
  • 网络legal blindness;legal blind;legally blind
  1. 未矫正的屈光不正可导致视力损害,从轻微的模糊到法定盲,疾病的程度取决于对屈光不正程度。

    Uncorrected refractive error can result in visual impairment ranging from mild blurring to legal blindness , depending on the magnitude of the refractive error .

  2. 据估计,超过一半的视力受损和约四分之一的法定盲都源于可被眼镜矫正的屈光不正。

    It has been estimated that more than a half of vision impairment , and about a quarter of legal blindness , is due to refractive error correctable with glasses .

  3. 患者也许是“法定盲”,或许开车都不成问题,甚至可能拥有正常视力。

    Sufferers may be legally blind , may see well enough to drive , or may even have 20 / 20 vision .