
yǎn yì zuò pǐn
  • derivative work;deductive work
  1. 此外,孤儿作品的这种尴尬境况又会阻碍演绎作品的创作。

    Moreover , this awkward situation blocks the development of derivative works .

  2. 这位女星11岁之时出演了她的第一部演绎作品,儿童麦片广告。

    The feathered-haired youngster nabbed her first professional gig in a commercial for a kids'cereal at age11 .

  3. 该部分还从精神权利和经济权利两个方面,详细分析了演绎作品著作权行使的界限问题。

    Chapter 3 also discusses the specific boundary of exercise the copyright in two angles , namely moral rights and economic rights .

  4. 《一个馒头引发的血案》等网络演绎作品的出现,引发法学界关于著作权的争论。

    The appearance of deductive film-works like " The Murder Case By a Steam Bread " has triggered contentions over copyright in the law sphere .

  5. 演员,舞者和其他娱乐表演者演绎作品中的角色、表演和编排舞蹈,以及表演其他艺术类别。

    ACTORS , DANCERS AND OTHER ENTERTAINERS entertain by portraying roles in productions , performing and composing dances , and performing a variety of other acts .

  6. 第一部分探讨演绎作品的认定问题,即什么样的作品可以被视为演绎作品而获得著作权法保护。

    Chapter 1 is about the reorganization of derivative works , namely what kind of works can be deemed as derivative works and entitled to the protection of copyright .

  7. 轻声唱法既是歌唱者必备的基础能力之一,也是表现演绎作品所必须的高级能力之一。

    Pianissimo singing is one of the basic qualities that is indispensable to singers , and one of the advanced qualities that is indispensable to performing masterpieces , as well .

  8. 翻译权属于著作财产权的一种,翻译作品属于新的作品,在《著作权法》整体框架下属于演绎作品的范畴。

    Translation right is subordinated to property right of an author . Translation works are new works , which can be defined as derivative works within the framework of Copyright Law .

  9. 恶搞作品不是著作权法规定的演绎作品,而是滑稽模仿作品,它不侵犯被恶搞者的著作权。

    Works of spoof are not derivative works as are defined in the Intellectual Property Law , but works of parody , which do not infringe upon the copyright of original writers .

  10. 独创性的判断会因作品是原创作品还是二次作品,是汇编作品还是演绎作品,是文学、艺术作品、事实作品还是功能性作品而有所不同。

    , original works or secondary works , compiled works or deductive works , literature works or works of art , factual works or functional works , which determines the judgment of originality .

  11. 我国对于演绎作品的著作权规定过于简单,难以解决演绎作品著作权归属混乱给知识产权保护带来的不利影响。

    However , Chinese Copyright Law for derivative works on the ownership and the exercise of copyright is a general rule which is too simple to resolve all the confusion and bring any good effects .

  12. 从著作权的自动取得、坚持著作权的私权保护和保护原作品著作权人的版权收入三个方面出发,既保护演绎作品的著作权,又能够维护原作品著作权人利益。

    Obtain the copyright automatically , insist the copyright is private and pay the royalty income to the original author reasonable are not only helpful to protecting the copyright to derivative works , but also safeguard the interests of the original copyright owner .

  13. 本文通过对二胡演奏艺术以及作品中所体现的中和思想的阐述,对于演奏者更好地理解作品、演绎作品、深刻表达作品的思想、情感、内容至关重要。

    This article through to the art of Erhu performance as well as in the works reflect the neutralization thought elaboration , for players to better understand the works , derivative works , deep expression works ideological , emotional , content is very important .

  14. 在钢琴表演中,如何准确把握二度创作,是完美演绎钢琴作品的关键问题。

    In piano performing , how to make re-creation in accurate way is the key point of playing piano perfectly .

  15. 莫扎特的艺术歌曲无论对于声乐演唱还是教学,都具有非同寻常的意义。声乐演唱则在演绎声乐作品的过程中呈现出声乐艺术与器乐艺术,与造型、服饰乃至建筑等艺术多元文化融合的特征;

    Mozart 's Lieder stand for unparalleled importance for either vocal performance or teaching . while through performing of these vocal compositions , the vocal performance displays a character of vocal art and instrumental art , melting with other multi cultures , like sculpture , apparel and even architecture ;

  16. 加强基本功的训练,能更好地把握高难技巧和演绎高难度作品。

    The enforcement of basic training helps to grasp some superb singing skills and perform some difficult works .

  17. 演奏者需要在忠诚与原作的基础上演绎自己对作品的理解,这使得伟大演奏家的演奏风格异彩纷呈。

    Players need to loyalty and on the basis of the original interpretation of their understanding of the work , this makes great performers playing style .

  18. 他们也存有一些女演员琼·希克森在演绎阿加莎的作品时穿过的衣服,她在里面饰演著名侦探马普尔小姐。

    They also have some of the clothes worn by actress Joan Hickson in her 24 ) adaptations of Agatha 's books , where she played the famous detective Miss Marple .

  19. 要想更加深入的演绎好这部作品,应注重与演唱者的相互配合。

    In order to more in-depth interpretation of this work should focus on mutual cooperation with the singer .

  20. 演绎权对建筑作品也是有其特殊性的,它的演绎是结构图、施工图等。

    The deducting right of architecture works also having its particularity , its deduction are structure drawings and constructing drawings and so on .

  21. 声乐演唱实践中,演唱者通过情绪和情感的调动,使其声音的表现力丰富多彩,塑造不同的人物形象和演绎多种风格的作品。

    Practice of vocal music , the singer by mood and emotion , makes it sound expression of rich and colorful , shape different characters and works of various styles .

  22. 演奏者双方在演绎一部音乐作品时,必须对音乐作品的内涵、结构、演奏技法及音色处理等问题上达成共识,才能更好的完成作品的演绎。

    When the two performers are playing in one musical works , they must reach a consensus on the content , structure , performance and sound processing techniques of the musical works , and then interpreted the works better .