
  • 网络France coffee;French Coffee
  1. 法国咖啡椅设计于1934年由Xavier波沙尔。

    French caf é chairs designed in1934 by Xavier Pauchard .

  2. 这种独特的咖啡原料,自从他们登陆到勒阿佛尔&法国咖啡之乡,就掌控了法国咖啡的整个家族。

    As soon as they are unloaded in Le Havre , the french capital of coffee , these exceptional vintages are controlled in our house : " France coffee " .

  3. 法国的咖啡馆越来越少,人口增长越来越慢,法律界人士的数量发倒大有增加。

    Cafes are getting fewer and population grows slower in France nowadays , but more and more people make their living in legal sector .

  4. 用传统的法国方式在咖啡里加上牛奶,就是咖啡欧蕾。

    A cafe au lait is traditionally the French way of preparing coffee with milk .

  5. 问题3.男士在法国的小咖啡馆说了关于早餐的什么?

    Question 3 . What does the man say about the breakfast at the little French caf é ?

  6. 我想要橙汁,两个鸡蛋,两面煎,和火腿,法国菜和咖啡。

    I 'd like orange juice , two eggs , over easy , with ham and French fries , and Coffee , please .

  7. 是什么闻起来如此美妙?星期三,对于法国喝酒、喝咖啡和就餐的人来说,这个答案就是新鲜空气。

    What 's that nice smell For drinkers and diners in France on Wednesday , the answer was fresh air .

  8. 法国爵士乐缓缓地配合着,让你暂时脱离南京城的喧嚣,融入到法国咖啡馆宁静的浪漫中。

    French jazz plays softly in the background , allowing you to temporarily escape the hustle of Nanjing and relocate to the romantic calm of a French cafe .