
  • 网络POP;Pop art;POP-ART;popular art
  1. 转过街角就是多萝西马戏团画廊(DorothyCircusGallery),血红色的墙壁上展示着超现实主义波普艺术作品。

    Around the corner at Dorothy Circus Gallery , the blood-red walls showcase surrealist Pop Art .

  2. 本文试图通过剖析英国波普艺术团体&独立小组的展览方式、艺术作品、艺术实践,揭示出其背后支撑他们的艺术理论AsFound。

    This thesis is aim to reveal the ' As Found ' esthetics through analyzing the British pop art group-The Independent Group , its method of exhibiting , art works , art practices , which is also the supporting theory of the group .

  3. 步入兆亚投资集团(searchinvestmentgroup)的办公区时,你会在大厅看到一座巨型波普艺术“超人”雕像。

    Step into the offices of search investment group and you will see a giant pop-art statue of Superman in the foyer .

  4. 这场展览通过安迪·沃霍尔(AndyWarhol)、查尔斯·埃姆斯(CharlesEames)和乔治·内尔松(GeorgeNelson)等艺术家的作品探索波普艺术与设计的关系。

    The relationship between Pop Art and design is explored in works by Andy Warhol , Charles Eames and George Nelson , among others .

  5. AgenceFrance-Presse/GettyImages一位模特在展示薇欧奈的时装。让人眼前一亮的设计包括托马斯・梅耶(TomasMaier)对比强烈的宝缇嘉(BottegaVeneta)系列以及华伦天奴(Valentino)的波普艺术(PopArt)系列斗篷和印花公主裙。

    Standout collections included the sharp contrasts of Tomas Maier 's Bottega Veneta and Valentino 's Pop Art capes and floral princess gowns .

  6. 上月,香港地产大亨刘銮雄(JosephLau)买下了一件现代美国波普艺术精品,尽管其中带有大量中国特色。

    Last month Joseph Lau , a Hong Kong property tycoon , secured a quintessential piece of modern American pop art , albeit one with considerable Chinese characteristics .

  7. 沃霍尔是布洛德艺术馆的最爱,布洛德夫妇拥有他的34幅作品(本次展出了10幅),此外还有他在正规波普艺术中的后继者杰夫·昆斯(JeffKoons)的作品,布洛德夫妇是昆斯作品最大的私人藏家。

    He is a Broad favorite ; they own 34 pieces ( there are 10 here ) , as is his successor in formally polished Pop , Jeff Koons , of whose works the Broads have the greatest number in private hands .

  8. 安迪·沃霍尔(AndyWarhol)描绘日常用品和名人的波普艺术作品改变了美国艺术界,太多人对此进行了分析和解读,但鲜为人知的是,1963年的一次从纽约到洛杉矶的公路旅行,曾经触发这位艺术家的人生蜕变。

    Much has been made of how Andy Warhol 's glam-pop approach to everyday objects and celebrities transformed the American art world , but less has been known about how a 1963 drive from New York to Los Angeles inspired the artist 's personal metamorphosis .

  9. 20世纪50年代末波普艺术诞生在英国。

    Pop art movement was born in England in the 1950 's.

  10. 从波普艺术看美术与设计的互融

    Links between Fine Arts and Design from the Viewpoint Pop Art

  11. 简析波普艺术在中国的发展轨迹

    A Brief Analysis of Pope Art 's Development Track in China

  12. 中国波普艺术的理念和表现手法

    The Concept and Expressive Approach of the Chinese Pop Art

  13. 日本动漫文化与当代新波普艺术

    New Books Japanese Animated Cartoon Culture and Contemporary Neo-Pop Art

  14. 从消费文化看波普艺术的图像来源

    A Look at the Image Origination of Pop Art from Consumptive Culture

  15. 浅析波普艺术与服装艺术设计的共同点

    Analyzing the Common Points between Popular Art and Fashion Design

  16. 本文试图理出后现代波普艺术与服装艺术设计的共同点,以期深入地分析以波普艺术背景指导的现代服饰文化。

    This paper analysis the relationship between Popular Art and fashion design .

  17. 波普艺术作为一个艺术流派,作为一场运动早已成为历史。

    As an art movement , Pop Art has already became history .

  18. 现代服装设计中波普艺术的应用研究

    The Research Application of POP Art in Fashion Design

  19. 美国波普艺术是以纽约为据点的都市艺术。

    American Pop Art was an urban art centered in New York City .

  20. “售空”这个展览将对波普艺术及其余响提供颠覆性的重新解读方式。

    Sold Out will propose a radical re-reading of Pop Art and its legacy .

  21. 新现实主义绘画是与波普艺术同时发展起来的一种艺术流派。

    New Realism and Pop Art paintings are simultaneously developed a kind of art genre .

  22. 波普艺术与团体操的设计

    Pop Art and Design of Group Play

  23. 波普艺术还将商业元素运用于绘画中在产品包装和推广上发挥巨大作用。

    Pop Art in this business has been a great success and promote the art of pop .

  24. 波普艺术是一个重要的现代艺术流派,着眼于展现20世纪普通的城市生活。

    Pop art was an important modern art movement that aimed to show ordinary twentieth-century city life .

  25. 波普艺术来源于西方的消费主义,波普艺术重要的社会背景是高科技。

    Popular Art comes from western consumerism . Hi-technology is the most important background about Popular art .

  26. 波普艺术和建筑

    Pop art and architecture

  27. 这正是波普艺术盛行的年代,抽象表现主义绘画席卷欧美。

    That was the era of popular pop art , and abstract expressionist painting swept Europe and America .

  28. 自波普艺术出现以来,对各种公共图像的挪用已成为艺术家创作的惯用手法。

    Since the appearance of Pop Art , using various public images has become habitual skills for artists .

  29. 她从波普艺术、大地艺术及其它艺术流派中汲取新的方法与灵感。

    Pop-art , land art and other related art movements have become sources of her inspiration and innovation .

  30. 重复的拓展与延伸&波普艺术领军人物安迪·沃霍尔作品新探

    The development and prolongation of repetition & Research on works of Andy Warhol the leader of the POP art