
  1. 海水的温度越往南越高。

    The seas are warm further south .

  2. 具体来说,海水的温度大约为28摄氏度,高于空气温度(26摄氏度)。

    Around 28 degrees Celsius , compared to an air temperature of 26 degrees Celsius .

  3. 科学家们预测本世纪海水的温度将上升2到6摄氏度。

    Scientists project water temperatures to rise this century by between two and six degrees Celsius .

  4. 水下滑翔机从海洋表面滑翔到指定深度,并返回。在滑行过程中,它可以测量海水的温度、盐度、平均海流等数据。

    It can glide elegantly from the ocean surface to a programmed depth and back while measuring temperature , salinity , depth-averaged current , and other quantites .

  5. 然而,很多生活在深海的无脊椎动物从来没有感受到冰冷的海水的温度变化,所以它们的体温保持不变。

    Furthermore , many invertebrates that live in the depths of the ocean never experience a change in the chill of the deep water , and their body temperatures remain constant .

  6. 如何能找到海水的温度、海面的粗糙程度和海面的方向发射率之间的关联,较为全面地分析海波是海谱研究的重点。

    How can find the connection among the sea water temperature , the sea level rough degree and sea level direction emissivity , is the key point of the sea spectrum research .

  7. 沉积物类型显著影响多毛类的数量分布,而底层海水的温度和盐度对其也有一定的影响.双辊连铸薄带温度场模型及其温度分布特性

    Among all factors discussed , sediment feature was the most important factor influencing the polychaete distribution besides salinity and DO at the bottome water layer . Development of the Temperature Field Model and the Temperature Analysis of Twin-roll Thin Strip Continuous Casting

  8. 赤潮发生的机理十分复杂,至今尚未查明,但初步分析认为,赤潮的发生与海水的温度、盐度、营养盐以及光照等因素有关。

    The mechanism of occurrence of red tide is very complex and has not yet been identified , however , initial analysis showed that the factors of the occurrence of red tide relate to sea temperature , salt , nutrients and light and other factors .

  9. 对监测到的海水表面的温度、盐度、pH值、氨氮和溶解氧数据进行整理分析。

    The obtained monitoring data on temperature , salinity , pH , ammonia and dissolved oxygen is analyzed in sea surface .

  10. 并根据热尾流与周围海水的平均温度差计算出红外探测器对潜艇热尾流的作用距离。

    According to the difference in temperature between thermal wake and seawater , the operation range of the detector to thermal wake was calculated .

  11. 海水的季节温度受纬度、水深和离岸远近等因素的影响。

    The seasonal range of temperature in the ocean is affected by factors such as latitude , water depth and distance to the shore .

  12. 拉曼散射与物质的分子结构有关,而布里渊散射实际上是由多普勒效应引起的,它和海水中的温度和盐度等密切相关。

    Raman scattering is related to molecule structure of substance , while Brillouin scattering is introduced duo to Doppler Effect . And Brillouin scattering is closely related to the temperature and salinity of seawater .

  13. 海水pH测量的温度校正

    Temperature correction in the measurement of pH in seawater

  14. 一种冷却海水排放的三维温度模拟方法

    A three-dimensional temperature simulation method for discharge of cooled seawater

  15. 海水的盐度、温度和密度

    Salinity , temperature , and density of sea water

  16. 因为海水的盐度和温度影响,海水的密度也会发生变化,因此,海洋里的水经常移动。

    Since changes in salinity and temperature affect water 's density , the water in the ocean is always moving .

  17. 同时,结合历史资料分析认为,海水的混合、温度和盐度的层化将影响营养盐的浓度和分布,从而影响海水中叶绿素a的垂直分布。

    At the same time , integrated with historical data , suggest the mixing of sea water , stratification of temperature and salinity would affect the concentration and distribution of nutrients , accordingly affect distribution of chlorophyll a in the vertical profile of sea water .

  18. 为了保证洗舱海水能达到足够的温度,洗舱加热器的选型设计显得非常重要。

    The type and capacity choice of sea water washing heater is very important to guarantee the tank washing sea water reaching enough temperature .

  19. 她能打败诡谲多变的海水、忍受冰冷的温度,并将体能推到极限,鼓舞了许多层级的人,甚至让两个国家重修旧好!

    Her ability to beat treacherous waters , withstand freezing temperatures and push her body to such extreme limits inspires people on so many levels . It even can bring countries together !

  20. 在常规环境中铂复合阳极具有优良的电化学性能,而随着海水深度的增加,温度、溶解氧量、压力等环境条件发生变化,必然会使阳极的电化学性能发生改变,从而影响其使用性能。

    The electrochemical properties of the Platinum composite anodes are excellent in general environment , but it changes inevitably with the increase of the seawater deepness , as a result effect its operational performance .