
  1. 若吃寻常药,是不中用的。他就说了一个海上方,又给了一包药末子作引子,异香异气的。不知是那里弄了来的。

    No ordinary pills bring any relief , but he gave us an exotic prescription from across the seas , together with a packet of aromatic powder he 'd procured as adjuvant goodness knows where .

  2. 海的上方又出现了微微的金光,瞬息之间整个天空亮堂起来。

    A point of gold appeared above the sea and at once all the sky lightened .

  3. 最初,我不相信我的眼睛,因为我看到的彩带并不是一个半圆那样的横跨天空,我看到的是一整个圆的彩虹挂在天空,就在海的上方。

    At first I couldn 't believe my eyes because the bands of color I saw weren 't in a single half circle arc across the sky . Instead , I saw a full circle of rainbow hues hanging in the sky just above the sea .

  4. 数值模拟了一维导电P-M海谱粗糙面上方导电圆柱和方柱目标的双站雷达散射截面(Bi-RCS),比较和分析了不同极化入射波下的粗糙面上方不同电尺寸目标的复合电磁散射特性。

    The bistatic radar cross section ( Bi-RCS ) of the cylinder and the square cylinder above the P-M rough sea surface is numerically simulated and the composite scattering from different size targets above rough surface under different incident wave polarization is compared and analyzed . 2 .