
  • 网络laser speckle;Lasca
  1. DSP技术在激光散斑特征提取中的应用

    Application of DSP technology on feature extraction for laser speckle of special material

  2. 光学图象边缘增强的激光散斑干涉法RNA干涉技术

    Laser Speckle Interference Technique for Image Edge Enhancement RNA interference

  3. 数字全息再现像的激光散斑消除的研究高分辨率SAR影像斑点噪声滤除方法的研究

    Reduction of speckle noise in digital holography The research of speckle reduction for SAR images

  4. 利用激光散斑法测量试件表面一点的面内位移就可求出材料的E,μ值。

    The constant of materials elasticity can solve by laser speckle interferometry obtain a point displacement of the test sample .

  5. 研究了利用激光散斑测速原理结合CCD成像技术对大鼠肠系膜上血液灌注变化进行监测的技术。

    A technique of monitoring the change of blood perfusion utilizing the principle of laser speckle technique combined with CCD imaging method was studied .

  6. 利用激光散斑进行MTF测试技术研究

    Method for Measuring MTF Using Laser Speckle

  7. 利用激光散斑成像技术,实时监测CAM上肿瘤周围血管的血液动力学参数。

    The dynamic parameter change of blood with different photodynamic doses in PDT was monitored in real time by laser speckle contrast imaging ( LSCI ) technique .

  8. 用激光散斑照相研究DKDP晶体生长过程

    Study of the Growth Process of DKDP Crystal Using Laser Speckle Photography

  9. 因此,在设计激光散斑鼠标时,应采用脉冲激光或算法来补偿表面微结构的膨胀和CCD热效应带来的噪声的增加。

    So , possible solutions can be to adopt pulsed laser or algorithm that can compensate the process of expansion of surface microstructure and increasing noise of CCD when designing laser speckle mouse . 3 .

  10. 利用激光散斑进行MTF测试是一种新发展起来的利用随机目标测试MTF的方法。

    It is a new method for measuring the modulation transfer function ( MTF ), by using laser speckle , which belongs to the methods for measuring MTF using random targets .

  11. 本文应用粒子像测速技术(PIV)和激光散斑测速技术(LSV),对Rayleigh-Benard对流流动进行测量。

    This paper presents the experimental research on the measurements of Rayleigh-Benard convection flow by the Particle Image Velocimetry ( PIV ) and Laser Speckle Velocimetry ( LSV ) .

  12. 应用激光散斑放大技术对16Mn钢三点弯曲裂纹试件进行了测试。

    Laser speckle interferometry was applied to obtain full-field crack tip displacements of 16 Mn steel three-point bend specimens .

  13. 当S.D.≤1时,是粒子像模式,当S.D.>1时,则呈现激光散斑模式。

    When S. D. ≤ 1 , the specklegrams contain particle images , when S.D. > 1 a speckle pattern is formed .

  14. 本文采用激光散斑双干涉技术对红色泥砂岩和泥岩在单轴压缩状态下的变形剪切带形成过程进行了实验研究,并运用岩石破裂过程分析软件RFPA对岩石变形损伤过程进行了数值模拟。

    The paper studies the deformation process and formation of shear zone of the red mud-sand stone and mud stone in Chongqing region under uniaxial compression with the laser-speckle double-interference technique , and the RFPA software is used to numerically simulate the process of rock deformation localization .

  15. 本文根据Leger激光散斑相干性理论,讨论测量表面粗糙度σ时两相干光束之间夹角的变化对测量精度和测量范围的影响,提出了合理选择夹角的理论依据,并从实验上得到了验证。

    The effect of the change of angle between two coherent beams on measuring accuracy and range for measuring the surface roughness is discussed according to Leger laser speckle coherent theory , a theoretical criterion of reasonably choosing the angle between two beams is given and verified experimentally .

  16. 用激光散斑法测盐水溶液浓度的改进

    Improvement of measuring the salt solution concentration by laser speckle method

  17. 激光散斑法测定榫槽二维应力强度因子

    Mortise 2 D Stress Intensity Factor Determination by Laser Speckle Method

  18. 非圆对称高斯分布激光散斑积分光强统计分布

    Statistical distribution of the integrated intensity of noncircular Gaussian laser speckle

  19. 大动态范围激光散斑位移测量研究

    Study on Large scale Dynamic Displacement Measurement of Laser - speckle

  20. 激光散斑引起的象强度中心漂移的理论计算

    Theoretical Calculation for Centroid Shift of Image Due to Laser Speckle

  21. 论述了激光散斑技术在计量方面的应用。

    The application in measuring by laser speckle method was described .

  22. 污染扩散浓度场激光散斑测量原理研究

    The Measurement of Concentration Field of Pollutant Diffusion by Laser Speckle

  23. 特种材料表面激光散斑特征提取和识别研究

    Feature extraction and recognition of laser speckle for special material surface

  24. 激光散斑干涉法是近代光学的一项新技术。

    Laser speckle interferometry is a new technique in latter-day optics .

  25. 基于小波神经网络的激光散斑图像去噪技术研究

    Filtering Technology of Laser Speckle Image Based on Wavelet Neural Network

  26. 激光散斑和粒子像测速中的并行光学处理方法

    Parallel Optical Method in Laser Speckle Velocimetry and Particle Image Velocimetry

  27. 用激光散斑法测量位相物体厚度

    Measuring the thickness of phase objects by laser speckle method

  28. 激光散斑照相在对流换热研究中的应用

    Application of Laser Speckle Photography in the Study of Convective Heat Transfer

  29. 用换孔径法改善激光散斑图质量

    Quality improvement of laser speckle patterns by the method of changing aperture

  30. 激光散斑视觉速度规律的研究

    Study on the Visual Velocity of Laser Speckle on Retina