
làng rén
  • ronin;Japanese ronin;vagabond;ruffian
浪人 [làng rén]
  • (1) [vagabond]∶到处流浪、行踪不定的人

  • (2) [Japanese ronin;ruffian]∶日本幕府时代失去封禄而流浪的武士,也指日本流氓

浪人[làng rén]
  1. 浪人本可以在公开的战斗中对付Kira和他的手下。

    The ronin could have attempted to take on Kira and his men in open battle .

  2. 在浅野前首席议员ōishiKuranosukeYoshio的带领下,他们成为了47浪人。

    Led by Asano 's former principal councillor , ō ishi Kuranosuke Yoshio , they became the 47 ronin .

  3. 只有他的大儿子ōishiChikara留在他的身边,因为他也是47个浪人中的一个。

    Only his eldest , ō ishi Chikara , stayed by his side , as he was one of the 47 ronin .

  4. 与此同时,ōishiChikara和另一个浪人穿过花园,在房子后面和其他侍卫大打出手。

    Meanwhile , ō ishi Chikara and the other ronin made their way through the garden and were fighting other guards in the back of the house .

  5. 就在ōishi还在继续他那“奥斯卡水平”的表演时,其他一些浪人也做好了准备,他们在江户找到了工作,随时准备袭击。

    While ō ishi was giving his Oscar-worthy performance , some of the other ronin did their part by getting jobs in Edo in anticipation of the attack .

  6. 那天晚上,浪人首领甚至派了一个同伴去Kira的邻居那里,告诉邻居他们是谁以及他们的计划。

    On the night in question , the ronin leader even sent one of his companions to Kira 's neighbors to inform them of who they were and what they intended to do .

  7. 浪人和战士将得到比较多的耐力了。

    Rogues and Fighters now get a little more Stamina .

  8. 女浪人:我想在烛光里生孩子。

    Woman : I want to have it by candlelight .

  9. 他目前仍是最年轻的人力,因出生,浪人。

    He is still the youngest human , by birth , ranger .

  10. 浪人和战士的基础导师现在会教授弓箭和弩技能了。

    Rogue and Fighter based trainers can now teach Bow and Crossbow skills .

  11. 如果浪人芽你五的时间。

    If the ranger shoots you five time .

  12. 漫画粉丝们会认出,鹰眼的特工服变成了克林特·巴顿的浪人装。

    Comic fans will recognize the new look for Clint Barton as the hero Ronin .

  13. 有四十七位浪人最为著名,近松门左卫门在《忠臣藏》剧目中颂扬了他们的行为。

    The most famous ronin were the47 whose actions were celebrated in the kabuki play Chushingura .

  14. 浪人耐心地潜伏在暗处,等待午夜发动进攻。

    The ronin lurked patiently in the shadows , waiting for midnight to launch their assault .

  15. 应该说我就是一个浪人,一个孤身游荡无家可归的浪人。

    It should be said that I was a Ranger , an unaccompanied homeless wandering the Ranger .

  16. 男浪人:我们是个圆圈,没有起点,也没有终点。

    Man : We are a circle , there is no end , there is no beginning .

  17. 被包围的人中,有几个突围而出,与一些以色列浪人勾结。

    And some of the besieged got out : and some wicked men of Israel joined themselves unto them .

  18. 为了达到他们的目的,浪人都假装继续各自的生活,走各自的路。

    To achieve their goal , the ronin all pretended to get on with their lives and go their separate ways .

  19. 即便如此,今天我们将为您带来我们所知的四十七浪人的故事。

    Even so , today we bring you , as best we know it , the tale of the 47 ronin .

  20. 所有的浪人都带着尖锐的哨子,如果他们发现并杀死了他们的目标,就会吹响哨子。

    All the ronin also carried a shrill whistle with them which they would blow if they found and slain their target .

  21. 然而,通过考辨其历史成因得知,真正的中国通有别于日本浪人,他们是一些精通汉文化的、高层次的知识分子群体。

    But we can reach a conclusion from history that the real Old China Hand are the intellectuals who are different from Japanese ronin .

  22. 如果您是在找八卦新闻的话,真抱歉,你走错地方了。因为网主“浪人”超不八卦,所以这里不会有那种新闻,请到别处找吧。

    If you are looking for news and latest updates on Adam , please visit his forum which is up to speed on his information .

  23. 一场战斗随之而来,但浪人比刚从睡梦中惊醒的仆人们更有准备、更有决心。

    A fight ensued , but the ronin were more prepared and determined compared to the retainers who had just been disturbed from their slumber .

  24. 与朝鲜接壤的龙井村、珲春、安东等海关辖区,朝鲜浪人的走私最为猖狂,也最具代表性。

    The most rampant and typical smuggling activities of the Korean Wave People took place in customs areas of Longjing Village , Huichun and Andong , etc.

  25. 他1996年镜头,在电视节目中沃克,得克萨斯州浪人,是由著名的将其列入一辑深夜与科南奥布赖恩。

    His1996 cameo in the television program Walker , Texas Ranger , was made famous by its inclusion in an episode of Late Night with Conan O'Brien .

  26. 他的死也意味着他的氏族的死亡——他的土地和财产被没收,而他的随从成为了浪人,意思就是没有主人的武士。

    His death also meant the death of his clan - his lands and goods were confiscated while his retainers became ronin , meaning samurai without masters .

  27. 距离浅野内匠头长矩的死将近两年后,就在1702年12月14日,47名浪人全都做好了为他们的前主人复仇的准备。

    Almost two years had passed since the death of Asano Naganori , but on December 14 , 1702 , the 47 ronin were ready to avenge their former master .

  28. 全球对大胆却时髦的商业战略需求之大,能让蒂法尼教授这样的工作狂浪人想有多忙就有多忙。

    The global demand for gritty but voguish business strategies is now big enough to keep even a workaholic ronin such as Prof Tiffany as busy as he wants to be .

  29. 南京国民政府针对冀东走私采取的一系列缉私举措,在一定程度上遏制了日本浪人的疯狂走私活动。

    Nanjing Nationalist Government adopted a series of preventive measures at various stages of the East of Hebei Province smuggles , and had the containment action to the Japanese ronin crazy smuggling activities to a certain extent .

  30. 在西方,我们熟知的是《四十七浪人》,讲述的是18世纪初四十七名失去了主人的武士为他们主人的不公死亡而展开的雄心勃勃的复仇的故事。

    In the West , we know it as The 47 Ronin - the story of 47 early 18th-century samurai who lose their master and embark on an ambitious journey to avenge the unjust death of their lord .