
huó huǒ shān
  • active volcano
活火山 [huó huǒ shān]
  • [active volcano] 近期或经常能够放出熔岩、火成碎屑物或气体的一种火山

活火山[huó huǒ shān]
  1. 活火山会随时喷发。

    An active volcano may erupt at any time .

  2. 这座活火山可能在今晚喷发。

    This active volcano may erupt tonight .

  3. 亚苏尔火山是一座活火山,几乎每天都喷发,有时一天喷发几次。

    Yasur is an active volcano , and it erupts almost every day , sometimes several times a day .

  4. 印尼是世界上活火山最多的国家。

    Indonesia has more active volcanoes than any other country .

  5. 他有两个活火山,早上热早点很方便。

    He possessed2 two active volcanoes ; and they were very convenient for heating his breakfast in the morning .

  6. 在他出发的那天早上,他把他的星球收拾得整整齐齐,把它上头的活火山打扫得干干净净。

    On the morning of his departure he put his planet in perfect order . He carefully cleaned out his active volcanoes .

  7. 她有次开车载着孩子直至亚苏尔火山(MountYasur)的边缘。这是一座位于塔纳岛(Tanna)的活火山。

    She once drove her children to the edge of Mount Yasur , an active volcano on the island of Tanna .

  8. 意大利有两个著名的火山:一个是位于那不勒斯并在目前处于休眠状态维苏威火山,另一个是位于西西里岛上的活火山埃特纳火山(Etna)。

    Italy is more typically associated with two famous volcanoes : the currently dormant Vesuvius near Naples and the very active Etna on Sicily .

  9. “CerroAzul”火山是该岛上的五大活火山之一,上一次喷发时间是1998年9月,对植被造成了不太严重的破坏。

    Cerro Azul , one of five active volcanos on the island , last eruputed in September 1998 , causing minor damage to plant life .

  10. 他的队员们首次攀登了这座活火山

    his men became the first to climb this active volcano .

  11. 去探察活火山是非常危险的。

    It is most risky to go and examine an active volcano .

  12. 男:冰盖下面竟然有活火山?

    M : There are active volcanoes under the ice ?

  13. 这是个每年喷熔岩的活火山。

    This is an active volcano which spews out lava every year .

  14. 学生:金星上的火山是活火山吗?

    Student : Are the volcanoes on Venus still active ?

  15. 所以,不要跳进活火山里,好吗?

    So try to avoid jumping into an active volcano , alright ?

  16. 来研究世界各地的活火山和深洞。

    And deepo caves in all parts of the world .

  17. 位于哥伦比亚东南部的安第斯山脉的活火山。

    An active volcano in southeastern Colombia in the Andes .

  18. 位于夏威夷岛中部以南的活火山。

    An active volcano on south central Hawaii Island .

  19. 这是世界上最活跃的活火山!

    This is the world 's most active volcano !

  20. 例如,地理学家知道地核是热的,证据是活火山的流动?

    Evidence of this is the modern love of that flows at volcanoes .

  21. 恩,活火山就是可以随时喷发的火山呀!

    Daren : Well , an active volcano could erupt at any time !

  22. 活火山喷出烟雾和熔岩。

    An active volcano vomits forth smoke and lava .

  23. 活火山随时都会爆发。

    Active volcano may explode at any time .

  24. 埃特纳火山位于意大利南部,是欧洲最高的活火山。

    Located in southern Italy , Etna is the highest active volcano in Europe .

  25. 冒纳罗亚山和基拉韦厄火山是世界上最大的两个活火山。

    Mauna Loa and Kilauea are two of the world 's largest active volcano .

  26. 活火山与冰河相互作用造就了这里的生气和美景。

    The interplay of active volcanoes and glaciers forms a dynamic landscape of great beauty .

  27. 伊朗北部的一座活火山。

    An active volcano in northern Iran .

  28. 墨西哥西南部的活火山。

    An active volcano in southwestern Mexico .

  29. 默拉皮火山是印尼129座活火山之一,经常爆发。

    Mount Merapi , one of Indonesia 's 129 active volcanoes , has regularly erupted .

  30. 维苏威是一座活火山。

    Mount Vesuvius is an active volcano .