
qīng guī
  • monastic rules for Buddhists;regulations;taboos and commandments
清规 [qīng guī]
  • [monastic rules for Buddhists] 佛教中僧尼必须遵守的戒规

清规[qīng guī]
  1. 三界本有清规在。

    The three realms have their own laws .

  2. 绪论界定了道教戒律的内涵,指出本文所论戒律为戒、律、清规。

    The introduction gives definition to Taoist commandments , and points out commandments in this dissertation refer to taboo , discipline , and regulation .

  3. 第三部分主要从江西经济发展模式等角度分析了《百丈清规》首创于江西的原因及其对江西禅林经济的影响。

    The third part analysises the reason why 《 BaiZhangQingGui 》 began first in Jiangxi province and its influence to Jiangxi monasteries economy from jiangxi economic development mode angles .

  4. 如果认为规章、戒律不好,那和尚也就不必当了,因为庙里规矩甚严,和尚们必须遵守的清规、戒律才多着呢!

    If feeling regulations are bad , you don 't need to be a monk , because the regulations in temple , which monk must abide by , are plentiful .