
zhù shuǐ
  • water injection;waterflooding
注水[zhù shuǐ]
  1. 可编程控制系统在苏丹UNITY注水站的应用

    Application of programmable control system on UNITY water injection station in Sudan

  2. LPG贮罐注水堵漏抢险工艺的探讨

    Discussion of Water Injection Process to Seal Leakage Occurred in LPG Tank

  3. 阿鲁姆和罗克萨认为大学课程注水和本科生工作标准的降低是学生缺乏学习动力的原因。

    Arum and Roksa placed the blame for students ' lack of learning on a watered-down college curriculum and lowered undergraduate work standards .

  4. 注水大学一旦获得批准,它就会"以牺牲他人为代价满足富裕学生的社会和教育需求",而其他人不像富裕学生一样一毕业就可以享受经济支持或社会关系。

    By sanctioning this watered-down version of college , universities are " catering to the social and educational needs of wealthy students at the expense of others " who won 't enjoy the financial backing or social connections of richer students once they graduate .

  5. 基于Internet的油田注水生产过程仿真分布式协同建模技术

    Distributed Collaboration Modeling System for Design of Oilfield Water-Flooding Productive Process Simulation Based on Internet

  6. WATCH平台提供了完善的注水剖面污染校正技术。

    The perfect injection profile contamination correct technology is provided by WATCH platform .

  7. 基于DSP的油田注水远程集中控制系统

    Oilfield Water Injection Remote Centralized Control System Based on DSP

  8. 对注水管道内两种腐蚀影响因素进行了排序,采用灰色关联分析法和二层BP神经网络法对主要影响因素进行了考察。

    Two methods are put forward to sort for injecting pipeline corrosion influence factors and to determine main influence factors , namely gray relation analysis and two layers BP neural network in this paper .

  9. ZC油田垛一段油藏地质特征及注水开发动态研究

    Geological properties of buttress one oil deposit and its development trends in ZC Oilfield

  10. 此外,在高SNR或最大发射功率较小时,为了降低运算复杂度可以使用简化的线性注水功率算法。

    In addition , when the SNR is high or the maximum transmit power is small , linear water-filling power allocation can be used to reduce computational complexity .

  11. 认为注水系统的腐蚀主要由注入水中的游离CO2和高矿化度所致,而CO2是其腐蚀的决定因素。

    The authors consider that the main reason to corrosion of waterflood system results in the free CO2 in injected water and high mineralization and the CO2 is the decisive factor .

  12. 油田注水生产过程仿真系统ISPPS的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of ISPPS During the water injection of Oil Field

  13. 采用自行研制与CT机配套的专用注水加载装置,对含单裂纹试件在水压作用下裂纹扩展并贯通的全过程进行了CT实时监测试验。

    Using the special loading equipment made by authors for CT machine , the real-time CT testing is made on the whole process of fracture development and bifurcation of specimen with single fracture . The failure process of hydraulic fracture of rock under triaxial and hydraulic pressure is simulated .

  14. SJ-10新型油田注水用杀菌剂的研究

    Research of a new type oil-field injection bactericide sj-10

  15. 在本研究中,我们首先结合传统的变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)、克隆文库技术与新兴的焦磷酸测序技术比较了长期注水的孤岛油田注水井和采油井中的微生物组成。

    Using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis ( DGGE ), 16S rRNA gene clone library and pyrosequencing , we compared the microbial communities of injection well with that of production well .

  16. 原6D型注水泵效率低,耗电高、寿命短,难以满足油田注水需要。究其原因是泵设计不合理,对主要部件的材质和工艺要求过低而造成。

    Because 6D type flooding pump was low in efficiency , high in consumption of electricity , and short in life , it could not meet the demands of oil-field flooding water .

  17. 深入研究了瑞利相关衰落条件下MIMO系统的信道容量,讨论了相关衰落对信道容量的影响,将注水算法应用于相关衰落的MIMO系统的信道容量分析中,给出了其仿真分析结果。

    The key points are focused on the capacity of MIMO channel with Rayleigh Correlated Fading , and the effects of fading correlation on capacity of MIMO channel . Then , the capacity of MIMO channel with Rayleigh Correlated Fading is simulated by using water-pouring algorithm .

  18. 2000年8月21日~10月20日,德国大陆超深钻井(KTB)进行了为期60天的新一轮注水诱发地震实验。

    From August 21 , 2000 to October 20 , 2000 a fluid injection-induced seismicity experiment has been carried out in the KTB ( German Continental Deep Drilling Program ) .

  19. 经右心房切口,探明心内畸形,合并永存左上腔者,将Foley尿管经冠状静脉窦放入左上腔静脉,气囊注水,暂时阻断左上腔静脉,显露术野。

    After locating the endocardial deformity through the right atrial incision , Foley urinary tube was placed into left superior vena cava and water was infused into airsacs to block the left superior vena cara to reveal the operation field .

  20. 方法:使用组织扩张器对3组(每组10只)兔面神经行一次性扩张延长,水囊注水量分别为4、6和8ml,注水后保持5min。

    Methods : Tissue expander was applied in three groups of rabbits ( 10 rabbits in each group ) to lengthen the facial nerve in one step by infusion of 4 , 6 and 8 ml water respectively .

  21. 在尽可能消除其它影响因素的情况下,使用Amot法,定量地评价了贝雷砂岩的润湿性对注水过程中驱油效率的影响。

    The effect of wettability of berea sandstone on waterflood recovery has been quantitatively evaluated by using the Amott method when other influencing factors are eliminated as far as possible .

  22. 掘进工作面煤层注水工艺及效果分析

    Technology and Effectiveness Analysis of Coal Seam Waterflooding at Driving Face

  23. 低渗油藏注水开发中储层参数变化研究与应用

    Reservoir Parameter Variations in Low Permeability Reservoir during Production by Waterflooding

  24. 树2区块无效注水比例为57%。

    Ineffective water-injecting ratio for shu 2 block is 57 % .

  25. 统计学习理论在预测注水管道腐蚀速率中的研究与应用

    Application of Statistics in Predicting Corrosion Rate of Water Injecting Pipeline

  26. 油田注水开发中近井带结垢定量预测

    The prediction of scale near bore in the water injection development

  27. 得到的结果更切合现场实际情况,并给出了建议注水强度。

    The test result is more reasonable for field actual condition .

  28. 抽水与注水引起的变形机理

    The Mechanism of Soil Deformation Due To Pumping & Recharging

  29. 任丘地区井孔注水和地震活动与地裂缝的关系

    The Relations Among Wellhole Watering Seismic Activity and Surface Rift

  30. 采油厂注水系统腐蚀研究与控制

    Corrosion research and control of water injection system in oil production plant