
qīng xī dù
  • definition;resolution;intelligibility;articulation;legibility
清晰度 [qīng xī dù]
  • [articulation] 传输系统对原话可再现的程度

清晰度[qīng xī dù]
  1. 将25例术后腭裂患者依语音清晰度分成分成语音缺陷组(IAr)和语音清晰组(NAr);另选正常儿童15例作为对照组(N)。

    25 postoperative CP patients were grouped by speech articulation , and 15 normal children were selected as control .

  2. 结果患者语音清晰度从训练前的47.33%提高到训练后93.67%,平均提高45.97%,经t检验,差异具有显著性(P0.05)。

    Results Through the speech training , patients ' speech articulation improve from 47.33 percent to 93.67 percent , improve 45.97 percent on average . By the t-test , there is significant difference . ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 数字电视图像的清晰度很高。

    The definition of the digital TV pictures is excellent .

  4. 这项卓越技术的清晰度比常规的X光高得多。

    This remarkable technology provides far greater clarity than conventional x-rays .

  5. 对于解译人员来说,清晰度可能从来都不是很满意的。

    The clarity of resolution can be never too good for interpreter .

  6. 应用灰阶率量化分析重建CT图像清晰度研究

    Quantitative Analysis of the Definition of Rebuilding CT Images Using the Grayscale-Rate

  7. 基于FPGA的数字高清晰度电视视频解码器的设计和实现

    The design and implementation of an FPGA-based digital HDTV video decoder

  8. 高清晰度CCD图象传感器及其发展趋势

    High Definition CCD Image Sensors and Its Development Trends

  9. 焦点的尺寸大小及聚焦质量直接影响X射线机透视、摄影图像的清晰度;

    The focal spot sizes can immediately influence picture definition when X-ray machine carry through clairvoyance and photography .

  10. 其他的电视只能达到标凖清晰度,即SD,画质还要差。

    Others are stuck at standard definition , or SD , which is even worse .

  11. Matlab仿真结果表明三种方案的数据压缩率高,重建语音信号具有良好的清晰度和自然度。

    MATLAB simulative results indicate that their data compression ratio is high and the reconstructed speech signals have good quality .

  12. 鸡单核苷酸多态性与高清晰度QTL图谱的构建

    Single nucleotide polymorphisms and fine mapping QTL in chickens

  13. 本文讨论高清晰度电视(HDTV)体制的关键技术。

    The key technologies in HDTV system are discussed in this paper .

  14. 统一高清晰度电视(HDTV)标准基本参数的必要性和前景

    The Necessity and Prospect of an Unified HDTV Standard

  15. 方法对42张CT片依片基分为两组进行复制,通过计算灰阶率分析图像清晰度和影响清晰度因素。

    Methods Forty two rebuilt CT films were divided into two groups upon the base , then the definition of images was analyzed by calculating the gray scale rate .

  16. 高清晰度电视:PDP与LCD

    Hdtv : PDP and LCD

  17. 结论CR作为一种全新的影像学成像技术,以其高清晰度的图像质量,有效地实现了X线平片的数字化。

    Conclusion CR as a new radiology technique , it achieved to transform the traditional X-ray into digital information with high distinct picture quality .

  18. 结果通过工业CT重构实例,这套简易工业CT重构系统具有成本低、重构速度快和CT切片清晰度较高的特点。

    Results Through industrial CT reconstruction instance , it indicates that this system shows the advantages of low cost ? high reconstruction speed and relatively high definition of CT slice .

  19. 因此本文提出基于深度变化成像模型的最大期望(EM)复原算法,能够提高图像清晰度,尤其是在深度方向;

    Therefore , an expectation maximization ( EM ) algorithm based on the depth-variant imaging model is proposed in this paper .

  20. HRCT较普通CT发现结缔组织疾病继发间质性肺病的胸部早期影像表现的敏感性更高,影像清晰度更好。

    Compared with ordinary CT , HRCT had the better sensitivity of the early imaging performance in connective tissue disease secondary interstitial lung changes .

  21. HDTV图像清晰度测试

    Test of HDTV picture definition

  22. 如何在现有的PC系统上,在不升级硬件的前提下,廉价而方便的实现对高清晰度视频的实时编解码,引起了研究者们的广泛关注。

    How to implement low cost real-time encoding-decoding for high definition video under existing PC system without upgrading hardware , has come into a number of researchists ' notice .

  23. 针对基于MIPS核的高清晰度电视(HDTV)的片上系统,设计了一种EC总线控制器。

    An EC bus controller of high definition television ( HDTV ) based on MIPS IP core is presented .

  24. 文中设计、生成HDTV图像清晰度复合测试图。

    In this paper , we designed the composite lest pattern for testing the Definition of the HDTV Picture .

  25. 高清晰度电视接收机OSD功能的软件设计

    Software design of OSD function for HDTV receiver

  26. 利用集中输入输出思想、梯形图编程方法和布尔逻辑运算,简化了复杂逻辑PLC程序的设计,提高了程序逻辑的清晰度和可靠性。

    By application of concentrative I / O , ladder chart and bool logic , PLC program design with complex logic is simplified , clarity and reliability of program logic are improved .

  27. 263编码器在保持较高清晰度的情况下,可以对通用中间格式(CIF)的视频序列进行实时处理。

    The improved H . 263 encoder can compress CIF-format video sequence at real-time with high definition .

  28. 反射式光纤传感器在高清晰度CPT荫罩振动测试中的应用

    The Application of Reflection Type Optical Fiber Sensor in Testing Vibration of the High Definition CPT Aperture Grille Mask

  29. 在这几年,高清晰度电视的巨大市场,使PDP显示技术和产业化有了长足的发展。

    Recently , because of the huge market of the HDTV , the technology and industry of PDP have developed quickly .

  30. 西门子的MR-PET设备能在同一时间同一成像区域进行MR和PET扫描,因此能产生更高的清晰度。

    Siemens'prototype MR-PET acquires MR and PET scans at the same time for the same imaging volume and therefore produces a higher degree of registration .