
qīng yū
  • dredging;desilting;desilt
清淤[qīng yū]
  1. 清淤工程4种工程量计算方法的分析与应用

    Analysis and application of 4 calculation methods of quantity of desilting works

  2. 连续清淤及脱水技术在沉淀池中的应用

    Application of Continuous Desilting and Dewatering in Sedimentation Tank

  3. 警方已经花了数周对湖底清淤,但还是没有发现他的尸体。

    Police have spent weeks dredging the lake but have not found his body .

  4. 基于Bernoulli效应的便携式清淤机设计及试验

    Design and test of the portable dredging machine based on Bernoulli effect

  5. QB-90型气力泵技术改造及用于水库清淤的研究

    The Technical Transformation of QB-90 Pneuma-pump and the Study of . Removal of Deposits in the Reservoir

  6. 工程清淤船喷射推进动力系统研究

    Study on the Jet Propeller Power System of the Engineering Dredger

  7. 清淤现场、填海区及废弃场的位置。

    Location of dredging sites and reclamation and spoil fields sites .

  8. 环保型清淤输泥方法和设备

    Environment protection type silt cleaning and conveying method and its equipment

  9. 港口清淤船防碰撞预警网络平台研究

    Research for Collision Prevention Pre-warning Network Platform of Harbor Sludge-removing Ship

  10. 我国江河湖库清淤疏浚实践与分析

    Analysis on dredging practice in rivers , lakes and reservoirs

  11. 不同清淤方式对土壤侵蚀影响的研究

    Study on the Influences of Different Silt & eliminating on Soil Erosion

  12. 在分析我国清淤疏浚队伍及疏浚实践的基础上,提出了江河湖库清淤疏浚的基本原则。

    Some basic principles about dredging are also put forward .

  13. 城市下水道清淤移动式机械手系统设计

    Design of a Mobile Manipulator System for Sullage Disposal in Urban Areas

  14. 一种新型的清淤输泥设备

    A new type of dredging and mud flow conveying system

  15. 从无底船假清淤说起

    Talk About the Fake Sludge Dredging by the Non - bottom Boat

  16. 水库变流速中心排沙清淤体系及其方法

    Silt - drainage System in Variable Flow Velocity Center in a Reservoir

  17. 如不符合要求,监理方可要求立即停止清淤。

    In case of non-compliance the engineer can require immediate dredging stop .

  18. 煤矿水仓新型清淤系统

    A new-typed system for clearing away sludge in mine sumps

  19. 清淤调水,保证洞庭湖调蓄能力;

    To guaranteed the ability of adjusting the water by purifying sediments ;

  20. 1QY&0.9型悬挂式灌渠清淤机的研制

    Development of 1QY & 0.9 type hanging silt cleaner in irrigation ditches

  21. 软土地基处理中河塘清淤方法的探讨

    Methods of Cleaning the Silt of Pool in the Soft Ground Improvement

  22. 河口闸下水动力与泥沙清淤问题的研究

    Hydrodynamic Force and Sediment Disposal down Floodgate near Estuary

  23. 具有水力推进器的水下清淤机的设计

    Design for under - water purge machine with propeller

  24. 安砂水库水下清淤工程中的数字测图

    Digital Mapping in Underwater Silt Removal of Ansha Reservoir

  25. 中小型河道清淤机械的合理选型

    Reasonable selection of mud cleaner type for small-and-middle-sized river

  26. 地基基槽清平机深基槽清淤验收方法的探讨

    Foundation trench clearing machine Check and Acceptance of Desilting for Deep Foundation Trench

  27. 巢湖清淤合肥项目区域污染底泥调查研究

    The Investigation of Polluted Bed Mud of Chaohu Lake Dredging Project in Hefei

  28. 水下清淤取样检测器具的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Underwater Dredging Sampling Testing Apparatus

  29. 两栖式清淤机步进行走机构的动力分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Step-by-Step Walking Mechanism of Amphibious Silt-Cleaner

  30. 介绍了七种不同类型的清淤机械及其主要用途。

    Seven different types of mud cleaners and their main usage are introduced .