
hónɡ fàn qū
  • flooded area;floodplain
洪泛区 [hóng fàn qū]
  • [flooded area] 经过洪水泛滥的地区

  1. 洪泛区天然湿地土壤有机质及氮素空间分布特征

    Spacial Distribution Characteristics of Soil Organic Matter and Nitrogen in the Natural Floodplain Wetland

  2. 洪泛区湿地不仅具有区域洪水调蓄的生态功能,而且为各类珍稀濒危水禽提供重要的栖息生境。

    Floodplain wetland not only has the function of saving the flood resource , but also can supply the habitat for endangered waterfowl .

  3. GIS在河流洪泛区灾害监测中应用研究

    Study on Application of GIS to Monitoring Disasters in Floodplain

  4. 利用洪水风险图指导洪泛区及城市建设

    Construction of inundating area and city under guide of flood risk map

  5. 洪水管理、风险评估和洪泛区区划

    Flood Management Flood Risk Assessment and Flood Plain Zoning

  6. 河流&洪泛区环境系统特征的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Main Characteristics of River-Floodplain Environmental System

  7. 洪泛区洪灾损失评估研究

    Research on Flood Losses Evaluation of Flood Plain

  8. 自由地最常发现在流动河川与溪流了与季节性地在洪泛区上。

    Found most often in freely flowing rivers and streams and seasonally on floodplains .

  9. 洪水沉积物对长江中游洪泛区土壤钾素营养的影响

    Effects of Flood Sediment on Soil Potassium Nutrition in the Flooded Area of the Middle Yangtze Valley

  10. 洪泛区是相对较低的邻近地区的河流,湖泊,以及定期的海洋淹没。

    Floodplains are the relatively low areas adjacent to rivers , lakes , and oceans that are periodically inundated .

  11. 渭河下游河道及洪泛区洪水演进的数值仿真(Ⅱ)&成果分析及可视化

    Numerical simulation of flood in downstream of Weihe River and flooded area (ⅱ) & Results analysis and its visualization

  12. 根据这些图集和洪水风险评估,洪泛区能够按照区划进行开发活动的分类管理。

    Based on these maps and flood risk assessment , flood plains can be classified for regulation of development activities .

  13. 在英国,在洪泛区修建新房屋也遭到了越来越多的反对。

    In the UK , too , opposition has been growing to the use of flood plains for new housing .

  14. 针对我国实际提出了洪水和洪泛区优化管理的对策和建议。

    According to the present situation , corresponding measures and suggestions are given to the management of flooding and flood plain .

  15. 只有直升机才能把这些救灾物资运入洪泛区。失事船只上的所有船员都被直升机营救出来了。

    Only helicopters can fly the relief into the flood-stricken area The crew were taken off the wrecked vessel by helicopter .

  16. 泗阳县以杨树为主的小农农林复合经营已将这个洪泛区变成了由块块绿色镶嵌的田园。

    Poplar-based smallholder agroforestry has transformed the flood plains of Siyang County into a mosaic of green activity on the landscape .

  17. 本文论述洪水脉冲理论的概念模型、主要观点及其在河流洪泛区系统的应用进展。

    This paper mainly introduced the conceptual model of flood pulse , its main viewpoints , and application advances in river-floodplain system .

  18. 旨在探讨河流生态治理的方法,为生态护岸的构建与河流、洪泛区的治理提供一定的思路和参考。

    This paper can provide some ideas to specific projects such as construction of natural levee and management of stream corridor and flooded area .

  19. 自然界中绝大多数河流都是以弯曲复合渠道的形式存在,即由主河道以及临近的洪泛区(漫滩、滩地)组成。

    In nature , most of river reaches tend to be compound channels and also meandering , which are composed by the main channel and adjacent floodplain .

  20. 结果显示了该指数在湿地水面积定量测算中的技术优势,为洪泛区湿地水资源的监测评价与可持续利用,以及湿地水禽生境的管理和保护,提供了更可靠的技术保证。

    This approach will be very beneficial for monitoring the water resource in wetland and give some technique support for the management and conservation of the waterfowl habitat .

  21. 洪泛区土地及邻近水域,包括湿地,共同构成了一个复杂,动态的物理和生物系统,支持大量的水资源。

    Floodplain lands and adjacent waters , including wetlands , combine to form a complex , dynamic physical and biological system that supports a multitude of water resources .

  22. 结果表明洪泛区养分垂直变化趋势基本一致,而表层水平分布差异显著。

    The results showed that the vertical distributions of nutrients in floodplain wetland were very similar , and the horizontal distribution of them in surface soil were distinctly different .

  23. 目前,这些洪水风险图已经在洪水保险、洪泛区管理、国土开发、公众应急避险等方面发挥了巨大的经济和社会效益。

    Currently , flood hazard maps generate great economic and social benefits in terms of flood insurance , flood plain area management , national land development and public emergency escape .

  24. 对洪泛区与洪水灾害的关系进行了阐述,对工程防洪减灾措施和非工程借施进行了定义和划分,讨论了美国及其它国家在非工程措施方面的做法。

    The paper describes the relationship between floodplains and flood hazards , defines engineering and non - engineering flood control measures , and discusses the non - engineering measures prevailing abroad .

  25. 在生物地球化学循环上,以对氮的研究为主,提出洪水脉冲是河流洪泛区新陈代谢及生物地球化学循环的重要驱动力;

    On the biogeochemical cycle , nitrogen study took the first place , and flood pulse was considered as the principal driving force for the metabolism and biogeochemical cycle of river-floodplain system .

  26. 洪泛区洪水演进数值模拟是风险分析与居民防洪避险等非工程措施的重要依据。

    Numerical modeling of flood routing in flood area is important basis of non-engineering measure , such as analysis of flood risk , people 's escaping from risk of flood and so on .

  27. 渭河下游洪泛区由于频繁的洪涝灾害和不合理的土地利用方式,使得土地风险问题日益突出,直接制约了渭河流域下游洪泛区的经济发展。

    The frequent flood and unreasonable land use deteriorate the land use risk problem in the flooded area of the lower reaches of the Weihe River , which cumbers the economy development of this area .

  28. 在水利工程的设计和管理中预报坝体溃决流动现象以及理解复合河道水流的水力特性十分重要,尤其对于河流管理以及洪泛区管理有着重要的实际意义。

    For the design and management of hydraulic engineering , it is important to understand the mechanisms of dike break and the behaviour of flows within compound channels , especially for the management of rivers and floodplains .

  29. 土地利用的变化影响汛期产水量和汇流速度,加强洪泛区的土地管理,合理控制调整土地利用状况是减轻洪涝灾害威胁的有效手段。

    Land use change influenced the runoff and confluence process in flood season . To strengthen the land management in flood area and the rational control and adjustment of land use status will lighten the threat of flood disaster .

  30. 讨论洪水预报、警报系统与防洪工程措施结合时,不同洪水预见期、预报精度、人们对警报的反应等情况下洪泛区内的洪灾损失计算。

    This paper discusses the flood hazard loss estimation in flood area combining flood forecast - warning system with flood control structural measure , under the condition of different flood forecast period and forecast precision and people 's response to warning .