
  1. 云贵高原深水湖库环境过程及水源保护途径

    Environmental process of the deep-water lakes and approach to the protection of water resources on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau

  2. 深水湖发生在气候温暖的末次间冰期及全新世大暖期的后半期。

    And deep lake period represented warm climates of the last interglacial and later times of the Holocene megathermal .

  3. 廊固凹陷沙三下段为深水湖相沉积,局部发育洪水成因的浊积砂体。

    Sha3 lower member in Langgu Sag is deep-water lacustrine deposit , and turbidite sand body reservoir of flood genesis is found in An421 well in Zhongchakou area .

  4. 主要结论是:①柴北缘主要烃源岩下侏罗统暗色深水湖相泥岩和下侏罗统的煤岩,可分为Ⅱ、Ⅲ1和Ⅲ2型;

    It is concluded that the major hydrocarbon source rocks in the fringe are those that were developed in Middle-Lower Jurassic , including deepwater lacustrine mudstone and coal seam .

  5. 松辽盆地虽是陆相盆地,但在白垩纪中期的两次全球性板块活动控制下,造成大面积富营养深水湖相沉积,为良好的生油岩。

    Although Song Liao Basin is a continental basin , it has a large area of deep-lacustrine deposits with abundant nutrition to form good source rocks , due to action by twice global plate activities during the Middle Cretaceous .

  6. 湿地处于陆地生态系统(如森林和草地)和水生生态系统(如深水湖和海洋)的过渡地带,形成了一个不同于陆地和水域的独特生态系统。

    Wetland is in the transition zone of terrestrial ecosystem ( such as forest and grassland ) and aquatic ecosystem ( such as deep lakes and ocean ); due to that , the unique ecosystem , which is different from terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems , has been formed .

  7. 岬角成了沙洲和浅滩,溪谷和山峡成了深水与湖峡。

    Cape becomes bar , and plain shoal , and valley and gorge deep water and channel .

  8. 尼斯湖水怪尼斯湖水怪是由尼斯湖边的原住民声称发现的一种或一组神秘的动物,尼斯湖位于爱尔兰以北,一片深水淡水湖。

    The Loch Ness Monster , sometimes called Nessie or Ness ( Scottish Gaelic : Niseag ) , is a mysterious and unidentified animal or group of animals claimed by some to inhabit Loch Ness , a large deep freshwater loch near the city of Inverness in northern Scotland .