能劳动者的激励,却对工资税在低收入劳动者收入中所占比例越来越大的情况听之任之。

    The US has spent a generation boosting incentives for high-skilled workers by cutting top marginal tax rates . However , payroll taxes have been allowed to take a rising share of low earners ' incomes .

  20. 其中物质激励方案优化从工资、津贴、奖金和福利四个方面进行,精神激励方案优化从企业文化、目标激励、荣誉、感情激励和员工职业生涯规划五个方面进行。

    Program of material incentive is designed from four aspects of the wages , allowances , bonuses and benefits . Program of spirit incentive is designed from five aspects of the enterprise culture , target stimulus , honor , feelings incentives and staff career planning .

  21. 作为薪酬制度的经理股票期权是一种长期激励机制,它将期权长期激励与工资、福利、津贴等短期激励相结合,以使经理人员利益与股东、企业利益相一致。

    Manager 's stock option grants , as a long-term incentive method , is integrated with short-term incentive methods of salary , welfare and subsidies . It makes managers share the interests of stockholders and enterprises .