
yóu shuì
  • lobby;canvass;go canvassing;go about selling an idea;go about drumming up support for an idea;peddle the idea of;drum up support for sth.
游说 [yóu shuì]
  • [peddle the idea of;drum up support for sth.] 泛指多方活动陈述自己的建议、主张,希望被采纳

  • 惠雪舫游说翰苑,围辅成误娶填房。--《二十年目睹之怪现状》

游说[yóu shuì]
  1. 农民将游说国会提高对农业的补贴。

    Farmers will lobby Congress for higher subsidies .

  2. 这一投票结果被看作是反堕胎游说团体的一次失败。

    The vote is seen as a defeat for the anti-abortion lobby

  3. 他花了整整一个月四处游说拉选票。

    He spent the whole month canvassing for votes .

  4. 这个党需要向未表明态度的选民游说拉票。

    The party needs to canvass the uncommitted voters .

  5. 妇女组织在对政府进行游说,要求增加对儿童的拨款。

    Women 's groups are lobbying to get more public money for children .

  6. 党务工作者正忙于游说当地居民。

    Party workers are busy canvassing local residents .

  7. 她的家人正多方游说要把她转到英国监狱。

    Her family are agitating to have her transferred to a prison in the UK .

  8. 农业利益集团是华盛顿最具影响力的游说团体之一。

    Agricultural interests are some of the most powerful lobbies in Washington

  9. 他在全国四处游说,号召人们共赴大业。

    He barnstormed across the nation , rallying the people to the cause

  10. 游说未取得一点结果,一定让人非常沮丧。

    It must be terribly frustrating to lobby and get absolutely nowhere .

  11. 工会不但攻击该计划,而且还扬言要游说议员反对它。

    The union has attacked the plan and threatened to lobby against it

  12. 3,000名市政官员齐聚国会山,为筹集更多的款项进行游说。

    3,000 city officials descended on Capitol Hill to lobby for more money

  13. 他组织了这个由独立生产商组成的游说团。

    He set up this lobby of independent producers .

  14. 我看见她父亲戴着玫瑰花结,正在为保守党游说拉票。

    I saw her father with his rosette on , canvassing for the Conservatives

  15. 全国各地的市政住房租户正在计划组建一个大的议会游说团。

    Council tenants around the country are planning a mass lobby of Parliament .

  16. 两个团体联合游说投票者赞成给予这个行业税收优惠。

    Both groups joined forces to persuade voters to approve a tax break for the industry

  17. 他必须令环境游说团体相信在减排方面将取得实质性进展。

    He has to satisfy the environmental lobby that real progress will be made to cut emissions

  18. 英国各地的家庭看护人员上周向议会游说,要求改善经济待遇。

    Carers from all over the UK lobbied Parliament last week to demand a better financial deal

  19. “同性恋尊严”游行活动不会彬彬有礼地向政客们游说,而会通过示威引起关注。

    Rather than politely lobbying politicians , Gay Dignity will be making its presence felt through demonstrations .

  20. 公司雇用了总统的特别商业顾问去游说皮尔斯先生。

    The company hired the President 's special trade representative to lobby Mr. Pierce .

  21. 生态学家们就反对使用核能问题展开了强有力的游说活动。

    The ecologists lobbied powerfully on the anti-nuclear issue .

  22. 他们正在积极游说议员,以阻止通过该项法案。

    They are actively lobbying against the bill .

  23. 人们注意到由戴维·卡梅伦的竟选主任林顿·克罗斯比创立了游说公司,之前代理菲利普·莫里斯国际。

    It did not escape notice that a lobbying firm set up by Lynton Crosby , David Cameron 's election campaign director , had previously acted for Philip Morris International .

  24. 这些商人一直在游说议员通过该项议案

    These businessmen have been lobbying a bill through the Senate .

  25. 商人拿着秘方去游说吴王,让吴王制造这种药。

    The merchant brought this recipe to the King of the state of Wu and persuaded the king to produce this medicine .

  26. 楚威王派二位大臣游说庄子,希望他接受楚国相国的职位。

    Chu Weiwang , king of the state of Chu , sent two ministers to come to persuade him accepting the position of Prime Minister .

  27. 有一次,孔子到东方去游说,途中见到两个小孩正在激烈地争辩着。

    Once , Confucius went to the east to advocate his ideas . On the way he met two children arguing hotly with each other .

  28. 庄子接着说:“那个人得了秘方,像得了千金宝贝,就取去游说吴王。这时,越国侵犯吴国,吴王便派他去带兵迎战。”

    Zhuang Zi continued : " The man who got the prescription felt as if he had gotten 1000 pieces of gold . He went to the King of Wu to sell this idea . " At the time , the State of Yue invaded the state of Wu .

  29. 我说:“好吧!我正好要去南方游说吴国和越国的国王,那我就请他们激起西江的大水来迎接您,可以吗?”

    I said : " All right , I am just going to the south to sell ideas to the kings of the States of Wu and Yue . I will ask them to stir up the water of the Xijiang River to welcome you . Will that do ? "

  30. 但交付k街游说的问题不仅限于银行业。

    But the issues around K Street reach wider than the banks .