
  • 网络abductive dispersion of food stagnation;disperse food and abduct stagnation
  1. 目的:观察传统的消食导滞方剂保和丸和健脾丸对小鼠胃肠运动功能的影响。

    AIM : To investigate the effects of Jianpiwan and Baohewan on gastrointestinal motility in rats .

  2. 说明急性胃黏膜损伤早期应用消食导滞的方法能起到积极的保护作用,是胃黏膜损伤类疾病的初始方剂。

    Digestion dredge acute gastric mucosal injury early application can play a positive role in the protection , the initial prescription of gastric mucosal injury-like illness .

  3. 为考察小儿康冲剂的健脾开胃、消食导滞、安神定惊功效,用健脾、消食、止痛、安神等方法对小儿康冲剂进行了药理研究。

    Studies on pharmacodynamics of Xiaoerkang Granule ( XEKG ) was carried out by using the methods of strengthening the spleen , promoting digestion , alleviating pain and tranquilizing the mind .