
  • 网络activity performance
  1. 学生对STS课程及知识建构活动表现出极大的学习兴趣。

    Students showed great interests in STS curriculum and knowledge building activities .

  2. 两组大鼠在注射后20min内均为安静状态,蜷缩着趴卧,几乎无任何活动表现。

    In 20 minutes after injection , the rats in both groups were in tranquilizing state , lying prone with body curled , almost without any movement .

  3. Q7:本调查表显示,员工更希望得到的是与家人之间的沟通和亲情的交融。因此对开展家庭日活动表现出极大的热情。

    Q7 : The research shows that employees are willing to communicate with the family members , so they support to hold Family Days .

  4. 同时大多数研究还表明皮层或核团内部以及皮层与核团之间HVSs振荡活动表现出高同步性。

    Most of the studies also showed that the the HVSs oscillation between the activities in the cortex or within the nuclei and cortex and nuclei showed high synchronization .

  5. 化学教学中活动表现评价实施方案的构建

    The Construction of the Scheme of the Performance Assessment in Chemistry Teaching

  6. 通过活动表现评价培养学生的探究能力和情感态度价值观;

    Evaluating students ' exploring ability and outlook on emotion through their activity ;

  7. 还能提高体能活动表现。

    It can also enhance physical performance .

  8. 娱乐活动表现为观看典型歌剧和划陆舟。

    Entertainment activities amongst these are performing or watching typical operas and rowing dry dragon boats .

  9. 红河断裂的近期活动表现在对水系发育的控制作用方面。

    The recent motion of the Red River Fault represents as the control of the development of drainage .

  10. 相比之下,男孩儿在同样的情况下这些大脑区域活动表现的则没有这么活跃。

    By contrast , boys in the same situation show no such increase in activity in these areas .

  11. 发现云对地闪电(简称地闪)活动表现为一次冰雹大风天气过程。

    The results showed that the activity of lightning from cloud to ground was a process with gusts .

  12. 大部分相似地震的活动表现为非周期性,重复间隔从数分钟到数百天不等。

    Most of the sequences are aperiodic with recurrence intervals varying from a few minutes to hundreds of days .

  13. 中高级知识分子参与体育活动表现出很大的年龄差异、性别差异和性格差异。

    They are big difference in age , sex and character in the sport involvement of the middle or highly learned person .

  14. 燕山晚期&喜马拉雅期的构造活动表现为矿区内的左行走滑断层、斑岩侵入,并伴生铜钼矿化。

    The late Yanshanian-Himalayan ( tectonism ) is manifested in the sinistral strike-slip faulting and porphyry emplacement , accompanied by copper and molybdenum mineralization .

  15. 财务关系是通过财务活动表现出来的,财务活动是现象,财务关系是本质。

    The financial relationship is shown by the financial activities . The financial activity is the phenomenon ; the financial relationship is the essential .

  16. 结果:病毒性脑炎患者的脑电图记录背景活动表现为低波幅慢活动异常者预后差,后遗症发生率高。

    Results : Those children whose EEGs show low wave amplitude and slow wave abnormal background activities have a higher rate of commemorative sign .

  17. 法律接受活动表现为主体通过各种传播媒介接触认知各种法律文化信息并进而内化为主体依法而行的过程。法律接受是我们面临的一个现实问题,同时也是一种历史现象。

    The activities of acceptance of law are acts that the subjects get in touch with all kinds of legal information by medias and absorb them .

  18. 企业竞争优势通过市场经营活动表现出来,竞争优势的持续性依赖于企业的各种要素资源及管理组织。

    The competitive advantage of the corporation is always presented through marketing management . The durative of competitive advantage depends on various element resources and management organization .

  19. 现场观众对联赛的相关活动表现出较高的积极性;促使观众到现场观看比赛的最主要原因是欣赏到高水平的排球比赛、喜欢排球运动和家乡荣誉感驱使给自己的主队加油;

    The main reasons for them to watch the game are enjoying the high level contest , liking the volleyball sport and cheering for the hometown ' .

  20. 通过明代中后期商人的旅游活动表现,从四个不同方面分析当时商人群体的出游动机。

    Tourism activities by the Ming Dynasty in the late businessman performance analysis of a group of businessmen at that time from four different aspects of travel motivation .

  21. 就人类活动表现出来的意义来看,习惯化使其不必再一步一步的重新定义每个情境。

    In terms of the meanings bestowed by man upon his activity , habitualization makes it unnecessary for each situation to be defined anew , step by step .

  22. 很多学生对红十字会的活动表现出了极大的兴趣,他们赞同红会人道、慈善的宗旨,认为学习一些急救技术在紧急危难时刻能够帮助别人是件非常有意义的事。

    Some students have showed great enthusiasm because they are in favour of humanity and charity and think it is very meaningful to learn some skills to help others .

  23. 地震活动表现出平静和活跃相互轮回的特征,发震频度和震级则表现出在活跃期维持相对较高的水平,而在平静期维持相对较低的水平。

    The seismicity is characterized by the higher level in active period but the lower level in quiet for magnitude and frequency , and the interlace of these two periods .

  24. 通过分析该段断裂的活动表现、断裂活动环境及地震活动表现,认为南汀河西支断裂北东段最新活动大致在中更新世&晚更新世,晚第四纪活动较弱。

    According to its active behavior , active environment and seismicity , we think the latest activity of NE-segment fault occurred approximately during middle-late Pleistocene , and the activity in late Quaternary was weak .

  25. 在水族文化体系中,水书处于极其重要的位置,并使水族人的经济活动表现为一种适度理性的经济行为。

    As far as the cultural systems of the Shui people are concerned , the Shui script acts a crucial part , around which the moderately rational of the Shui people came into being .

  26. 计算机软件和硬件构成了赛博空间的人机界面,软件开发活动表现为以人机界面为中介的符号互动。

    Computer software and hardware construct the human-machine interface of Cyberspace . The cyberspace interaction is a kind of computer-networks mediated semiotic interaction . So , software design and development activities conducted in cyberspace .

  27. 公民新闻&新媒体语境下出现的新闻传播形态,是借助网络媒介技术得以广泛应用和发展的全新新闻活动表现形式。

    Civic News , new media in the context of news dissemination form , is widely used and with the aid of network media technology in the development of entirely new news activity form .

  28. 亨茨曼对这次竞选活动表现的很轻松。例如,他在老兵俱乐部即兴来了场撞球比赛(他输了),还和当地人一起打趣他们的口音。

    Mr Huntsman seems quite relaxed on the hustings , taking up an impromptu pool game at a veterans ' club , for example ( he lost ), and teasing the locals about their accents .

  29. 体育信息传播活动表现为多元的政治、经济、娱乐、教育等功能随社会变迁而发展变化,互相影响的特点。

    It influenced by the politics , economic , entertainment and the education of the social . And the education function of the sports information has changed with the development of the society . 3 .

  30. 从其运动过程来看,它是以偿还为条件的价值运动的特殊形式;从其属性来看,商业银行的信贷活动表现为货币资金的融通。

    We could conclude that it is a typical value movement on the condition of money repaying from its operation , and it is also the currency collecting and lending about commercial banks from its attribute .