
  • 网络consumer need;consumption demand
  1. 研究表明,消费需要类型、产品物理形式和产品生命周期等3个因素影响了品类个性的形成,所得到的品类个性可采用维度的方法描述。

    Our research indicates that such 3 factors as the type of consumer need , products ' physical form and products ' life cycle will influence the formation of category personality , which can be described on the dimension of brand-names ' personality category .

  2. 扩大农村居民消费需要加强新农村建设,而加强新农村建设也需要扩大农村居民消费。

    Expanding rural consumer need to strengthen constructions of new rural and strengthening constructions of new rural also need to expand consumptions of rural residents .

  3. 这些长期的债务人兼房奴将很可能永远无法完全拥有这个房子,因为炫耀性消费需要周期性的再融资来提供资金,也因为房产税的存在。

    These perpetual debtors / serfs will probably never own the home outright1 , thanks to cyclical refinancing ( used to fund conspicuous2 consumption ) and property taxes .

  4. 这种能力从根本上决定着消费需要的满足程度。

    The skill radically determines the degree of consuming satisfaction .

  5. 消费需要环境,人们的消费总是在一定的环境中进行的,环境也是消费的对象。

    Environment is the partner of consumption , and consumption requires environment .

  6. 对湖南省大学生体育消费需要心理重塑的探讨

    Discussion on PE Consumption Needs Mental Remodeling of University Students ' in Hunan

  7. 感性消费需要感性的包装设计。

    Emotional emotional consumer packaging design needs .

  8. 经济增长方式根本转变则是消费需要层次变化的实现条件。

    The fundamental transfomation is the realizing condition for the changes of the consuming needs levels .

  9. 消费需要的自觉与否也直接影响着消费客体的建构。

    The needs of consumption are self-conscious or not also directly affect the construction of the object of consumption .

  10. 而且政府消费需要能够持续:我们不是谈论一个短期一阵子的援助问题;

    And this government spending needs to be sustained : we 're not talking about a brief burst of aid ;

  11. 消费需要的现期满足状况直接影响着消费客体的价值度。

    The immediately fulfill condition of the needs of consumption directly affects the value degree of the object of consumption .

  12. 应采取积极措施,开拓农村市场,满足农民的消费需要。

    So we should adopt positive measures to reclaim the suburbs ' market and meet the consumption needs of vast peasants .

  13. 绿色包装是绿色革命和绿色运动的产物,适应了绿色消费需要的潮流。

    Green packing is the outcome of green revolution and green movement , and it meets the needs of green wants .

  14. 新阶段的消费需要指向要求经济增长方式在诸多方面相应地作出改变。

    The consumption demand direction in the new phase asks the patter of economy growth for accordingly changes in various aspects .

  15. 由于季节性产品在特殊的时间段的消费需要,导致一些商品销售具有明显的淡旺季。

    Some seasonal goods have obvious sales midseason and off-season due to the consuming needs in some special periods of time .

  16. 研究家庭购买行为,对企业有效开展市场营销活动,满足家庭消费需要具有重要意义。

    The study of family purchase behavior is significant for enterprise to develop the activities of marketing and satisfy the needs of family expenditure .

  17. 必须以扎实的市场调研为基础,以消费需要为导向,进行深入的市场调研分析,以便熟悉房地产市场,进行产品定位,并做出科学的房地产投资决策。

    Based on investigation of market , we can do our research on market and make a wise decision in real estate investment strategy .

  18. 体育场馆,是为了满足运动训练、运动竞赛和大众体育消费需要而专门修建的各类运动场所的总称。

    Sports venues , namely sports facilities in general , are to satisfy the sports training , sports competitions and the public purpose-built sports consumption needs .

  19. 消费者为生活消费需要购买、使用商品或者接受服务,其权益受本法保护。

    The rights and interests of consumers who buy or use commodities for purposes of daily consumption or those who receive services are protected by this law .

  20. 生态价值的主体意识体现着人类的需求,生态恢复和生态消费需要社会整体的规划和管理。

    Human demand figures the active consciousness of ecosystem value . Human 's demand of ecosystem services and ecology comeback require the whole society to program and manage .

  21. 本节的最后论述了影响我国居民休闲消费需要的三个主要因素:社会经济的发展是人们产生休闲消费需要的最直接的动因;

    There are three key factors to influence the residents ' demand of leisure consumption : the social and economic development , plentiful spare time and innovated leisure idea .

  22. 消费者问题是消费者在生活消费需要中,正当需求得不到满足,并且受到提供消费资料和消费服务的经营者损害而发生的社会问题。

    The issue of consumer is a social problem resulted from the following factors : consumer 's unsatisfactory consuming needs , impairment originated in the businessman providing consuming goods and service .

  23. 生猪产业是我国的传统产业,它在促进我国经济发展、保持物价稳定、增加农民收入以及满足居民消费需要等方面都发挥了重要作用。

    The pig industry is a traditional industry in China , it plays an important role in promoting economic development , keeping prices stable , increasing farmers ' incomes and satisfying consumers ' demands .

  24. 零售业作为我国社会经济中最重要的产业之一,是连接生产和消费需要的重要环节,其发展状况与市场经济的活跃程度、人民消费需求的满足程度密切相关。

    As one of the most important industry for our national economy , retail is an important part connecting manufacture with consumption , and it has close relationship with our market economy and people consumption .

  25. 当前,教育已成为人们的消费需要,人们对教育的需求和教育消费比例的不断增长,表明了社会主义市场经济长期教育市场已经形成。

    Education has been one of necessary consume-goods nowadays . The general public 's need for education consumption and the proportion of education consumption increase day by day , It is obvious that the educational market has been established .

  26. 体育产业部门生产的劳动产品和体育产品并不是同一范畴,判别一个产品是否为体育产品要看它的使用价值是否为满足人民群众的体育消费需要;

    The working product and sports product of sports industry department is not at some category . Whether one kind of products is a sports product largely depended on its usage value meet the demand of mass sports consumption .

  27. 中国煤炭资源储藏丰富,但由于中国是人口大国,煤炭资源消耗量大,事实上中国是一个能源缺乏国家,生产量尚不能完全满足国内的消费需要。

    Coal resources preserve rich in china , but because of the great population , the coal resources consumption is big , so in fact energy is lacks in china in fact , the productivity still cannot meet the internal needs completely .

  28. 进经济结构会有所支持。消费也需要继续增长。为保证经济高质量增长,可支配收入占GDP的比重以及新增就业数量也需要增加。”

    omy is driven by new points of growth rather than old ones , and an improving economic structure will support it . Consumption needs to keep rising . The percentage of disposable income in GDP and the number of new jobs created also need to rise to ensure high-quality growth . "

  29. 因为此工具维护一个数据库来存储W4GL收集的信息,所以也可以根据部署或消费的需要重新生成服务。

    Since the tool maintains the database to store the information collected with W4GL , it 's also possible to regenerate the services for deployment or consumption as needed .

  30. 因个人投资或消费而需要获得短期应急型融资的人员;

    The one who need emergency short-term financing for personal investment or consumption ;