
Also , converting Hong Kong dollars into Renminbi deposits became more expensive this week following a hike in transaction charges .
Local savers are increasingly converting their Hong Kong dollars to the renminbi , while corporate borrowers are happy to pay higher interest rates in Hong Kong as it gets harder to borrow money on the mainland .
What 's the exchange rate for Hong Kong dollars ?
China 's capital controls mean that individuals and companies are allowed to convert just HK $ 20,000 of cash a day into renminbi under normal circumstances .
The freely convertible Hong Kong dollar was used as a proxy for hedging against , or speculating on , a possible appreciation of the renminbi .
Lunch is about 114 Hong Kong dollars a person , or $ 15 at 7.60 Hong Kong dollars to the U.S. dollar ;
Nevertheless , the Hong Kong dollar has appreciated by 0.69 per cent against the US dollar since early August , as it is allowed to fluctuate a little within a narrow official convertibility zone from HK $ 7.75 to HK $ 7.85 .