
  • 网络Detergency;cleanliness
  1. 介绍了板式成焦器的原理和改进,以及应用改进后的板式成焦器对CC柴油机油清净性的评价。

    The principle and improvement of panel coker as well as the evaluation on the detergency of CC diesel engine oil by improved panel coker were described .

  2. 用模拟MS程序ⅢD和ⅤD的模拟试验机研究了抗氧剂的用量、不同类型清净剂的配比及无灰分散剂与清净剂的配比对内燃机油清净性的影响。

    The effects of different kinds of antioxidants , detergent s , detergent / ashless dispersant , and their dosages on the engine oil detergency were studied using laboratory testers simulating MS sequence ⅲ D and ⅴ D tests .

  3. CC、CD级柴油机油清净性模拟评定方法的研究

    Studied on simulation test for detergent performance of CC and CD grade diesel engine oils

  4. 在高温条件下,到定CC级、CD级柴油机油的清净性。

    The detergent performance of CC , CD grade diesel engine oils is evaluated at high temperature condition .

  5. JC-1冷轧油用于五机架高速串联轧机上具有优异的轧机清净性、退火清净性以及润滑性。

    TC 1 cold rolling oil exhibits superior properties such as mill cleanliness , annealed cleaning and lubricity .

  6. EGD风冷二冲程汽油机油清净性试验台架的建立

    Setting up detergence test bench for EGD wind cooling two stroke gasoline engine oil

  7. CR-2W清净性薄板冷轧油的研制及应用

    Formulation and application of cr-2w detergent thin-plate cold-rolling oil

  8. 采用M111发动机台架试验和行车试验,考察了中国汽油的清净性。

    The detergency performance of Chinese gasoline was investigated by M111 engine bench and road tests .

  9. 实际评定试验中整套装置运行稳定、可靠,已成功用于TC-W3高档水冷二冲程汽油机油的清净性评定。

    The all test system works well in the actual operation , which has been successful used as the evaluating detergency test for TC-W3 grade water-cooled two-stroke gasoline engine oils .

  10. 按ISO(国际标准化组织)公布的EGD二冲程汽油机油清净性试验方法,使用自行改造的商业发动机以及自行设计配套的测控系统,建立了EGD油清净性试验评定装置。

    According to the method of EGD two-stroke gasoline engine detergency test published by ISO , using the reformed commerce engine and designed control system by oneself , the equipment of EGD detergency test procedure for evaluating 2T gasoline engine oil was set up .

  11. 通过对美国船舶制造商协会(NMMA)TC-W3清净性评定技术和评定设备进行研究,提出了TC-W3高档水冷二冲程油清净性的简易评定技术。

    A set of equipment and evaluating techniques is designed according to relative international standards , which is equivalent to that of American NMMA ( National Marine Manufacturer Association ) TC-W3 .

  12. 开发了1种环境友好的酯型铜管拉拔油,该油与制冷剂HFC-134a有良好的相容性和优良的退火清净性,完全可以满足无氟利昂制冷新工艺对铜管拉拔的要求。

    An environmental friendly ester drawing oil for copper tube was developed , this oil had good compatibility with HFC - 134a as well as excellent annealing cleanliness , and could satisfy the requirement of copper tube drawing of new non - freon refrigeration technology completely .

  13. 二冲程汽油机油清净性行车试验研究

    Investigation on the Detergency of Two-Stroke Motorcycle Oil in Field Test

  14. 机油清净性分析仪的研究

    Research on the Analyzer for the Purity of Engine Oil

  15. 用变温成焦板试验评价柴油机油的清净性

    Evaluation on the detergency of diesel engine oil through change-temperature coke test

  16. 烯烃等组分对中国车用无铅汽油清净性的影响

    Effect of Olefins and Other Components on Detergency Performance of Chinese Unleaded Gasoline

  17. 降解型高档水冷舷外机油润滑性清净性评定技术

    Evaluating Techniques for Lubricity and Detergency Test for Degradation Water-Cooled Outboard Marine Oil

  18. 柴油机油添加剂间相互作用及活塞清净性研究

    Interactions of diesel engine oil additives and piston detergency

  19. 菜籽油生物柴油的热安定性和清净性研究

    Thermal stability and detergency of rapeseed oil biodiesel

  20. 柴油机油清净性测定法(热管氧化法)

    Determination method for detergency of diesel engine oil ( heat tube oxidation method )

  21. 同时对基础油中硫、氮对油品清净性的影响进行了讨论。

    The influence of sulfur and nitrogen in the base stocks was also studied .

  22. 考察了游离烷基酚对水杨酸盐的清净性和抗氧化性的影响。

    The effect of free alkylphenol on detergency and oxidation resistence of salicylate was investigated .

  23. 一种内燃机油清净性的快速测评方法研究&基于模式识别的漆膜评分系统

    A Rapid Engine Oil Detergency Test & A Pattern Recognition Based Varnish Demerit Evaluation Ssytem

  24. 在废油剖析基础上借助红外镜反射技术评定活塞清净性

    Piston detergency rating of engine test with infrared mirror reflectance based on the used oil analysis

  25. 用于涡轮发动机油的一种特殊结构的分散剂,能明显提高涡轮油的高温清净性。

    A dispersant with particular structure used in turbo oils can obviously improves the high temperature cleanliness .

  26. 分散型乙丙粘度指数改进剂既具有极佳的粘温性能,又具有优良的清净性和分散性。

    The amelioration of dispersive-viscosity index of ethylene-propylene copolymer both have good viscidity-temperature capability and fine lusterration and decentralization .

  27. 考察了汽油清净剂对储备汽油清净性的影响及其作用机理。

    The effect of gasoline detergent when treating gasoline reserve was investigated , and its function mechanism was discussed .

  28. 通过研究发现,基础油中烃类对油品的清净性有一定影响。

    It was found that the hydrocarbons of the base stocks has some influence on the engine oil detergency .

  29. 工业使用结果表明,该油具有优良的润滑性、冷却性和退火清净性。

    A series of industrial applications showed that the oil has good properties of lubrication , cooling and anneal free of annoyance .

  30. 结果表明,该方法结果可靠,重复性好,对汽油清净剂清净性区分性强;

    Results showed that IVDS method shows high performance of differentiate the detergency of different additive , and data are reliable and repeatable .