
  • 网络Boston;Bossdun;BOSSDUN.MEN
  1. 2006年,波斯顿男士茶爽水呼吸爽肤系列问世。

    In2006 , Bossdun man tea lotion breathing clear lotion series were launched in the market .

  2. 美国波斯顿塔夫茨大学的研究人员监控了3000名55岁左右的中年人发现,那些每天吃三份全谷物食品的人腰围比其他人小两英寸(约5厘米),而且血压和血糖水平也更低。

    Researchers from Tufts University in Boston monitored 3000 people in their mid-50s and found that those who ate three servings of wholegrains a day had waist sizes two inches less than those who didn 't consume the same amount , as well as lower blood pressure and lower blood sugar levels .

  3. 她获得了伊利诺伊大学计算机科学学士学位和波斯顿大学的MBA学位。

    She earned an undergraduate degree in Computer Science from University of Illinois and an MBA from Boston University .

  4. 2007年,哈佛创建了工程与应用科学学院(SchoolofEngineeringandAppliedSciences),目前正计划在查尔斯河对面的波斯顿的奥斯顿社区设立一个主要从事这类学科教育的新校区。

    Harvard created its School of Engineering and Applied Sciences in 2007 , and it is planning a new campus across the Charles River , in the Allston neighborhood of Boston , largely for those studies .

  5. 俱乐部今天声明,已接受NESV的报价。这个NESV同时还拥有着波斯顿红袜棒球队。

    It was announced today that the club have accepted an offer to sell to NESV , who own baseball 's Boston Red Sox .

  6. FSG所有者一手造就了波斯顿红袜的革新,他们也决定以一种全新的方式运转利物浦。

    FSG 's owners witnessed baseball 's sabermetrics revolution first-hand with the Boston Red Sox and are determined to run Liverpool in a thoroughly new way .

  7. 波斯顿平原上的锒铛之声已清晰可闻!

    Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston !

  8. 她曾有一段时间在波斯顿开餐馆。

    For a while , she ran a restaurant in Boston .

  9. 富兰克林出生1706年的今天,本杰明•富兰克林在波斯顿出生。

    Franklin was born 1706 - Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston .

  10. 这趟火车要花多长时间到波斯顿?

    How long does the train take us to boston ?

  11. 1809年的今天,作家埃德加·爱伦·坡在波斯顿出生。

    1809-author Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston .

  12. 去波斯顿的巴士从哪开出?

    Where does the bus for Boston leave from ?

  13. 关于在波斯顿的节日,你最好能举行多少次就举行多少次。

    Regarding Festivals in Boston , you may hold as many as possible .

  14. 历史上的今天-埃德加•爱伦•坡出生1809年的今天,作家埃德加•爱伦•坡在波斯顿出生。

    Edgar Allan Poe was born 1809-author Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston .

  15. 波斯顿附近的约翰·菲茨杰拉德·肯尼迪图书馆;

    The John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library near Boston ;

  16. 我的父母布鲁姆夫妇,今天从波斯顿赶了过来。

    My mother and father David and Filson Bloom who came up from Boston today .

  17. 在马萨诸塞州的波斯顿,哈佛大学医学院的肯尼思幕卡领导了这项研究。

    Kenneth Mukamal of Harvard University Medical School in Boston , Massachusetts led the study .

  18. 与詹姆斯发生争吵后,本杰明毅然地离开波斯顿,决定开创一番自己的天地。

    After a quarrel with James , Benjamin left Boston to seek his own fortune .

  19. 1706年的今天,本杰明•富兰克林在波斯顿出生。

    1706-Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston .

  20. 是的,我想订一张下周飞往波斯顿的机票。

    B : Yes , I 'd like to make a reservation to Boston next week .

  21. 不停,这是直达快车,直接开到波斯顿。

    No , this train is an express one and it 's going straight to Boston .

  22. 波斯顿科学博物馆试图列出历史上最伟大的科学家。

    The Boston Museum of science has tried to make a list of the greatest scientists in history .

  23. 为了实际效果,从波斯顿到纽瓦克的东部走廊将成为一个规模宏大的长条形城市。

    For all practical purposes , the Eastern Corridor from Boston to Newark will be one vast strip city .

  24. 男士二:他赚了大笔的钱,并且在波斯顿从事建筑和土地的买卖。

    Man2 : and he made a very big fortune , buying and selling buildings and land in boston .

  25. 罪恶之城——拉斯维加斯,将波斯顿和西雅图等巨兽之城甩在身后,可不是通过高度取胜的,而是靠它的绝对数量。

    Sin City topped other behemoths like Boston and Seattle , not by height , but by sheer quantity .

  26. 帕洛玛合作者对冲基金的前经历列昂·曼茨格以及波斯顿大学法学教授塔玛尔·弗兰克。

    Leon Metzger , a former executive with hedge-fund firm Paloma Partners LLC ; and Boston University law professor Tamar Frankel .

  27. 波斯顿港的这个主要入口被速度在1.3―1.7海里/小时之间的潮流划开。

    This main entrance to Boston Harbor is well channeled with currents running between 1 . 3 and 1 . 7 knots .

  28. 他被1百万美元的薪水和比波斯顿市郊宜人的气候所吸引。

    He was lured by the salary ( $ 1 million ) and a climate that beat the one enjoyed by his Boston suburb .

  29. 当我离开阳光充足的加利福尼亚来到位于波斯顿的学校,迎接我的是黑暗的天空、零度以下的气温和频繁的降雪。

    When I left sunny California to attend school in Boston , I was greeted by dark skies , sub-zero temperatures and frequent snowfalls .

  30. 社交网站上正在热议美国波斯顿一所高中的毕业致辞,致辞的老师很直白地告诉学生说他们“并不特别”。

    Social media was buzzing about a Boston-area high school teacher 's blunt commencement speech that told students they " are not special . "