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  • infiltration anesthesia
  1. 对麻醉不成功的家兔在手术中采用追加25%氨基甲酸乙酯2~3ml或术野用1%盐酸普鲁卡因局部浸润麻醉。

    Either 25 % urethane ( 2 ~ 3 ml ) or 1 % aethocaine hydrochloride was used as local infiltration anesthesia in the operation field for rabbits of unsuccessful anaesthesia .

  2. 方法:选择头皮运动区上1/5和中2/5处针刺,观察1小时之内连续接受针刺前、电针和局部浸润麻醉后电针刺激3次SPECT脑灌注显像。

    Methods Acupuncture was given at upper 1 / 5 and middle 2 / 5 of the motor area of scalp , and each patient received 3 times of SPECT cerebral perfusion development before acupuncture , during electroacupuncture and electroacupuncture stimulation after local infiltration anesthesia within 1 hour .

  3. 应用SPECT研究头皮穴区局部浸润麻醉后对电针信号传导的影响

    Study on Effects of Local Infiltration Anesthesia of the Scalp Point Area on Conduction of Electroacupuncture Signs by Means of SPECT

  4. 局部浸润麻醉,超声引导下125I粒子植入术。

    The operation was performed under local anesthesia and the 125I seeds were implanted under the guidance of ultrasonography .

  5. 结论加入低浓度肾上腺素进行局部浸润麻醉时,PGI2、TXA2两因子积极参与并密切影响牙髓血运的变化过程,为短时间内血运恢复正常发挥重要作用。

    Conclusion When Low-concentration adrenalin was added to operate the local infiltration anesthesia , PGI 2 and TXA 2 were closely related to the change of bloodstream in the pulps and then we could explain theoretically why the bloodstream recovered so quickly .

  6. 结论在青光眼手术中,球结膜浸润麻醉完全可以代替球后麻醉,值得推广。

    Conclusion Subconjunctival anesthesia may substitute retrobulbar anesthesia in glaucoma surgery .

  7. 小儿应用局部浸润麻醉超前镇痛的观察

    An observation of pre emptive analgesia with local infiltration anesthesia in children

  8. 局部浸润麻醉在脊柱后路手术中的应用

    Application of Local Anesthesia in Posterior Approach of Spine Operation

  9. 静脉诱导吸入全身麻醉46例,局部浸润麻醉8例;

    46 cases with intravenous-inhalation general anesthesia , 8 cases with local anesthesia ;

  10. 局部浸润麻醉下包皮环扎术2452例报告

    Local Infiltration Anesthesia for Circumcision Cerclage Report 2452 Cases

  11. 局部浸润麻醉下行下颌角肥大及颧骨突出磨削术

    Prominent Mandibular Angle and High Malar Grinding of the Bone Under Local Anaesthesia

  12. 表面麻醉联合结膜下浸润麻醉在青光眼滤过手术中的疗效分析

    The Effect of Topical and Subconjunctival Anesthesia in Filtration Surgery on Glaucoma Patients

  13. 硬膜外联合阴道内浸润麻醉在全子宫切除术中的应用

    Epidural anaesthesia and vaginal surface anesthesia for total hysterectomy

  14. 结论采用碧兰麻局部浸润麻醉加髓腔注射可明显减轻牙髓治疗的疼痛。

    Conclusion Local infiltration and antrum dental anesthesia could lightening pain in endodontic treatment .

  15. 方法:对131例脊柱后路手术采用局部浸润麻醉,并对其麻醉效果作出评价。

    Method A total of131cases with local osmotic anesthesia in spine operation were reviewed .

  16. 筋膜下浸润麻醉在眼科手术中的应用

    Application of sub-fascial anaesthesia in ophthalmological surgery

  17. 目的观察碧兰麻局部粘膜下浸润麻醉拔除后牙的麻醉效果。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical anesthetic efficacy of Primacaine on the extraction of teeth .

  18. 全麻复合局部浸润麻醉对腹腔镜下胆囊切除术患者心率变异性的影响

    Effect of combined general anesthesia with local anesthetic infiltration on heart rate variability in laparoscopic cholecystectomy

  19. 目的评估和比较球结膜浸润麻醉和球后麻醉下行青光眼手术的可靠性及安全性。

    Objective To evaluate and compare efficacy and safety of subconjunctive and retrobulbar anesthesia for glaucoma operation .

  20. 其中,豚鼠浸润麻醉作用能被盐酸肾上腺素所增强;

    Furthermore , infiltration anesthetic effect in guinea pig was strengthened by the administration of epinephrine hydrochloride .

  21. 宫腔浸润麻醉;

    Uterine cavity infiltration anaesthesia ;

  22. 阿替卡因肾上腺素注射液浸润麻醉在下颌智齿拔除中的应用

    The Application of Articaine Hydrochlorine and Epinephrine Tartrate Injection for Infiltration Anesthesia in Removing the Mandibular Wisdom Tooth

  23. 所有患者皆采用局部浸润麻醉(个别病例加用静脉基础麻醉)下,经气管前间隙向下方探查气管周围肿物和淋巴结,并进行活检。

    Exploration and biopsy were made to the neoplasms and lymph nodes around the trachea through pretracheal interstice .

  24. 结论:特耐联合切口局部浸润麻醉在腹腔镜胆囊切除术后可以提供良好的镇痛效果。

    Conclusion Paricoxib combined with incision infiltration can significantly relieve the postoperative pain in the patients receiving laparoscopic cholecystectomy .

  25. 方法:用含肾上腺素的阿替卡因粘膜下浸润麻醉,行拔髓术或开髓术。

    METHODS : We do extirpation of pulp or pulp opening under submucosal infiltration anesthesia with articaine containing adrenaline .

  26. 目的观察评估表面麻醉联合结膜下浸润麻醉在青光眼滤过手术中的临床疗效及安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of topical and subconjunctival anesthesia in filtration surgery on glaucoma patients .

  27. 其后,口腔科副主任刘某帮忙补了麻药作浸润麻醉,但梁某疼痛未减。

    Subsequently , Liu , deputy director of dentistry to help fill a local anesthetic for anesthesia , but no less painful Liang .

  28. 对豚鼠有浸润麻醉作用,并可被盐酸肾上腺素所增强;

    The experiments on guinea pig wheal show that the preparation induces an infiltration anesthetic effect , which may be potentiated by epinephrine hydrochloride .

  29. 方法人工流产术前对麻醉组106例行普鲁卡因宫颈浸润麻醉和利多卡因子宫内膜表面麻醉。

    Method Uterine neck infiltration anesthesin by procainamide and endometrium surface anesthesia by lidocaine were given to a 106-case group before artificial abortion operation .

  30. 方法选择40例病人,采用无痛局麻注射仪进行牙周膜浸润麻醉,并与传统的手推式麻醉方法对比。

    Methods 40 cases were selected , and comparing the periodontal ligament injection through using the computerized local anesthetic delivery with traditional manul local anesthesia .