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  • puff sleeve
  1. 牛仔面料性能对泡泡袖成型的影响

    Influence of jean performance on forming of puff sleeve

  2. 公众广泛接受军绿上衣的第一个征兆在2001年春天出现,马克·雅可布之马克(MarcbyMarcJacobs)的第一个系列象征性地推出了一件带肩饰和可爱泡泡袖的绿色上衣。

    The first sign of broad public acceptance of the army green jacket came in the spring of 2001 , with the first Marc by Marc Jacobs collection , which emblematically featured a green jacket with epaulets adjacent to the cute puffs of its gathered sleeves .

  3. 只有你才认为能藏起那件你穿到春季舞会去的淡蓝色的,泡泡袖的

    Only you would think you could hide that powder-blue , puffy-sleeved , it 's-kind-of-a-peasant-dress -

  4. 一百年间,礼服下摆先是变短,然后又越来越长,而面纱也在去留之间反复,直到1985年,丑到爆的拖地裙裾和泡泡袖礼服终结了这种无常变化。

    In between the hem lines get shorter , and then dramatically longer , and the veils appear and disappear , until it culminates in the truly hideous train and puff ball sleeves of the 1985 offering .

  5. 她在为一件日本涤纶做的白色泡泡袖上衣而忧虑,理论上讲它应该看起来挺括,但实际上它看着有点像是防止小狗抓伤自己的项圈。

    She was concerned about a white top with frothy sleeves made of a Japanese polyester that in theory should have looked crisp but in fact were beginning to look like the type of collars that keep dogs from scratching themselves .