
  • 网络Concrete Work;concrete engineering
  1. 地下通廊防水混凝土工程施工技术初探

    Discussion on Construction Technique for Waterproof Concrete Work Adopted in Underground Passageway

  2. 混凝土工程施工缝留置及处治

    The setting and treatment of construction joint in concrete work

  3. CFRP加固技术在混凝土工程中应用

    Application of CFRP strengthening technology in the concrete structure project

  4. YB型混凝土工程抢修料的性能和应用

    Performance and application of Yb type material for urgent repair on concrete project

  5. 新型KJ系列外加剂在防水混凝土工程上的应用

    Application of the new KJ series admixture on the engineering of waterproof concrete

  6. 纤维增强塑料筋(FRP筋)作为一种钢筋替代材料在混凝土工程中的应用是解决钢筋锈蚀问题的新途径之一。

    Fiber reinforced polymer ( FRP ) applied as substitution materials provided a new way to dealing with steel corrosion in concrete structures .

  7. 对防渗要求较高的大体积混凝土工程,通过在混凝土中引入FEA混凝土膨胀剂,以提高混凝土自身密实度;

    For mass concrete project with high request of anti-permeability , the self-density of concrete can be enhanced through the introduce of FEA concrete expansive agent ;

  8. 简要介绍了FRP筋的类型及生产过程,重点讲述了FRP筋的力学特性及在混凝土工程结构中的应用。

    The authors of this paper give a brief introduction on the category and production process of FRP steel , mainly focusing on the dynamic property of FRP steel and its application in the construction of concrete structure .

  9. HLC-1抗裂防渗剂在大型混凝土工程中的应用

    Application of HLC-I crack-resistance and seepage-proofing agent in large-scale concrete construction

  10. 谈剪力墙结构混凝土工程的施工质量控制

    Comment on construction quality control of shear wall structure concrete engineering

  11. 混凝土工程外观质量常见缺陷的处理及预控措施

    Common Defect Treatment , Prevention and Control Measures for Concrete Project

  12. 低温季节混凝土工程施工要点研究

    Key point considerations for concrete construction in periods of low temperature

  13. 超声脉冲平测法在混凝土工程检测中的应用

    Application of the Pulsed Ultrasound Plane Monitor Method in Concrete Damage Detection

  14. 钢筋混凝土工程的常见质量缺陷与处理措施

    Common Quality Defects and Corresponding Countermeasures of Reinforced Concrete Project

  15. 多雨季节混凝土工程施工质量控制方法

    The quality control method of concrete engineering in rainy season

  16. 混凝土工程结构振动测试实例及分析

    Actual Vibration Test Examples of Concrete Structures and Their Analysis

  17. 钢筋混凝土工程裂缝的预防与控制

    The Precautions and Controls of the Cracks of the Reinforced Concrete Construction

  18. 我国聚丙烯纤维混凝土工程的研究与应用进展

    Progress of study and application of polypropylene fibre concrete project in China

  19. 清水混凝土工程模板体系的分析、选型与设计大跨砼结构中扣件式钢管模板支架设计

    Analysis ? selection and design of formwork system of ass-cast-finish concrete project

  20. 混凝土工程中常见裂缝的分析与修补方法

    Analysis and Repair Method of Common Fissures in Concrete Projects

  21. 地下混凝土工程渗漏原因及防治方法浅析

    The analysis of leakage reasons in underground concrete projects and preventive methods

  22. 喷射台车在大面积喷射混凝土工程中的应用技术

    Application of shotcreting jumbo to large area of spraying work

  23. 这对混凝土工程质量控制有利。

    It is benefit for control the quality of concrete .

  24. 拱形钢管混凝土工程施工技术研究

    Research on the construction technique of the concrete in the arch steel tube

  25. 如何避免混凝土工程质量通病的产生

    Measures to prevent common quality defects of concrete engineering

  26. 折合质量的运用泵送预拌大体积混凝土工程质量控制

    The Construction Quality Control of the Mass Ready Mix Concrete Transmitted by Pumps

  27. 地下室混凝土工程防裂和防渗措施及处理方法

    Crack-resistance and seepage control measures of concrete projects of basement and treatment methods

  28. 混凝土工程施工全过程质量控制

    The Whole - course Quality Control in the Construction of the Concrete Works

  29. 长期停建的混凝土工程的腐蚀与维护

    Erosion problem of reinforced concrete works with long suspension and the solution thereof

  30. 浅谈混凝土工程冬期施工质量保证

    Quality Assurance for Construction of Concrete Structure in Winter