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qīng yōu
  • quiet and beautiful;quiet and deep
清幽 [qīng yōu]
  • [quiet and deep] 清静幽深

  • 泉石清幽

清幽[qīng yōu]
  1. 秦观在感伤词的艺术表现方面,擅长描摹清幽冷寂的自然风景意象,营造出萧瑟凄厉的“有我之境”。

    He displays the respect in art of the sad Ci-poem , is good at depicting the quiet and beautiful and cold and quiet natural scenery image , build out the bleak and woeful and shrill realm .

  2. 茅草亭是独自放松和读书的阴凉清幽之所。

    Thatched pavilions provide shady retreats for relaxing and reading in privacy .

  3. 她极具吸引力,清幽如鬼魅,令人着迷,令人难忘,是个独具特色的演员。

    She is compelling , spectral , fascinating , an unforgettably unique performer .

  4. 福和慧素食餐厅(FuHeHui)清幽静谧,隐身于上海车水马龙、喧嚣嘈杂的闹市区。

    Fu He Hui is a haven of stillness amid the car horns and frantic traffic of Shanghai .

  5. 动物实验显示:清幽益胃汤对慢性胃炎脾胃湿热证合并Hp感染大鼠有较好的治疗作用。

    The Experimental research on animals shows : Qing You Yi Wei Decoction has good treatment effect on rats with chronic gastritis of Spleen-stomach Damp-heat Syndrome with Hp contaminated .

  6. 本研究应用中医理论及现代技术从临床与实验两方面观察清幽益胃汤治疗Hp相关性慢性浅表性胃炎脾胃湿热证的疗效。

    This research applies the theory of Traditional Chinese medicine and modern technology from clinical practics to experiments observing the effect of treating Helicobacter pylori associated chronic superficial gastritis of Spleen-stomach Damp-heat Syndrome with Qing You Yi Wei Decoction .

  7. 本研究表明:清幽益胃汤治疗Hp相关性慢性浅表性胃炎脾胃湿热证既有很好的改善症状和消除胃黏膜组织炎症作用,又有较好的根除Hp作用。

    The results of this experiment shows that : Qing You Yi Wei Decoction has a quite good effect on treating Helicobacter pylori associated chronic superficial gastritis of Spleen-stomach Damp-heat Syndrome by improving clinical symptoms , eliminating the inflammation of gastric mucosa tissues and eradicating Helicobacter pylori .

  8. 它的花是白色的,清幽而淡雅。

    Its flowers are white , quiet and elegant .

  9. 必将在枯萎中重生,花蕾的成长,清幽的芬芳。

    Bound to wither in the rebirth , bud growth , quiet fragrance .

  10. 她思慕乡下那清幽的空气。

    She sighed for the air in the countryside .

  11. 而且环境比较清幽安静。

    Moreover the environment is quite quiet and peaceful .

  12. 清幽的小巷里响起了清脆的自行车铃声。

    I heard the crisp jangling of the bicycle rising from the quiet alley .

  13. 东南海景,环境清幽,会所设施。

    Sea-view , Peaceful , Club house facilities .

  14. 九华山树木蓊郁,环境清幽,是个旅游圣地。

    The Jiuhua Mountain is surrounded by trees , and is a tourist resort .

  15. 我是清幽的黎明。

    I am in the morning hush .

  16. 爱她那淡而清幽的雅香;

    Love her short and quiet ;

  17. 沐浴着温暖的阳光,漫步清幽柔美的碧野,走进生机勃勃的野性世界

    Walk along the quiet and beautiful green field in the sunshine and enter the prosperous wildlife world

  18. 我是清幽安静的晨雾,弥漫于绿色茂盛的荆棘谷。

    I am in the morning hush , of stranglethom ` s jungle , green and lush .

  19. 这是一处清幽如仙境的所在,也是一座富有中国民族特色的花园。

    The garden is a peaceful haven as well as a park with a unique Chinese flavour .

  20. 竹地板:来自足下的清幽高雅

    Elegance From Bamboo Floor

  21. 最值得一提的是,该地区游客相对较少,环境清幽,价钱也较为合理。

    Best of all , it offers reasonable travel costs and sees far fewer travelers than big cities .

  22. 庙内另有一座大花园,奇花异木,清幽雅致。

    In the temple there is a big quiet elegant garden where rare flowers and uncommon trees are grown .

  23. 之后,我搬去了灵隐寺旁的安缦法云,那里地处山间,环境极为清幽。

    Afterwards I moved to the Amanfuyun , located in a quiet , scenic valley next to the Lingyin Temple .

  24. 融入绿荫,闻一闻山间清幽的花果飘香,真是惬意到了极至;

    Into the shade , smell a smell of the fruit of beautiful mountain air , is comfortable to the extreme ;

  25. 清幽益胃汤治疗幽门螺杆菌相关性慢性浅表性胃炎脾胃湿热证的临床与实验研究

    Clinical and Experimental Study on Qing You Yi Wei Decoction in Treating Helicobacter Pylori Associated Chronic Superficial Gastritis of Spleen-stomach Damp-heat Syndrome

  26. 当我们把清幽的笛声描述为“抚慰人心”,我们实际上是在赞美笛声振动正弦波的纯粹。

    When we describe a quiet flute as " soothing " , we are really commenting on the sine-wave purity of its vibrations .

  27. 陵园内古木林立,松柏挺拔,环境清幽静谧,气氛庄严肃穆。

    In the cemetery , age-old trees stand in great numbers , pines and cypress are tall and straight , the surroundings are quiet .

  28. 苏州园林数量之众多,环境之清幽,结构之雅致,艺术之精湛,为世界各地所罕见。

    Suzhou is unique in the world in numBer of gardens , their tranquil and serene environment , refined layout and exquisite Building skills .

  29. 对于通常总是用鲜花装饰的售楼中心和大堂,他选择使用一种清幽的花香。

    For the sales center and lobby , which are always filled with freshly cut flowers , he chose to add a light floral scent .

  30. 选配茉莉精油的原因,是其清幽、中性、而带点甘味的气息跟岩兰草精油非常匹配;

    The reason for choosing Jasmine , because of its'pure floral , neuter and mild bitter as Liquorice scents , are perfectly matched with Vetiver .