
  • 网络consumer bank
  1. 消费银行业务提供信用卡、个人贷款、抵押贷款、存款,并为个人和中型公司提供理财服务。

    The Consumer Bank provides credit cards , personal loans , mortgages , deposit taking activity and wealth management services t oindividuals and medium-sized businesses .

  2. 银行的价值是通过客户的购买和消费银行的产品和服务来实现的。

    The value of bank is achieved through customers ' purchasing and consuming .

  3. 银行的企业银行业务和消费银行业务的坏账水平均已降低。许多公司进行香水的瓶装(业务)。

    It has brought down bad-debt levels at both the corporate and consumer banking operations . Many companies bottle perfume .

  4. 在渣打银行,我们能给你提供各种各样的领导职务,包括消费银行,批发银行和全球支持中心。

    At Standard Chartered , we can offer you a variety of fascinating leadership roles in Consumer Banking , Wholesale Banking and our Global Support Functions .

  5. 这段学习让他深刻意识到,用科技去颠覆金融服务业的时机已经成熟:2008年的危机提供了一个建立消费银行业务新模式的机会。

    His studies had highlighted that financial services were ripe for disruption by technology : the crisis of 2008 had presented an opportunity for new models of consumer banking .

  6. 渤海银行去年开业,其副董事长、副首席执行官、首席风险官、批发银行业务主管和消费银行业务负责人等高管均来自渣打银行。

    The bank opened last year with senior executives , including its vice-chairman , deputy chief executive , chief risk officer , director of wholesale banking and head of consumer banking from Standard Chartered .

  7. 基于个体消费的银行货币需求分布研究

    Research of Demand Distribution of Customers for Individual Consumptions for Currency

  8. 日本最高法院去年的一项裁决实际上宣布了利率高于20.9%的利息支付均属无效,为此,消费贷款银行被迫为还款要求拨出了大量准备金。

    A Supreme Court ruling last year , which effectively invalidated interest paid above 20.9 per cent , has forced consumer lenders to take large reserves against repayment claims .

  9. 收单业务是指签约机构或银行向商户提供的本外币资金结算服务。就是持卡人在银行签约商户那里刷卡消费,银行结算。

    Acquiring business is the contracting agencies or the bank provides the foreign currency clearing and settlement services to the businesses , where the cardholder credit card spending , bank settlement .

  10. 银行卡作为一种集日常消费、银行结算、信贷、理财等各种功能于一体的现代综合型电子支付工具,是传统金融业务与现代信息技术相结合的产物,是现代金融创新的重要成果。

    Bank card consumption as a collection , settlement , credit , financial and other functions in one comprehensive modern electronic payment instruments , traditional and modern information technology , financial services product of the combination is an important achievement of modern financial innovation .

  11. 基于个人消费信贷的银行风险管理体系的研究

    The Study of Bank Credit Risk Management System Basing on Personal Consumer Credit

  12. 美国专营以债务人人寿保险为担保的小额贷款和消费信贷的银行扩大出口信贷和信用保险,加大对出口的支持。

    Morris plan bank We will expand export credit insurance and provide more support for export .

  13. 自1997年以来,为了抑制通货紧缩,启动投资和消费,中央银行运用多种货币政策工具;

    Since 1997 , the PBC has adopted many instruments of monetary policy to control deflation , increase investment and consumption .

  14. 将你的消费习惯与银行账户进行比较,考虑下重新调整你的预算,使收支更为平衡一些。

    Compare your habits to your bank account , and then consider re-adjusting your personal budget to even things out a bit .

  15. 而澳大利亚的税务部门也已经开始禁止利用刷卡消费从离岸银行账户中提取资金。

    The Australian tax authorities , too , have cracked down on the use of payment cards to draw money from offshore bank accounts .

  16. 个人综合消费贷款是银行向借款人发放的用于指定消费用途的人民币贷款。

    Personal comprehensive consumer loan is referred to the RMB loan provided to the borrower by the bank , used for designated concrete consumption .

  17. 住房消费信贷是银行等金融机构为满足居民购买住房的需求而提供的信用贷款服务。

    Housing is a consumer credit banks and other financial institutions to meet the needs of the residents to buy housing and the provision of credit services .

  18. 住房置业担保的出现,对促进城镇居民的住房消费,分散银行的贷款风险和减轻房地产开发商的负担等发挥了重要作用。

    It had played an important role in promoting urban residents housing consumption , spreading the risk of bank loans and reducing the burden of real estate developers .

  19. 近年来,为了抑制通货紧缩、启动投资和消费,中央银行实施了积极的货币政策,但效果不显著;

    In recent years , to control the deflation , startup investment and consumption , central bank has carried out positive monetary policy , but the effect is not significant .

  20. 个人汽车消费贷款是银行向申请购买汽车的借款人发放的人民币担保贷款。具有办理手续简便快捷、担保形式多样、贷款额度高等特点。

    Personal auto loan is the RAM guarantee loan granted by bank to the borrower who applies for purchase of auto , featuring simple transaction procedure , various guarantee forms and high loan line , etc.

  21. 另一方面我国又缺乏刺激国民消费、改善银行信贷结构、稳定金融体系、拉动经济增长的有效手段,造成社会资源的巨大浪费。

    On the other hand , our government is devoid of efficiency approach to stimulating consumption , improving credit structure , stabilizing finance system , and promoting economic growth , which will certainly lead to magnitude waste of social resources .

  22. 同时,国际、国内的先进经验也表明,消费信贷是银行扩大经营规模、拓展业务、增加收入、提高市场竞争力的重要手段。

    At the same time , international and domestic advanced experiences indicate that consumptive credit is an important measure for banks to enlarge their running scales , expand their operation , increase their income , and raise their market competitiveness .

  23. 个人住房消费信贷是银行等金融机构为满足居民购买住房的需求而提供的贷款服务,它是社会经济发展和银行金融发展的必然选择。

    Individual housing consumer credit are loan services which provided by banks and other financial institutions to meet the needs of the residents to purchase a home , it is the inevitable choice that help socio-economic development and the banking and financial development .

  24. 中国国家发展与改革委员会副局长周王俊(译)昨天在一个网络论坛中说,如果消费指数超过银行存款利率,他确实认为需要适当提高利率。

    " If the consumer-price index exceeds the interest rate on bank deposits , I do feel there should be an appropriate increase in rates ," zhou wangjun , a deputy director of the national development and reform commission , said in an online forum yesterday .

  25. 消费贷款&商业银行效益性原则的必然选择

    Expense Loan & An Inevitable Option for " Psofit First " Principle of Commercial Bank

  26. 消费信贷已经成为银行信贷一个新的增长点。

    Consumption credit and loans have become a new growth measure for bank credit and loans .

  27. 它是一项能够刺激消费需求、丰富银行业务及资产结构的重要业务。

    It is a can stimulate consumer demand , rich banking and asset structure of important business .

  28. 在国外,消费信贷一般占银行贷款总额的2040%甚至更高,并为其贡献3070%以上的利润。

    Individual credit consumption takes 20-40 % total share of bank credit and dedicates 30-70 % profit overseas .

  29. 如果你申请贷款而不表明你要如何消费这些款项,银行会拒绝你的贷款申请。

    If you apply for a loan and do not justify how you are going to spend the money , you will be rejected .

  30. 现在冰岛通货膨胀率和失业率正在非常明显的上升,债务不断增加,曾创成就业并助力消费热潮的冰岛银行业已经消亡。

    Today , inflation and unemployment are soaring , debt is mounting and the banking sector that provided jobs and fueled a consumption boom has vanished .