
huó xì bāo
  • living cell
  1. 活细胞染色体切割(光刀)和光捕捉(光钳)的研究

    Study on cutting ( optical scissors ) and trapping ( optical tweezers ) cromosomes in living cell

  2. 建立了基于硫代修饰分子信标检测活细胞内mRNA表达的新方法。

    MRNA detection in living cell using phosphorothioate-modified molecular beacon .

  3. 活细胞中所有复杂的运行成分都由蛋白质分子构成。

    Protein molecules compose all the complex working parts of living cells

  4. 新鲜肿瘤标本活细胞与固定细胞的DNA含量分析比较

    DNA Content Comparison Analysis between Living Cells and Fixed Cells in Fresh Tumor Samples

  5. 一种技术是用小型3D打印机构建活细胞。

    One technique is to lay down living cells through a miniaturised 3D printer .

  6. 腺病毒气溶胶的实时荧光定量PCR检测和绿色荧光蛋白活细胞检测

    Detection of adenovirus aerosols by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR and PK15 cell infection rates

  7. 活细胞内脊髓灰质炎病毒正链RNA可视化研究

    Visualization of Poliovirus Plus-strand RNA in Living Host Cells

  8. MTT法试验检测活细胞数;

    The amount of living cells was measured by MTT assay .

  9. 利用三通道实时荧光成像方法研究单个活细胞凋亡与胞浆pH值变化的关系

    Study of the Relationship between Apoptosis and Intracellular pH in Single Living Cells Using a Three-Channel Real-Time Fluorescence Imaging Method

  10. 随着DNA剂量的增加,转染效率呈剂量依赖性增高,但山羊成纤维细胞的活细胞数显著下降。

    The transfection efficiency was increased in a DNA dose-dependent manner , but the viability of the transfected fibroblasts was somewhat reduced significantly .

  11. 经活细胞免疫荧光法和细胞ELISA法测定,免疫导向药物保持了抗体活性。

    The conjugates were proven keeping the original immunological activity with living cell immunofluorescence test and cell ELISA .

  12. 采用台盼蓝(trypanblue)活细胞拒染法在普通光学显微镜下观察细胞的存活率;

    Trypan blue was used to observe the viability of thymocytes by general light microscope .

  13. 方法:采用克隆形成法、MTT比色法及活细胞计数法。

    Methods : Clone assay , MTT colorimetric assay and survival cell count assay were adopted .

  14. 常规分子信标在活细胞内mRNA表达水平的研究中,由于细胞内核酸酶对分子信标骨架的降解和破坏作用,常导致假阳性信号的产生,对检测结果的准确性影响较大。

    The normal molecular beacons tend to generate false positive signals due to nuclease degradation , when used for intracellular mRNA expression level analysis .

  15. 受试物与细胞共培养24h,观察细胞存活量及活细胞蛋白含量的变化。

    The survival rate and the protein content of the cultured cells were observed at 24 h.

  16. 方法:采用MTT法测定活细胞OD值,计算CL1对胃癌SGC-7901细胞增殖抑制率。

    METH OD S : The OD value of living cells was measured by MTT test .

  17. 用HL-60活细胞计数,RNA含量的RT-PCR测定和c-myc基因蛋白的免疫组化染色检查。

    METHODS Numbering living HL-60 cells , Measuring the level of RNA by RT-PCR and staining c-myc gene protein by immunocytochemical method .

  18. 结果三种分离方法中以组合酶法得到的细胞总数最多、活细胞率最高、分离所需时间最短(P<0.05)。

    The results demonstrated that the combination of enzymatic digestion obtained the largest cell number and highest percentage of living cells and consumed the shortest time among the three kinds of methods ( P0.05 ) .

  19. 结果尿中脱落肾小管上皮活细胞计数及DNA损伤变化明显早于BUN、Cr,与肾功能相关;

    Results After glycerol injection , the significant changes of exfoliated tubular cell count and DNA damage presented earlier than Cr and BUN in serum .

  20. HMC毒素引起玉米根冠活细胞凋亡的荧光显微观察

    Apoptosis in Detached Corn Root Cap Cells Treated by HMC-toxin Under Fluorescent Microscope

  21. 生物相容性和核酸酶稳定性是进行细胞研究的两个关键因素,所以一些基于有机染料或半导体量子点的荧光探针检测靶向RNA和蛋白酶很少用于活细胞实验中。

    Therefore , some fluorescent probes base on organic dyes or semiconductor QDs to detect target RNA and protein are rarely used for live cell experiments .

  22. 异三聚体GTP结合蛋白(heterotrimericGTP-bindingprotein,G蛋白)是活细胞内一类具有重要生理调节功能的蛋白质。

    Heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein is a kind of protein with important physiologically regulatory functions in living cells .

  23. 结论用pH为6.8的1‰AO、0.1‰PI染色,可清晰分辨死/活细胞。

    Conclusion The status of live and dead cells can be distinguished when pH values are 6.8 in 1 ‰ AO and 0.1 ‰ PI .

  24. 组织工程心脏瓣膜(tissueengineeringheartvalve,TEHV)具有自体活细胞,能够自我更新和改建,生物力学和血流动力学性能优良,耐久性好,无需抗凝,符合理想人造心脏瓣膜的条件。

    Tissue engineering heart valves ( TEHVs ) constructed from autologous living cells theoretically have the potential to meet the characteristics of an ideal valve substitute because they have .

  25. 可以说GFP是研究活细胞中基因表达和蛋白质分布的最好手段。

    GFP has been a vital marker to investigate into gene expression and protein localization in the living tissues .

  26. 水相合成的CdTe量子点用于活细胞成像

    Exploring Feasibility for Application of Highly Luminescent CdTe Quantum Dots Prepared in Aqueous Phase to Live Cell Imaging

  27. 更重要的是,该探针已经成功应用于在生物体液中比率检测硫醇,以FRET为原理在活细胞中对硫醇比值成像。

    Importantly , the probe has been applied for ratiometric detection of thiols in biological fluids successfully .

  28. FRAP法对内源性GFP在活细胞中动态分布的共焦显微镜成像

    Tracing the Dynamic Distribution of Endogenous Fluorescent Protein in the Tumor Cells by FRAP

  29. 基于ICCD的快速荧光显微成像技术及在活细胞研究中的初步应用

    ICCD-Based Fast Fluorescence Micro-Imaging Technique and Preliminary Application in Living Cells

  30. 为了研究SPM成像过程中探针作用力对于细胞的影响,我们用SPM的接触模式(ContactMode)和敲击模式(TappingMode)对培养液中的生物活细胞进行了较长时间的扫描观察。

    In order to investigate the influence to cell , contact mode SPM and tapping mode SPM were used to scan the living cell for a long period of time .