
  1. 零售银行渠道调查报告

    Bank retail channel survey

  2. 谨提示贸易双方自行通过商务渠道调查核实客户资信状况并承担可能的风险。

    Our Office would like to draw your attention to check the credit and financial standing of the sellers and buyers through the commercial channels by yourself and take the possible risks .

  3. 通过文献研究、组织战略分析、头脑风暴法、行为事件访谈等多种渠道收集调查问卷条目,采用360度胜任素质调查问卷对X矿业集团200多人进行了调查。

    This study collected the items of the questionnaire through literature research , organization strategic analysis , brainstorming , behavioral event interviews etc , and investigated more than 200 workers using 360 ' competency questionnaire in X mining group , including middle managers themselves , senior managers and employees .

  4. 土保护层膜料防渗渠道的调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis of Earth Memebrane Covering Lining of Canals

  5. 我国工业企业营销渠道管理调查及分析

    Investigation and analysis of marketing management in Chinese Enterprises

  6. 这项调查被期待为广泛的、关注各种筹资渠道的调查,并将在下届大选之前结束。

    The review is expected to be wide-ranging , looking at various funding options , but will not be finished until after the next general election .

  7. 美国劳工部和教育部主要负责开发就业渠道、调查和制定宏观政策、信息统计分析和发布等。

    US Department of labor and Department of education focus on evaluate and develop job placement channels , investigate and make state-level policies , analyse and publish statistical data .

  8. 首先是对新闻信息流通渠道的调查,以报刊、电视和网络三大媒介为例对信息在县、乡、村三级流动情况做了全面描述。

    The author first investigates the media used to communicate the news info , for which take newspaper , television and network in county / town / village as examples .

  9. 首先,本文选取了我国软件工程师为研究对象,通过文献检索与分析、问卷法、访谈等多种渠道收集调查问卷条目,形成问卷,在全国软件工程师比较集中的大中城市调查四百多人。

    By literature retrieval and analysis , questionnaire , interview and other channels to collect entries and by surveying more than 400 people from large and medium-sized cities which software engineers are concentrated in to form a questionnaire .

  10. 通过设计调查问卷,对工程硕士的信息需求和信息获取渠道进行调查,确定工程硕士的信息需求主要是与工作相关联的信息,获取信息的主要渠道是因特网,他们更多依赖于搜索引擎。

    We designed a survey questionnaire about network information needs of Master of Engineering . We find that Master of Engineering access information from the Internet , they need more work-related information , and often rely on search engines .

  11. 其次,通过对国航西南公司客运市场营销渠道的现状的调查了解,发现问题并对存在的问题进行分析;

    Then , discover problems by situation investigation of the air passenger transport marketing channels of the National Aviation Southwest Company , and analyze the existing problems ;

  12. 从资金的供给角度对信贷资金、风险资金、私人借款、资本市场、自有资金等不同融资渠道的资金进行调查研究。

    From the perspective of capital supply , it did researches in the various financial channels of lending capital , venture capital , private loans , capital market and self-owned capital .

  13. 为了满足商场生存的基本要求:了解市场,首席执行官们渴求从各种渠道得到数据&调查、焦点小组、收银机收据,会员卡,以及越来越多地从社交媒体中。

    They thirst for data – from surveys , focus groups , till receipts , loyalty cards and , increasingly , social media – to meet the basic requirement for survival in business : know your market .