
  1. 道德层面上来讲,我们很难说清怎样才是对的,但轰炸平民明显不是大多数人所喜闻乐见的。

    It 's hard to say what is morally right in this case , but bombing civilians certainly isn 't a choice most people would ever want to have to make .

  2. 然而直到女学之风已刮遍全国之时,清政府才于1907年宣布了女子教育的合法性,给女学生定了名分。

    But it was not until wind of woman education blowed at the whole country that Qing Government announced the legitimacy of woman education and gave the schoolgirl appropriate position in 1907 .

  3. 伴娘肩负着迷惑恶魔的任务,过去,伴娘的着装和新娘相似,她会让所有想伤害新娘的魔鬼分不清谁才是真正的新娘。

    Confuse the spirits with decoy bridesmaids . In the past , bridesmaids wore dresses similar to the bride in order to confuse any nearby evil spirits who wished to harm the bride .

  4. 我就是弄不清做什么才好。

    I just don 't know what to do for the best .

  5. 但是甚至在那些更为普通的文字内容中,也常常搞不清哪些东西才算作“提案”。

    But even in more ordinary contexts the existence of a " proposal " is often unclear .

  6. 当人们被选择担当这一角色,而对其内涵或者与自己先前角色的区别理解不清时,才对它最觉得恐惧。

    People are most fearful of this role when they are selected for it and either have a poor understanding of what is involved or are not clear on how it is different to their previous role .

  7. 直到天色黑了,看不清猫猫了,才回到小西天,对付那些个难过的夜晚。

    Has been black until the weather , could not see clearly the pandas , only then returned to the small Western Paradise , coped with these sad night .

  8. 第二章,以清中叶(雍正&道光)徽州才媛诗人为研究对象,分三节论述41位清中叶的才媛诗人,重在体现盛世之际徽州女性文学的繁盛。

    The second chapter to middle period of Qing dynasty analysises ( Yongzheng - Daoguang ) Huizhou women poets , the three sections discussed 41 Huizhou women poets , focuses the female literature in the time of huizhou prosperity .