
  1. 那么海鲜面是爱鲜面吗?

    Jjambon noodle is jambon noodle then ?

  2. 店主特别推荐鸡窝包、红酒面线、福州海鲜面、灌汤饺及酥炸薄饼等。

    The chef 's recommended dishes are Chicken Nest Bun , Rice Noodles with Red Wine , Fuzhou Seafood Noodles , Dumpling in Soup , Fried Pancake , and etc.

  3. 通过对海鲜面粒汤主要原料的选择,原料配比的研究,以及对结果进行品评分析,确定了该产品的最佳配方。

    The best formula of grains of seafood soap was determined by the study of main raw materials and their proportions , and by the savour and comment of the product .