
qīnɡ zhēn sì
  • mosque;masjid
清真寺 [qīng zhēn sì]
  • [mosque] 伊斯兰教公共礼拜的场所

  1. 他在当地的清真寺做礼拜。

    He worshipped at the local mosque .

  2. 几十万人挤进了那座清真寺。

    Hundreds of thousands of people packed into the mosque

  3. 旧城区汇集了许多教堂、大宅院和清真寺。

    The Old Town has a whole collection of churches , palaces and mosques .

  4. 晚上,人们聚集到清真寺里。

    In the evening , the people assemble in the mosques

  5. 新月形标志在清真寺顶端闪闪发光。

    A glittering Islamic crescent tops the mosque .

  6. 为什么要让我们相信这条隧洞是在清真寺下?

    Why make us believe that this tunnel runs underneath the mosques ?

  7. 清真寺为穆斯林宗教活动场所和文化中心。

    The mosque is a activity site and culture center of Muslim religion .

  8. 沿着狭窄的街道是拥挤的带有天井的房子,环绕着一个有正方形尖塔的清真寺

    Typically , houses with patios crowd along narrow streets around a mosque with a square minaret .

  9. 卡玛拉·克汗决定像普通女孩那样继续生活,去上学、去清真寺、继续在网上写她的复仇者联盟同人小说。

    Kamala Khan was determined5 to keep living her life as an ordinary girl — going to school , going to her mosque6 , and writing Avengers fanfic on the Internet .

  10. 他在culver城的什叶派清真寺里。

    He 's at the chiite mosque in Culver city .

  11. Sieghart说,清真寺水复用的概念现在已经被有些公众接受。

    Sieghart says the concept of reusing mosque water already has public acceptance .

  12. 最有影响力的逊尼派牧师之一,开罗爱资哈尔的Sheikh谴责安全部队袭击在清真寺中避难的抗议者。

    One of the most influential Sunni clerics , the Sheikh of al-Azhar in Cairo , has condemned attacks on protesters taking refuge in mosques .

  13. 2007年,在武装分子绑架多名中国公民后,在中国的压力下,巴方突袭红色清真寺(LalMasjid)。

    In 2007 , under Chinese pressure , Islamabad raided the Lal Masjid Red Mosque after militants kidnapped several Chinese citizens .

  14. 其中比较出名的是15世纪建造的西迪叶海亚(SidiYahya)清真寺和苏菲派圣徒陵墓。

    Among the more famous are the 15th-century Sidi Yahya mosque and the ancient tombs of Sufi saints .

  15. 最极端的行为是在西岸的北边贝都因镇的图巴(Tuba),犹太宗教人士最近烧毁了一座清真寺。

    To cap it all , religious Jews recently torched a mosque in Tuba , a Bedouin town in the north of the West Bank .

  16. 英国穆斯林协会(muslimcouncilofbritain)的依纳亚特邦拉瓦拉(inayatbunglawala)表示,过去20年来,英国清真寺的数量已经从不到400座增加到目前的1699座已登记祈祷场所。

    In the United Kingdom , says Inayat Bunglawala of the Muslim Council of Britain , the number of mosques has jumped in the last 20 years from under 400 to 1699 registered places of prayer today .

  17. 我们看到,这位统治者不仅在伊斯法罕(Isfahan)建造了伟大的清真寺,他还建造了一座亚美尼亚大教堂。同时他还让基督教的组织来波斯做事。

    We have this ruler who not only builds the great mosques of Isfahan but also an Armenian cathedral , and who brings Christian foundations to work in Persia .

  18. 首批警讯之一出现在2007年,当时一批中国妇女在巴基斯坦遭到绑架,最终导致拉合尔(Lahore)的红色清真寺被围困。

    One of the first wake-up calls was in 2007 , when a group of Chinese women were abducted in Pakistan , an event which led to the siege of the Red Mosque in Lahore .

  19. 在祈祷朝圣者填写的街道,近Namira在阿拉法特,沙特阿拉伯周一,二○一○年十一月十五日清真寺。

    Pilgrims fill the streets in prayer , near Namira mosque in Arafat , Saudi Arabia on Monday , Nov.15,2010 .

  20. 在11月12日,EyadNajiLatif和其他8个家人,其中包括一个六个月大的婴孩,拿着他们的财物,一个跟一个地走到清真寺。

    On12 November Eyad Naji Latif and eight members of his family-one of them a six month old child-gathered their belongings and walked in single file , as instructed , to the mosque .

  21. 对新清真寺的设计规划引起了各界广泛的批评。

    The designs for the new mosque have attracted widespread criticism .

  22. 另一个则在特立尼达岛是一位享有盛名的偏远清真寺的教长。

    Another is the well-liked imam of a suburban Trinidad mosque .

  23. 将清真寺的水重新用于灌溉也门干涸的田地。

    Mosque water is reused to irrigate Yemen 's dry fields .

  24. 目击者表示,由坦克掩护的军队袭击了奥马里清真寺。

    Witnesses said troops backed by tanks stormed the Omari mosque .

  25. 本文以北京的现代化城市为背景,选取北京的3个清真寺社区为主要调查对象。

    Mosque communities in Beijing are chosen as the main respondents .

  26. 现在,大火正在红色清真寺内燃烧。

    Watch as fire smolders at the bullet-ridden Red Mosque complex .

  27. 比如这间可以追溯到1315年的清真寺就是这样。

    This mosque , for example , dates back to 1315 .

  28. 世界上最大的清真寺之一&巴德夏希清真寺。

    Badshahi Mosque , one of the largest in the world .

  29. 穆斯林在清真寺祈祷和举行宗教活动。

    Moslems pray and hold religion activities in a mosque .

  30. 他高高兴兴地朝那盖得像是一座清真寺的澡堂走去。

    He walked cheerfully towards the mosque of the baths .