
hùn xiáo; hǔn xiáo
  • confound;obscure;blur;confuse;mix up;mislead;muddle;garble
混淆 [hùn xiáo]
  • (1) [obscure;blur;confuse;mix up]∶混杂,使界限不分明

  • 混淆黑白

  • (2) [mislead]∶制造混乱蒙蔽人

  • 混淆视听

混淆[hùn xiáo; hǔn xiáo]
  1. 不要混淆手段与目的。

    Don 't confound the means with the ends .

  2. 不要混淆手段与目的。Java与JAVAapplet和JavaScript间的混编方法

    Don 't confound the means with the ends . The mixed programming method based on Java and Java Applet and JavaScript

  3. 这部传记有时混淆了事实和虚构。

    This biography sometimes crosses the borderline between fact and fiction .

  4. 注意不要把数量与质量混淆了。

    Be careful not to confuse quantity with quality .

  5. 我们开始混淆皇室大家庭和君主制这两个概念了。

    We are beginning to muddle the extended royal family and the monarchy .

  6. 最近发生的一些事件使这一问题变得混淆不清。

    This issue has been obscured by recent events .

  7. 但不用把它画到图上去,因为那样反而会混淆问题的重点。

    Do not draw it on the chart , however , as this will confuse the issue

  8. 人们容易把这两个问题混淆起来。

    People are apt to confuse the two issues .

  9. 这些分析取决于非气孔蒸腾和温度这样一些可能混淆的因素。

    These analyses depend on a number of potentially confounding factors such as nonstomatal transpiration and temperature .

  10. 即使是专家也有可能将伟大的艺术和平庸混淆。

    Great art and mediocrity can get confused , even by experts .

  11. 过对文件进行整合和标注,让他人能够理解,这样的努力使科学家们更加有条理和自律,避免日后出现混淆。

    By   making   the   effort   to   organize   and label   files   so   others   can   understand   them ,   scientists   become   more   organized   and   better disciplined   themselves ,   thus   avoiding   confusion   later   on .

  12. 所有的调查都发现,人们对于名字的混淆往往存在于某种关系群体中,如孙子辈的孩子们、朋友和兄弟姐妹,但是很少跨越这些界限。

    All the surveys found that people mixed up names within relationship groups such as grandchildren , friends and siblings but hardly ever crossed these boundaries .

  13. 老年人和女性犯该错误的频率稍高,但这或许是因为祖父母们的孙子孙女比父母的孩子多,容易混淆。

    Older people and women made the mistake slightly more often , but that may be because grandparents have more grandchildren to mix up than parents have children .

  14. 11世纪时,一个村子里的50个人中,可能有五到六个人的名字叫威廉,这很容易混淆。

    In the 11th century , five or six of the 50 people in a village might be named William , and it was easy to get confused .

  15. 不出所料,女孩名亚莉克莎(Alexa)的使用量在一年内减半,这可能是因为它与亚马逊智能音箱的语音助手同名,从而可能会发生混淆。

    Unsurprisingly , the name Alexa halved in a year , possibly due to potential confusion with Amazon 's smart speaker .

  16. 这些转换混淆了模型的概念,可能导致重构代码时的失败

    Translation muddles model concepts , which leads to destructive refactoring of code .

  17. 如何避免收获后认证与非认证产品的混淆

    How do you prevent commingling of certified with non certified products after harvest ?

  18. 症状与心脏病相似,因此经常被混淆。

    It looks and sounds like a heart attack and is consequently often confused for one .

  19. 2019年,欧盟知识产权局驳回了香奈儿的反对,认为这两个商标并不相似,也不会造成公众混淆。

    In 2019 , the trademark office dismissed Chanel 's objection , saying there was no similarity and no likelihood of confusion in the mind of the public .

  20. 尽管名称源可能存在混淆,但该C代码非常简单。

    Despite the potentially confusing source of names , this C code is very straightforward .

  21. 有时候策略与SOA活动的安全性及可测试性会产生混淆。

    Sometimes policy is confused with security and testability of an SOA initiative .

  22. 诃子易混淆品中鞣质成分的RP-HPLC分析

    Analysis of tannins in varieties of Fructus Chebulae by RP-HPLC

  23. 英语等式句(equativesentence)与对等句(identicalsentence)是英语语义学中易混淆的一对重要概念。

    Equative Sentence and Identical Sentence are two easily confused concepts in English Semantics .

  24. 数字资产如果通过消息平台发送就会出现冲突,因为软件混淆了两个词汇表中的subject和date标签。

    Conflicts arise when a digital asset is sent through the messaging platform because the messaging software confuses the subject and date tags in the two vocabularies .

  25. 此外,基于EnglishROP,我们构造了两个具体的ROP混淆工具。

    In addition , based on English ROP , we construct two specific ROP obfuscation tools .

  26. 针对C语言程序设计中易混淆的几个典型问题,进行深入的分析,提出了避免副作用、编译程序相关等问题的方法。

    : This essay makes further study about some typical confusing problems in C programming and puts forward some methods to avoid the problems on side effects and compiler-dependent problems .

  27. 论述了MODEM的技术发展现状,对其基本概念和易混淆术语作了必要的解释;

    This paper presents current status of MODEM as well as some explanations to easily confused terms and basic concept on MODEM .

  28. 目的用RPHPLC对4种诃子易混淆品种中的鞣质成分进行分析。

    OBJECTIVE The quantitative analysis of hydrolysable tannins in four varieties of Fructus Chebulae was carried out by using RP HPLC .

  29. 背景创伤性枢椎滑脱(TraumaticSpondylolisthesisoftheAxis以下称TSA)的命名和分类仍然是混淆的。

    Background There is ambiguity concerning the nomenclature and classification of the traumatic spondylolisthesis of the Axis ( TSA ) .

  30. 接下来我们讨论一些新接触的基于Kerberos的安全系统的经常混淆的问题。

    Let 's now discuss some frequently confusing issues for those new to Kerberos-based security systems .