
qīng shuǐ
  • clean water;clear water;branch water
清水 [qīng shuǐ]
  • [clear water] 清澈的凉水

清水[qīng shuǐ]
  1. 根据地质资料和钻孔结构,确定了要选择的钻探设备、附属设备及钻进方法。冲洗液选用清水,取心技术采用干钻取心法,配合单管钻具。

    Develop liquid select branch water for use , fetch heart technology adopt and do and get into and fetch the heart law , it is in charge of the drilling tool only to cooperate .

  2. 这么热的天,清水都是甘露。

    On such a hot day , even water was nectar .

  3. 她用清水涮了杯子。

    She swilled the glasses with clean water .

  4. 每次用完洗发剂后都要用清水将头发冲洗几次。

    After shampooing , always rinse the hair several times in clear water

  5. 要泡开西红柿干,需要将其放在清水中用文火炖,直到它们变软。

    To reconstitute dried tomatoes , simmer in plain water until they are tender

  6. 然后用清水擦洗它们,再放到一间暖和的屋子里放一到两小时晾干。

    They are then scrubbed with clean water and left to dry off for an hour or two in a warm room

  7. 湖中有十来枝荷花。荷花上清水滴滴,荷叶上水珠滚来滚去。

    Crystal drops were dripping from a dozen lotus buds in the lake , while beads of water rolled about the leaves .

  8. 清水从泉水中涌出。

    Clear water gushed from the spring .

  9. 清水出现了,他们的钱却用光了。

    Clear water appeared , but their money was used up .

  10. 每天用清水以及不含化学添加剂的洗面奶清洁皮肤。然后涂抹富含维生素E成分的乳液或面霜,以保持皮肤的湿润度。

    Clean your skin with water and free-chemicals cleansing2 products every day , and moisturize it with skin lotion3 and cream containing high amount of vitamin E.

  11. 在水库被污染之后,清水便因稀而贵了。

    Fresh water was at a premium after the reservoir was contaminated .

  12. 这决不会叫人联想到晶莹的清水,如画的两岸,雄壮的气势。

    It'suggests no crystal waters , no picturesque shores , no sublimity .

  13. 用肥皂和清水或含有酒精的洗手液勤洗手:

    Frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water .

  14. 她将水罐注满了清水。

    She filled the ewer with fresh water .

  15. 她将水壶注满了清水。

    She filled the jug with fresh water .

  16. 当口腔里充满麻辣的滋味,清水品尝起来就像是姜汁饮料一样。

    When your mouth is coated with ma la , water tastes like flat ginger1 ale .

  17. 如果用清水或漱口水冲洗掉泡沫,那么牙膏的防蛀作用就会大打折扣。正确做法是,将多余牙膏和泡沫吐掉即可。在你刷完牙后,你会用水漱漱口然后吐掉,这样才不会满嘴都是牙膏泡沫。

    After you finish brushing your teeth , swishing around some water before spitting ensures that you rid your mouth of all that frothy toothpaste .

  18. 结论螺旋CT扫描结合口服清水、2%泛影葡胺灌肠对结肠癌的诊断及术前分期有重要意义。

    Conclusion MSCT scan after administration of water orally and 2 % meglumine diatrizoate enema in diagnosis of colonic neoplasms has great value .

  19. 上海F1国际赛车场清水混凝土施工技术

    The Construction Techniques of Plain Concrete for Fl International Velodrome in Shanghai

  20. 方法采用动态或螺旋CT增强扫描及口服清水法,前瞻性研究86例胃部肿瘤,其CT表现与大体病理标本进行对照。

    Methods 86 patients with gastric tumors were studied prospectively with spiral or dynamic CT , the images were compared with the finding from pathologic specimen .

  21. 小兴安岭东部清水岩体的锆石激光探针U-Pb年龄测定

    LA-ICPMS Zircon U-Pb Age of the Qingshui Pluton in the East Xiao Hinggan Mountains

  22. 濒危鱼类稀有白甲鱼清水江种群mtDNAD-loop序列多态性

    Sequence polymorphism of mtDNA D-loop in the population of the endangered species Onychostoma rara from the Qingshui River

  23. 颗粒污泥在清水中的静沉速与颗粒粒径成正比,二者之间的关系可用Allen公式来描述;

    The settling velocity of granular sludge in clean water was proportional to its diameter , and thier relation could be described with Allen equation .

  24. 500kV惠州换流站清水混凝土防火墙施工

    Construction of Dry Concrete Fire Fighting Wall in Huizhou 500 kV Converter Station

  25. 表面活性剂和氢氧化钠溶液预先在管道搅拌器内混合,再与质量分数为0.5%的PAM溶液和清水在静态混合器内混合。

    The surfactant and sodium hydroxide solutions was premixed in online dynamic mixer then mixed with 0.5 % ( wt ) PAM and water in static mixer .

  26. 利用格子Boltzmann方法,将支沟中泥石流视为一种宾汉体,主河中清水视为一种外力,建立格子Boltzmann模型,对入汇角为90°的情况进行了模拟。

    On the assumption that the debris flow is the Bingham body and the water in primary river is a external force , the lattice Boltzmann model is set up .

  27. 石嘴山电厂扩建工程220kV配电装置楼清水混凝土的施工评述

    Review of construction of 220 kV-switch house with clear water concrete for enlargement of Shizuishan power plant

  28. 生化防治的应用模式&生物接触氧化法治理印染污水技术清水溪治污工程D4标段排污管道施工技术

    Usage of Biochemical Technology in Sewage of Printing and Dying ; Sewage Pipe Construction Technology of D4 Section in Qingshui Creek Pollution Control Project

  29. 禹州电厂一期主厂房柱、梁、板等构件均采用清水混凝土施工工艺。梁、柱模板采用拼装大块钢模板表面粘贴PVC板;

    As-cast-finish concrete technology was adopted in the works of columns , beams and floor slabs of main plant of Yu Zhou power plant phase 1.Huge spliced steel forms stuck with PVC board were used for concrete pouring of beams and columns .

  30. 在自行设计和建立的模型实验台上,利用盐水溶液在清水中的扩散运动模拟非等温室内气流组织,并将用CFD的计算结果与实验结果进行了比较。

    A series of experiments of using the salt liquor diffusion motion in the water to simulate non-isothermal indoor air-flow was carried out . The author used PIV to test experiment result and compares CFD result with experiment result .