
pào bā
  • Go to a bar;kill time in a bar
  1. 他开卡迪拉克来泡吧,享有VIP专区,整晚点酒。

    He 's the type that rolls up to the club in an Escalade and holds court in the VIP section , ordering bottle service all night .

  2. MUSE酒吧,引进的是美国洛杉矶的Muse俱乐部品牌,另外结合自己泡吧心得。

    MUSE bar , the introduction of the United States in Los Angeles , Muse Club brand , in combination with their clubbing experience .

  3. 我把SIM卡和所有数据从旧的iPhone转到新设备上,带着它去参加晚宴、泡吧、开会和健身。

    I moved my SIM card and all my data from an older iPhone to the new gadget and took it with me to dinner parties , bars , meetings and the gym .

  4. NO.4精明圆滑的家伙他开卡迪拉克来泡吧,享有VIP专区,整晚点酒。

    No.4 : The Smooth Operator He 's the type that rolls up to the club in an Escalade and holds court in the VIP section , ordering bottle service all night .

  5. [00:00.00]可可英语[00:05.85]轻松英语之旅[01:41.24]网络社交[01:56.58]社交,与…交往、联谊[02:18.75]社交生活[02:38.30]gopubbing泡吧[03:05.90]devotee爱好者,热心家[03:26.92]casual随意、随便的[03:32.04]casualclothes便装[03:33.97]weird奇怪的,怪异的[03:39.89]他有一些怪异的想法。

    but are perfectly happy to trade MySpace profiles . [ 01:39.84 ] online socializing [ 01:53.41 ] socialize [ 02:18.05 ] social lives [ 02:46.07 ] There is a new generation growing up . [ 03:09.80 ] It 's a casual way to stay in contact without appearing weird . [ 03:37.89 ] He 's got some wired ideas .

  6. 根据Chubbies公司的世界观,“长裤是工作的时候穿的,”而短裤&尤其是他们生产的短裤,则是运动、娱乐、泡吧或是爬喜马拉雅山的时候穿的。

    According to the chubbies worldview : " pants are for work , " while shorts their shorts are for having fun , or jumping off rocks , or playing beer pong , or climbing Everest .

  7. 我们想找个晚上去泡吧。

    We 're looking forward to a night at the pub .

  8. 好了可以走了-你先尿一泡吧

    Okay , ready to go . - Make sure you pee first .

  9. 那么我们今晚一起去泡吧如何

    Well , then how about we all hit club tonight , huh ?

  10. 每次赛后火箭队员去泡吧并并来上好几杯酒,但麦迪重来过不了第一杯酒。

    After each game the Rockets go out to the bar and take rounds of shots .

  11. 现在我和朋友去泡吧的时候,几乎没人说我是一个差劲的舞者了。

    Hardly anyone would comment I 'm a bad dancer now whenever my friends and I go clubbing .

  12. 你上班、吃饭,甚至的话泡吧的时候,都应该想着它们。

    Take these with you to your workplace , the dinner table or even if you must the pub .

  13. 各大旅行社也常把‘泡吧’放在旅游团的行程之中,让游客感受长沙的独特魅力。

    All travel agencies have included bar visiting in travel itinerary to let tourists experience the unique charm of Changsha .

  14. 你穿成这样去泡吧,寻找你的目标然后抛出几句“反话”。

    You show up at a club in something distinctive , scope out your target and toss out some negs .

  15. 泡吧,上网,穿时髦的衣服,听流行音乐早已经成为了都市生活不可缺少的一部分。

    Going to bars , internet cafes and buying chic clothing and listening to pop music are now a regular part of the urban landscape .

  16. 在办公室工作一整天后、晚上再与同事们一起泡吧喝酒,这种生活模式早已成为日本的象征,就像日本寿司和日本漫画一样。

    Long days in the office followed by long nights drinking with colleagues are as much a symbol of Japan as sushi or manga comics .

  17. 热爱艺术,我喜欢研究性别关系,电影,摄影,音乐,上网,泡吧,游泳,潜水,开摩托艇。

    I like to study gender relations , Love art , film , photography , music , Internet , clubbing , swimming , diving , open motor boats .

  18. 走亲访友、远涉他乡、购物游乐、放纵狂欢、一个人找个地方看书、和亲密朋友去看电影、吆五喝六去滑雪泡吧,还是干脆呆在家里磨电视?

    Visiting relatives and friends , traveling , shopping , revelry , reading alone , going to cinema , skiing , or just staying at home watching TV ?

  19. 我曾经是很喜欢听到这种声音的,就像那些非常喜欢泡吧的人大晚上也要来喝一杯一样。

    I used to like hearing that , as if those people who had really enjoyed coming to the pub still liked to pop in for a late drink !

  20. 我也会出去泡吧、喝酒——但我不在当值时喝酒。我也从来没有禁不住诱惑的时候,因为当值时不喝酒不是为了我自己。

    I also go out clubbing and drinking - but I don 't drink when I 'm on duty . I 'm never tempted because it 's not about me .

  21. 米酒和烧酒,这些日本传统的酒类饮料曾是日本中年男性的最爱,而如今,它们已成为时尚泡吧族的新宠。

    Sake and shochu , traditional Japanese drinks that were once derided as old-fashioned and the tipple of boozy middle-aged men , are enjoying a boom among trendy young drinkers .

  22. 每次开始工作前,我们都会为那个夜晚、为那些工作人员祈祷,为泡吧的人幸福快乐祈祷,为每个人都能度过一个愉快的夜晚祈祷。

    At the start of a shift we pray for the night , the staff , for joy and happiness for the clubbers and for everyone to have a great night .

  23. 对于许多人来说,骑一天自行车等同于地狱,但佩里博士认为,为参加一项比赛而在你工作的地方的健身房里进行训练是新的泡吧方式。

    For many people , a day-long cycle ride is their idea of hell but Dr Perry says that training for an event in the work gym is the new going-to-the-pub .

  24. 长期编程、泡吧等的朋友可能会感觉到一个系统剪贴板不够用,有时会很想找一个能同时复制、黏贴几个内容的剪贴板。

    Long-term programming , bars and other friends might feel a system clipboard is not enough , sometimes it can also find a copy , paste the contents of the clipboard several .

  25. 而格林特则是个平和快乐的普通人,他的消遣包括看日间电视节目、打高尔夫球以及跟他的朋友们去泡吧。

    Meanwhile Grint is a man of the people , the ordinary , cheerful guy whose pleasures include watching daytime telly , playing golf and going to the pub with his mates .

  26. 研究者提醒:泡吧后摄食高脂肪的外卖,以及为减轻宿醉不适感而吃的全英式早餐,会使男士们额外摄入5000卡热量。

    Feasting on fatty takeaways after the pubs have shut and combating a hangover with a full English breakfast can see men alone put away an extra 5,000 calories , research warns .

  27. 生活在这个纷扰的社会,渐渐成长中,不要让忙碌成为自己麻木的理由,只在泡吧,烟酒中寻找心灵的寄托。

    The life in this troubled society , grows gradually , do not let bustle about into the numb reason , only in soaks , in the tobacco and liquor seeks for the mind reposing .

  28. 生活在炎热沙漠中的阿拉伯人认为,只有凉爽夜晚中的月亮才是真正的朋友,喜爱在夜晚出来泡吧的人们,是不是也这样认为?

    Life 's Arab in the blazing hot desert in thinks that only the moon in the cool night is a real friend , liking in the night to come out bubble of people , whether also so think ?

  29. 据悉,修玛的这些照片都是由阿萨兰的父母拍摄的。修玛表示,自己和婆婆的关系很好,好到在圣托里尼时,婆媳二人晚上还出去泡吧。

    The photos were taken by Arsalaan 's parents - Huma says she has a good relationship with her mother-in-law . So good , in fact , that the two would go out and hit the bars of Santorini at night .

  30. 米德尔顿就读莫尔伯勒学院时期的同学吉玛·威廉森表示,在读书会上,有时一帮女友会一起溜出学校泡吧,但米德尔顿却会留在学校,因为“她不喜欢这些”。

    Gemma Williamson , a classmate at Marlborough , said that when groups of girls sneaked out of school to go to pubs in Reading , Miss Middleton preferred to stay in , because " it wasn 't her thing " .