
  • 网络slip line;slip-lines;slip-line
  1. 压缩薄件死区边界滑移线函数的可积性

    Integrability of the Slip Line Function in Dead Zone of Compressed Thin Metal Workpiece

  2. 应用滑移线理论和金属的塑性变形理论,分析研究圆柱体镦粗过程中的夹紧力的计算方法,并与试验结果进行比较。

    Based on the theory of slip line and plastic deformation of metal , the clamping force for forging reduction of cylinder is analyzed and studied .

  3. Ni3Al-Mo复合材料的形变组织显示曲折型滑移线和纤维多重断裂特征。

    Deformed microstructure of Ni_3Al-Mo composite presents winded slip trace and multiple broken fibers .

  4. FM法应力场的滑移线解

    Slip - line Solution of the Stress Field of FM Method

  5. Coulomb材料中滑移线性质的研究

    The Study of Slip Line 's Nature in Coulomb Material

  6. 滑移线场理论在CFG桩复合地基桩土应力比研究中的应用

    Study on the Ratio of Pile 's Stress and Soil 's Stress in Composite Foundation of CFG Piles Utilizing Slip Line Field Theory

  7. CH3I在飞秒激光场中的电离解离与库仑爆炸通过圆弧模具库仑摩擦下的平面拉拔数值滑移线场求解

    Ionization / dissociation and Coulomb Explosion of CH_3I under Femtosecond Laser Field ; A NUMERICAL METHOD FOR DRAWING THROUGH CIRCULAR DIES WITH COULOMB FRICTION

  8. 按关联流动法则,应力特征线与速度滑移线重合,但在分析中却采用速度方向与应力特征线方向成j角;

    The velocity slip line is the same as the stress characteristic line according to associated flow rule , but an angle j between the two lines is adopted in analyzing ;

  9. 用滑移线分析了径向精锻机变形过程,并进行了D2钢精锻成材试验。

    The deformation process on a precision forging machine is analyzed with the help of slip line method , and a tral forging is carried out on the D2 steel .

  10. 滑移线理论是求解地基极限承载力、挡土墙土压力的理论基础,是以Mohr-Coulomb屈服准则建立的。

    Characteristic theory is very important in rock and soil plastic mechanics , which is expressed with Mohr-Coulomb strength criterion and is often used to determine ultimate bearing capacity and soil pressure .

  11. 本文针对适用于土的Coulomb-Mohr屈服准则,采用塑性力学的滑移线解法,系统的推导了Prandtl和Terzaghi公式。

    According to the Coulomb - Mohr yielding criteria they are systematically and strictly derived by the slip - line method in this paper .

  12. 利用Prandtl尖楔单边受压的滑移线理论,构造出了套损部位的5个应力场区,根据给定的边界条件,精确描述了套损区的应力状况。

    Using the slip line theory of Prandtl glut single side subjected pressure , five - stress area is built at the casing damage , and using the given boundary condition , the stress state is accurately described .

  13. 本文讨论了基于刚塑性的Prandtl-Reuss假设的平面应变滑移线场理论的应用范围,证明了该假设可以由Mises屈服条件和相关联流动法则推导得出。

    The paper discusses the scope of application of plane-strain slip line field theories based on the rigid-plastic Prandtl-Reuss equation and proves that the rigid plastic Prandtl-Reuss equation can be derived by Mises yield criterion and associated flow theory .

  14. 根据滑移线场理论的基本公式进行推导,得到了速矢端线的主要性质,该性质与滑移线的主要性质(Hencky第二定理)完全类似。

    The principle property of velocity hodographs . which is completely similar to that of slip lines ( Hencky 's second theorem ), is found , by the use of basic formulae of the slip-line theory .

  15. 此外,试验表明起裂的裂纹张开位移值与滑移线场类型无关,它由HRR场控制,而裂纹的稳态扩展行为则受到远程场的影响。

    It is proved by tests that the crack tip opening displacement at fracture initiation is controlled by the HRR field and is independent on the slip line field patterns , whereas the steady propagation of a crack is affected by the far-field .

  16. 塑性力学的滑移线理论、Watterson零伸长度理论和最大有效力矩准则均获得共轭变形带的夹角为109.4°。

    The angle 109.4 ° of conjugate deformation zones was given by the slip-line theory of plasticity , the zero-extension theory proposed by Waterston ( 1999 ) and the theory of the maximum effective moment suggested by Zheng et al . ( 2004 ) .

  17. 通过圆弧模具库仑摩擦下的平面拉拔数值滑移线场求解

    A numerical method for drawing through circular dies with Coulomb friction

  18. 滑移线与上界法组合的解法研究

    Research on combinatorial solution of slip line and upper bound methods

  19. 滑移线法求解极限承载力问题的一些进展

    Progress in slip lines method to solve the bearing capacity problem

  20. 利用图解方法求解复杂滑移线场

    The graphical method for the construction of complex slip line field

  21. 条形浅基础极限承载力的滑移线解

    Slippage Lines Solution for Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Shallow Strip Foundation

  22. 潜在滑移线理论及浅基承载力分析

    Potential Sliding Curve Theory and Analysis of Ground Bearing Capacity

  23. 轴对称塑性变形问题的广义滑移线方程推导

    Deduction of Generalized Slip-line Equation for Axisymmetric Plastic Defomation Problem

  24. 平面应变金属流动的滑移线场分析

    Slip-line Field Analysis of Metal Flow in Two Dimensional Compression

  25. 可压缩材料轴对称问题滑移线应力方程及应用

    Stress equations in axial symmetry deformation on compressible materials and Its Applications

  26. 条带开采尺寸设计的滑移线法

    The Sliding Line Method Used for Design of Strip Mining

  27. 某些热加工滑移线场的简化计算方法

    A Simplified Method to Calculate some Ship Line Fields of Hot Working

  28. 滑移线基本理论及其在金属切削加工中的应用

    Theories and applications of sliding line for metal cutting processes

  29. 简化某些滑移线场参量积分的数学方法

    The Mathematical Methods of Simplifying the Parametric Integration for Some Slip-line Fields

  30. 路堤稳定性分析的滑移线场解法

    Analysis on the Stability of Embankment with Slip Lines Method