
  • 网络flow trading
  1. 这样一种市场结构说明,虽然最终流动交易风险资产的价格是由市场制造者设定的,但其价格波动的根本动因在于市场中不同投资者之间的竞争。

    Such a market structure shows that the fluctuation of the price due to the competition among the different investors .

  2. 此外,福汇流动交易平台将不会提供福汇交易平台的部份功能。

    Further , some features of the FXCM Trading Station will not be available on the FXCM Mobile Trading Station .

  3. 上海吸引外商投资障碍的实证研究&基于国际资本流动交易成本理论的分析

    An Empirical Study on the Obstacles of Attracting Foreign Investment in Shanghai & An Analysis Based on Transaction Cost Theory of International Capital Flow

  4. 浙江农民的流动交易方式与其经济现代化&以浙江省义乌市后乐村为个案


  5. 通过点击一个计算机按钮创造信贷流动或者交易,已成为常态。

    Creating credit flows or deals with the click of a computer button became the norm .

  6. 构建规范化的国有企业产权流动与交易市场。

    Construction of the standardization of the flow of state-owned enterprises and property rights trading market .

  7. 显而易见,家禽的流动和交易对禽流感病毒的播散起到了很大作用。

    It is clear that the movement and trade of poultry is making a big contribution to the spread of the virus .

  8. 正是此类涉及庞大现金流动的交易,往往导致人们对外国直接投资数据产生曲解。

    It is this type of deal , which involves large flows of cash , that often allows people to misinterpret FDI figures .

  9. 这笔交易是首批表明跨太平洋投资流(尤其是科技业投资流)现已呈现双向流动的交易之一。

    The deal was one of the first to show that flows across the Pacific , especially in the tech sector , are now two-way flows .

  10. 有效的技术创新制度安排总是通过鼓励市场竞争,减少市场外部性,降低交易成本,促进各种资源要素和技术成果的流动和交易,最终有效地保护技术创新者的权益和收益。

    Efficacious technique innovation system arrangement always protect rights and benefits of people who carry on technique innovation through market competition encouraged , exterior market reduced , business cost reduced and flowage and trade of every resource factor and technique fruit .

  11. 创业板市场良性发展的基础是要有一套保证市场流动性的交易机制。

    A set of exchange mechanism for the market fluidity is essential to the development of the second board market .

  12. 以互联网为代表的技术革命,彻底转变了国际通信、信息流动、金融交易和政治意识的面貌。

    The technological revolution of the Internet has transformed international communications , the flow of information , financial trading and political awareness .

  13. 资本市场的全球化、自由化和信息技术在证券市场的广泛应用,使资本流动和金融交易在地域和疆界上日益模糊,促使越来越多的公司选择海外上市以满足对跨国资本日益增长的需求。

    The globalization of the marketplace for capital and the pervading of information technology in the capital market have obscured the lines between country borders .

  14. 他的改革措施广受欢迎,包括允许国有企业的非流动资产进入交易,以及引进期货指数和保证金交易等。

    His widely applauded reforms allowed illiquid shares of state-owned enterprises to be traded , as well as the introduction of index futures and margin trading .

  15. 从服务外包的实现形式上,既可以通过服务产品的跨境交易,也可以通过自然人流动实现服务交易。

    It can finish the trade by the service product of cross-border deals or movement of natural persons , as to the form of realization of service outsourcing .

  16. 他在权威金融期刊上发表了令人羡慕的一系列文章,涉及各种深奥的题材,从流动性、交易策略,到新兴市场的股市。

    He has an enviably long list of publications in prestigious financial journals to his name , on esoteric topics from liquidity to trading strategies and emerging stock markets .

  17. 中韩两国资本的跨国流动及证券交易的活跃,使得韩国对中国证券市场和投资者保护制度的关注度也越来越高。

    Because the transnational flow of capital and securities trading activity between China and South Korea , South Korea has become increasingly concerned about stock market and investor protection system in China .

  18. 而作为金融市场研究的新领域,高频数据下随机久期的刻画与研究也因其包含着强度和流动性等交易信息而具有着重要的经济学意义。

    Moreover , as a new research field of financial market , the study on durations based on high-frequency data also has economic significance because the durations embody some trading information like intensity and liquidity .

  19. 从证券市场的微观结构角度,运用混沌经济学的方法,对股票市场的流动性及交易群体数量变动问题进行分析。

    In this paper , from the viewpoint of the micro structure of the securities market , applying the method of chaos economics , we analyze the issues of the stock market liquidity and amount change of bargaining colony .

  20. 由于银行间债券市场的发展和市场规模的不断扩大为实行做市商制度提供了坚实的市场基础,加之做市商制度又能强化市场流动性和交易质量。

    As the development of inter-bank bond market and continued expansion of the scale of the market system , it provides a solid foundation to found Market-maker Rule , Coupled with Market-maker Rule can enhance market liquidity and transaction quality .

  21. 资产证券化是一种新型融资工具,它顺应社会资源商业化与资本化的大趋势,大大提高社会资源的流动性与交易效率,实现资产价值得以最大限度地发挥。

    Securitization is one of the innovative financial instruments which meet the need of the trend of commercialization and capitalization culture of our age . Securitization optimizes liquidity and enhances trading efficiency of social resources , and realizes the potential of assets as soon as possible .

  22. 而这一影响表现在基金资金流量引致流动性动机交易,引起投资组合的资产结构变动,以及由此产生较高的交易费用三方面。

    , thus the mutual fund flow will affect the mutual fund portfolio trading . Secondly the article analyzes how the mutual fund flow influences it , including three aspects of triggering liquidity-motivated trading , the change of the mutual fund portfolio structure and higher transaction costs .

  23. “最大的投资者喜欢在有流动性的地方交易,”巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)的davidwoo表示,“一旦你到临界状态,就有自我维持的趋势。”

    " The biggest investors like to trade where there is liquidity , " says David woo at Barclays Capital . " Once you obtain critical mass , it has a tendency to feed off itself . "

  24. 银行间债券市场流动性及异常交易研究

    Research on Liquidity and Artificial Transactions in China Interbank Bond Market

  25. 公司提供以押品作担保的流动资金。保证金交易中所交存的保证金

    The corporation extends loans , secured against first mortgages . margin transaction guarantee money

  26. 希尔表示,流动性和日交易使这只基金成为了一个很适合房地产市场的投资工具。

    The liquidity and daily trading make it a suitable vehicle for that market , he says .

  27. 这可能会阻碍许多由科技推动、促成市场买卖差价缩小而流动性增加的交易程序。

    That could hobble many of the technology-enabled trading processes that have resulted in tighter bid-ask spreads and greater liquidity in markets .

  28. 市场流动性不足,交易量较低,经销商的风险偏好也有限,他说。

    The trading environment is not very liquid , volumes are low and the risk appetite of dealers is also limited , he said .

  29. 期权提供了重要的经济功能,对于规避市场风险,增加市场的流动性,降低交易成本,提高交易效率具有重要意义。

    Options have important economic functions , which can elude market risk , increase market fluidity , decrease transaction costs , and improve transaction efficiency .

  30. 这笔交易旨在向阿里巴巴员工提供流动性,根据交易,阿里巴巴整个公司目前的估值约320亿美元。

    The deal is designed as a tender offer to provide liquidity for Alibaba employees , and values the company at approximately $ 32 billion .