- 网络Port waters;Water Area Of Harbor

Quantitative risk assessment approach in LNG tank shipping container in port water area
That furnishs a new research method , also provides references for LNG vessel traffic organizational pattern in port waters .
This thesis introduces FSA procedure to evaluate navigable safety of port waters , and tries to find out the concrete assessment approaches of traffic safety in port waters .
Compared with other types of vessel , LNG vessel is one kind of high-risk level of the vessel , with the specific hazards of flammable and explosive . If explosions occurred in the port waters , the consequences will be catastrophic .
Potential Environment Effects on Nuclear Power Station Subjected to Terrorism Attacking VTS has been developed for many years in China and brought on the improvements in efficiency , safety and the reduction of potential environment pollution .
The layout arrangement features for water areas of port on silty beach
Assessment on major elements influencing the safety of navigation in harbor area
A Fundamental Study on Biodegradation and Bioremediation of the Oil-contaminated Area of Harbor
Probe into the Establishment of the Long-term Effective Safety Mechanism of Harbour Navigation
Unascertained measure model for port traffic risk assessment
Establishing the Concept of Marine Function Zoning and Legally Harnessing the Unlawful Aquiculture in the Harbor Water Area
Coastal Water Pollution and its Control Synthesis evaluation of the placement of aids to navigation in port environment
To ensure the safety of the harbour water in long run , a long-term effective management mechanism must be established .
This paper studied on bioremediation of the oil-contaminated area of harbor and analyzed the basic principle of the technology of bioremediation .
Port water areas become busier and port channel more crowed as the trends of upsizing , high speed and specialization of ships .
The conclusion is that the fairway planning method in this paper is basic feasibility , and has certain reference to the port waters ' fairway planning .
Furthermore , the paper also provide a method to evaluate whether the placement of aids to navigation in the port water area is reasonable and a set of theory of how to place the aids to navigation in reason .
But the port is limited , resulting in heavy traffic in port area , and danger of collisions also increased significantly in it for safety , In many ports , large ship handling must be assisted by tug in Port area .
Ms Fern á ndez 's government pledges to prevent their discovery and development , and has restricted the use of Argentine ports and waters by island shipping .
Generally , it consists of the waters , pier and land .
Major re-surveys of the port areas continue and bilingual nautical charts and publications are published for sale to the public .
Some17traffic-control systems have been established , 300 navigation aids set up or upgraded , and20rbn-dgps stations in coastal ports and crucial waters established , basically achieving the target for completing the nation 's navigation aid chains .
During simulation , a detailed record is made of the various activities of ships in the harbour and in the nearby waters and statistic are obtained about the traffic parameters related to marine traffic safety , time and efficiency .
Much statistical analysis of accidents show that the port and its adjacent waters have become the main area of maritime traffic accident . The accidents bring bigger negative effect to port security , ecological environment and the development of port prosperity .
Secondly , the model is designed to assess the harbour and its adjoining waters in term of marine traffic safety by means of expert investigation and reference to the method of fuzzy comprehensive assessment which has been applied to determine the factors of the engineering design .
Based on Grey System Theory , this part establishes and analysis model of the accident 's main causes on port vessels incidence .
The safety and pollution administration ability of port dangerous liquefied cargo is indirect relation to the safety of ports , terminals , water areas and environment .
Liaohe River coastal wetlands Near the Liaohe oil field , oil spill pollutions are serious , while Water pollution accidents occur every year for the Terminal CAO .
Accompanying all the boons brought about by the Port Law have come some sufferings , the issue of navigation safety management merits the careful attention .
Channel is a part of port water area which has enough width and water depth for vessels to pass through safely .