
  • 网络taixing;taixing city
  1. 泰兴市赢兴复合材料有限公司是一家致力于氟硅产品的研发、生产和销售的新型企业。

    Taixing Yingxing composite material Co. , Ltd , established in2001.We especially produce various of PTFE silicone fabric and belt products .

  2. 泰兴市龙之音乐器有限公司是一家专业生产、销售小担琴、中提琴、大提琴、大贝司和提琴配件的公司。

    Taixing dragon Music Limited company is a company specializing in the production and sales of small load harp , Viola , cello , bass and violin parts company .

  3. 通过遗传流行病学病例对照研究,对泰兴市297个家系(先证家系79个,对照家系198个),应用LiMantel和Falconer方法进行了分离比及遗传度的估算。

    A genetic epidemiologic case-control study with 297 pedigrees ( 79 genealogies and 198 controls ) was carried out to estimate the segregation ratio and hereditability ( h2 ) of gastric cancer by the methods of Li-Mantel-Gart and Falconer .

  4. 泰兴市耕地资源的态势及对策

    Situation amd countermeasures of the cultivated land resources in Taixing City

  5. 泰兴市全人群胃癌病例对照研究

    Population Based Case-Control Study of Stomach Cancer in Taixing City

  6. 泰兴市铸造作业工人心血管系统健康状况调查

    Investigation of Health Status of Cardiovascular System among Foundry Workers in Taixing City

  7. 2007年泰兴市健康人群麻疹血清抗体水平调查

    Investigation on Measles Antibody Level in Serum among Healthy Population in Taixing City in 2007

  8. 本系统已应用于江苏省泰兴市节水灌溉示范项目,效果良好。

    The system is already used to an irrigation demonstration project in Taixing City of Jiangsu Province .

  9. 城镇体系规划中的区域空间管制&以泰兴市为例

    Control of Regional Space in Town System Planning & With Taixing of Jiangsu Province as an Example

  10. 征收集体土地房屋拆迁补偿安置工作的实践与探索&以泰兴市为例

    Practice and Exploration of Collection Collective Land House Relocation Compensation Placement Work & Take Taixing as the Example

  11. 论探矿权价格评估方法城市规划区农用地价格评估的实证研究&以江苏泰兴市为例

    On appraisal methods of cultivated land in urban planning areas & a case study of Taixing city , jiangsu Province

  12. 第三部分从相关方面分析了当前泰兴市龙头企业发展状况及存在的问题;

    The third part have analyzed the present state of development of leading enterprise of Taixing and existing problem from relevant respects ;

  13. 本课题是受泰兴市水利局委托研制的项目,该项目要求在黄桥镇丰庄灌区建立一套节水灌溉远程控制系统。

    This project consigned by water department of Taixing city need to set up a remote control system for water saving irrigation .

  14. 第四部分提出了加快泰兴市农业产业化龙头企业发展的创新思路;

    The fourth part have put forward the innovative thinking of quickening the development of leading enterprise of the agricultural integration of Taixing ;

  15. 结合江苏泰兴市第二次土地调查的生产中情况,简要介绍二次调查的几种特殊问题的处理方式。

    Combination of Jiangsu Taixing investigate the second land production , the introduction of land briefly investigate the second question of some special method of disposal .

  16. 本文对泰兴市区域内主要的地表水水质进行了分析,结合饮用水源取水口建设概况及取水口水质现状,说明保护长江水质就是保护饮用水源,并提出保护饮用水源&长江水质的措施。

    This article analyses water quality of surface water and water catchment in TaiXing city , puts forward protection measure of water quality of Yangtse river .

  17. 泰兴市枯、丰水期不同水体致突变性与胃、食管和肝癌高发的关系

    Mutagenicity Of Different Types of Water Body In Taixing During Dry and Rainy Season and Their Relationships With The Incidence Of Stomach , Esophagus and Liver Cancer

  18. 第五部分在上述基础上,提出了加快泰兴市农业产业化龙头企业发展的政策建议;

    The fifth part on the basis of the aforesaid , have put forward the policy recommendations of quickening the development of leading enterprise of the agricultural integration of Taixing ;

  19. 第二部分对泰兴市龙头企业发展现状进行了分析,并对泰兴市龙头企业作用与地位进行了比较分析;

    Second part City leading enterprise current situation of the development is it analyze , carry on comparative analysis to Taixing city leading enterprise function and status to go on to Taixing ;

  20. 方法:采用蚕豆根尖微核试验和慧星实验方法,检测泰兴市枯水期97份和丰水期101份水样的致突变性。

    Methods Altogether 97 water samples in dry season and 101 samples in rainy season were collected , and the mutagenicity was detected by the Vicia faba root tip micronucleus test and comet assay test .

  21. 江苏省泰兴市农村中学生的肥胖发生率的流行病学调查表明:14~19岁中学生肥胖的检出率为14.85%,其中男生为15.10%,女生为14.55%。

    To study obesity in rural middle school by measuring weight and height and Bioelectrical Impedance analysis . The results show that the obesity morbility is 14 . 85 % in 842 students aged 14 - 19 years , male 15.10 % and famale 14.55 % .

  22. 泰兴生态市建设的实践与思考

    Practice and Thought of Taixing Eco-city Construction