
hǎi yánɡ quán
  • sea/ocean rights
  1. 由于墨西哥实行的是200海里海洋权,因此,科尔特斯海就成了半岛和墨西哥大陆之间的内海。

    Because of Mexican implement is the 200 marine rights of nautical mile , therefore , department Er specially this sea has become the continental sea between continent of peninsula and Mexico .

  2. 关于防止船舶污染海洋管辖权的法律研究

    The Study on Jurisdiction of Preventing the Ocean Pollution from Ships

  3. 本文对海洋排污权的配置及交易进行了规范研究和实例研究。

    The dissertation adopts normative research and empirical research on allocation and trading of ocean emission permits .

  4. 本文所称的共同开发是指海岸相邻或相向的国家通过协议的方式,对跨界或海洋管辖权主张重叠的争议海域的自然资源进行联合开发利用的一种法律制度。

    Joint Development can be defined as a joint exploration and exploitation system of marine resources that lie in trans-boundary or overlapping claims areas through agreements between states with opposite or adjacent coasts .

  5. 中国将与海岸相向或相邻的国家,通过协商,在国际法基础上,按照公平原则划定各自海洋管辖权界限;

    Together with the countries with opposite coasts or its neighboring countries , China shall , through consultation and on the basis of international laws and the principle of fairness , fix the dividing lines of each country 's marine jurisdiction .

  6. 基于渔民视角的海洋渔业捕捞权交易问题研究

    Study on the Problems of the Transaction of Marine Fishing Right on the Fishermen 's Perspective

  7. 记忆犹新的是,俄罗斯是在2001年的第一个提出获取批准条约的国家,提出了在太平洋和北极海洋的拥有权。

    It was surely with this in mind that Russia , in2001 the first country to submit a continental-shelf claim , made a bid to extend its rights in both the Pacific and the Arctic oceans .

  8. 拥有海洋旅游业开发权。

    Right certificate develope marine tourism .

  9. 论海洋深度空间控制权&从海洋深度空间能源开发谈起

    Control Rights of the Ocean 's Deep Space & The Exploration of Energy Resources in the Ocean 's Deep Space

  10. 中国的海洋意识与海权现状&纪念郑和下西洋600周年

    Chinese Consciousness of Sea and Current Situation of Sea Right & On the 600 Anniversary of Zhen-He Navigating the Western Pacific Ocean

  11. 这两个问题是学术界早就讨论过的:有主要从海洋意识、海权观念方面考虑的,也有主要从历史背景方面考虑的。

    The question has long been discussed in academic circles , some mainly in terms of ocean consciousness and ocean dominion concept , and some mainly with reference to the history background .

  12. 在传统模式,海盗的定义取决于城邦政治的倾向,海盗行为属于国家行为范畴,海盗作为政治工具处在了协助海洋国家争夺海权的位置。

    In the traditional mode , pirates of the definition of political leanings , depends on the city-state piracy , belong to the state behavior category as a political tool , pirates in the ocean for sea state assistance right position .

  13. 海洋法制教育侧重于对公民进行海洋环境权和海洋环境法规教育。

    The marine environmental legal education emphasizes particularly on citizen 's environmental rights education and legal norms education .

  14. 具体来讲,由环境保护主管部门集中行使陆地环境损害索赔权,由海洋行政主管部门集中行使海洋环境损害索赔权。

    Specifically speaking , the right of environmental damage counterclaim of terrestrial is intensively carried on by environmental protection department , and marine administrations are responsible for the right of sea environmental damage counterclaim .