
hǎi jūn shào xiào
  • lieutenant commander of the navy
  1. 在登陆时那名海军少校指挥一千名军官和一万名士兵。

    By invasion time the lieutenant commander had cognizance over a thousand officers and ten thousand men .

  2. 曾是美国海军少校的弗拉纳根表示,在1986年加入美国联合航空之前的20年间,他曾驾驶C-130运输机为在南极洲的“深冻行动”(OperationDeepFreeze)提供支援,还曾驾驶过P-3猎户座海上侦察机。

    Flanagan , a former lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy , said he flew C-130 transport aircraft in support of Operation Deep Freeze in Antarctica and P-3 Orions ( maritime surveillance aircraft ) for 20 years before joining United in 1986 .

  3. 金海军少校出生在旧金山湾区。

    Lieutenant Commander Kim grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area .