
  • 网络Bank of Thailand
  1. 贷款以泰国中央银行与金管局签订的货币掉期协议形式进行,息率按照市场水平。

    The loan was organised in the form of a currency swap agreement between the Bank of Thailand and the HKMA at market interest rates .

  2. 预计总理职位将由人民力量党党魁沙马接掌。今年72岁的沙马先前是泰国中央银行行长、电视烹调节目主持人。

    The post is expected to go to the PPP 's Samak Sundaravej-a72-year-old former Bangkok governor and TV cooking show host .

  3. 这项由国际结算银行安排的短期过渡贷款,显示各央行对泰国国家中央银行的支持。

    The short-term bis bridging facility is a demonstration of the support from the international central bank community for the Bank of thailand .