
ní zhuān
  • sun-dried mud bricks
  1. 所以泥砖应在炎热干燥的气候下制造。

    So the bricks should be made in hot dry weather .

  2. 泥砖是土,至少含有40%的粘性土。

    Adobe is soil that contains at least forty percent clay .

  3. 我看到穴屋,稍后又看到泥砖围成的场地。

    I see pit houses , then the later Adobe compounds .

  4. 当加入水时,泥砖土变成粘性的液态土。

    Adobe becomes a sticky mud when it is mixed with water .

  5. 他们建造的泥砖堡垒,现已成为博物馆。

    They built an adobe fort , which is now a museum .

  6. 一些泥砖屋和风塔已改装为画廊和餐厅。

    A few have been turned into galleries and restaurants .

  7. 泥砖需要很长时间干燥才能变硬。

    Adobe can take a long time to dry and become hard .

  8. 这种被称作涂刷的工作使得泥砖保持坚固。

    This so-called paint job helps keep the adobe strong .

  9. 这个农民指著他曾经住过二十年的泥砖房屋

    The farmer pointed at the abide that He has live in twenty year

  10. 本周我们的报告将谈谈晒干的泥砖。

    This week in our report we are going to talk about adobe .

  11. 村民们用晒乾的泥砖造房子。

    The villagers built their houses with adobe .

  12. 如果气候选对了,泥砖7到10天就可以变干。

    If the weather is right , the bricks should dry in seven to ten days .

  13. 他们住在屋顶是波状铁皮的泥砖屋里,屋外鸡只到处乱跑。

    They lived in a mud-brick house with a corrugated metal roof , chickens running freely outside .

  14. 而哈里森和他的妻子林达正索诺塔小溪旁的泥砖小屋里渡过他们几个月的冬天。

    Harrison and his wife , Linda , spend the winter months in an adobe casita on the Sonoita Creek .

  15. 泥砖被做成砖的形状,一层摆放在另一层上面,作为一种低成本方法来建造墙壁和房子。

    Adobe is shaped into bricks that are laid one on top of another and used as a low cost way to build walls and houses .

  16. 另一个不寻常的景观在湖的东岸:救世军山一个由混凝土和手工混制的泥砖堆砌的100英尺的山,上面覆盖着丙烯酸涂料。

    Another unusual sight near the lake 's eastern shore is Salvation Mountain , a100ft-high hill of concrete and hand-mixed adobe , covered with acrylic paint .

  17. 山体滑坡发生的地区比较贫困,村庄房屋由泥砖搭建在光滑的斜坡上,这片区域近年来多次受山体滑坡侵袭。

    The impoverished area , dotted with villages of mud-brick homes nestled in valleys beside bare slopes , has been hit by several landslides in recent years .

  18. 这里是的中世纪世界和当代西方世界冲突的集中体现。泥砖屋的混乱和高耸的现代化办公大楼、迟钝的驴车和浮华小车都形成鲜明的对比。

    Here the medieval world and the contemporary Western world clash in a confusion of mud-brick houses and towering modern office buildings , of flashy cars and donkey-drawn carts .

  19. 一旦越过边界从土库曼斯坦的地形崎岖的泥砖屋的改变,城市景观就像从圣经时代的东西看。

    Once across the border from Turkmenistan the terrain was rugged and the style of mud brick housing changed and the urban landscape looked like something from biblical times .

  20. 陶斯印第安村位于里奥格兰河一条支流的山谷中,主要用泥砖和石块建成,村中有民居和宗教仪式建筑,它展示着亚利桑那州和新墨西哥州印第安人的文化。

    Situated in the valley of a small tributary of the Rio grande , this Adobe settlement consisting of dwellings and ceremonial buildings represents the culture of the Pueblo Indians of Arizona and new mexico .

  21. 阿富汗农村地区的大部分房屋都是泥砖结构的简陋房,官员表示,洪水摧毁了上百座房屋和大片农田。

    Most houses in the rural parts of the country are poorly constructed out of mud and brick , and officials say that hundreds have been washed away along with large expanses of agricultural land .

  22. 提交的作品包括使用压缩泥砖和钢丝网等材料的高科技设计;拥有混凝土地基和竹梁的穹顶房屋;适用于非洲平原的木质公寓楼,以及根据美国桑拿浴室建成的木板式住房。

    The plans submitted included high-tech designs involving materials such as compressed earth brick and steel mesh ; a dome-shaped house with a concrete base and bamboo beams ; a wooden apartment block for African plains and a cordwood home based on a sauna in the US .

  23. 成天和泥垒砖。这是真的。

    Lugging mortar and bricks . it 's true .

  24. 多年来,改组织制造出了使用泥,砖,钢铁,粘土,陶器和旧油桶的炉子。

    Over the years , the group has made stoves using mud , bricks , sheet metal , clay , ceramics and old oil drums .

  25. 新型墙体材料&瓦斯泥粉煤灰砖

    A new material for wall-gas silt and pulverized fuel ash brick

  26. 硼泥基烧结砖工艺实验研究

    Research on Experiment of Firing Craft for Boron Sediment Brick

  27. 在建筑师将其变成他物之前,砖泥依然是砖泥。

    Bricks and mortar are mortar and bricks , until the architect can make them something else .

  28. 介绍了水厂排泥水处理后,分离水的水质和回用、泥饼制砖和污泥用作水泥掺合料的方法和试验结果,以及铝盐回收的工艺。

    This paper introduces the quality and reuse of sludge-dewatering effluent , processes and testing results of making brick with dewatered sludge cake and using sludge as additive fills for cement production , and recovery of aluminium salts from sludge etc.

  29. 方法以硼泥、粉煤灰、铁尾矿为原料,利用工业马弗炉采用正交实验的方法研究硼泥基烧结砖的烧结工艺参数。

    For preventing pollution and resource waste , a kind of fired brick was developed by utilizing boron sediment , fly ash and iron gangue .