
yán hǎi dì qū
  • coastal areas;littoral;seaboard;coastland
  1. 服务沿海地区的地方广播电台经常为驾驶游艇出海的人播报天气预报。

    Local radio stations serving coastal areas often broadcast forecasts for yachtsmen

  2. 台风侵袭沿海地区。

    The typhoon hit the coastal areas .

  3. 部队开始了他们开往沿海地区的长途行军。

    The army began their long march to the coast .

  4. 沿海地区的天气会非常阴冷。

    The weather can be quite bleak on the coast .

  5. 地震引起的海啸袭击了沿海地区,导致灾难性的破坏。

    A tidal wave caused by the earthquake hit the coast causing catastrophic damage

  6. 该公司无视当地居民对其沿海地区开发计划的愤慨。

    The company turned a blind eye to the local residents ' outrage at its plan to develop the coastline .

  7. 她在南方沿海地区工作。

    She works on the South coast .

  8. 他们加强沿海地区的防御。

    They fortified the coastal area .

  9. 鱼露是沿海地区的传统发酵调味品。

    Fish sauce is a traditional fermented condiment in coastal areas .

  10. 该国将加强沿海地区的防御。

    This country will fortify the coastal areas .

  11. A(b)值在东南沿海地区地震预测中的应用

    Application of A ( b ) - value to earthquake prediction in the Southeast Coastal Region

  12. GPS在沿海地区基层林业调查中的应用

    Application of GPS in the Investigation of Littoral Basal Forestry

  13. DEA方法在沿海地区的高科技产业竞争力评价中的应用

    The Application of DEA Method for Evaluating the Competitive Ability of High Technology Industry of Coastal Area of our Country

  14. 东南沿海地区小菜蛾对Btδ-内毒素和Bt制剂的抗性检测

    Field-evolved resistance to Bt δ - endotoxins and Bt formulation in Plutella xylostella from the southeastern coast region of China

  15. 南部沿海地区元素As、Cd、Hg和Zn含量相对较高,而且Hg元素的含量超过了标准值。

    In the southern coastal areas , the contents of As , Cd , Hg and Zn were relatively high , and the concentration of Hg exceeded the standard value .

  16. 根据福建GPS监测网3期(199719992001)观测资料的计算结果,分析了福建沿海地区的现今地形变特征。

    In the light of the computed results of measurement data of GPS observation network in 3 periods ( 1997 , 1999 , 2001 ) we have analyzed the current deformation characteristics along the coast of Fujian as follows .

  17. 结论福建莆田沿海地区献血员中HTLV感染率为0.38%

    Conclusion The prevalence of HTLV infection was 0.38 % in the endemic coastal region of Fujian , China .

  18. 因此,在我国东南沿海地区要注意Btk制剂与Bt其他亚种制剂或其他生物杀虫剂轮换使用,以减小Bt制剂对小菜蛾的选择压力,延缓小菜蛾对Bt抗性的发展。

    So , it was proposed that the rotations of Btk with other Bt subspecies or other kinds of bioinsecticides should be encouraged in order to delay resistance development of P. xylostella in southeastern China .

  19. 运用倒置W9点取样法对山东省黄河三角洲、鲁西平原、沿海地区3个农区玉米田作农田杂草调查。

    Weed survey in Maize fields was Conducted using an inverted W-Pattern with 9 sampling points in Huanghe river delta , Luxi plain , and Coastal regions .

  20. azimut正致力于进一步扩大全球业务范围的计划,考虑在克罗地亚、土耳其和黑海可能在乌克兰、保加利亚或罗马尼亚沿海地区建设码头。

    Azimut is working on plans to increase its global spread still more , with ideas under study to set up marinas in Croatia , Turkey and on the Black Sea perhaps on the coast of Ukraine , Bulgaria or Romania .

  21. 泉州沿海地区的特异习俗及其文化意蕴

    Special Customs at Quanzhou 's Coastal Regions and Its Cultural meaning

  22. 江苏沿海地区的相对海平面上升及其灾害性影响研究

    Relative sealevel rise and its unfavorable impacts in Jiangsu coastal plain

  23. 她可以重新控制沿海地区的捕鱼权。

    It would regain control over fishing rights around its coast .

  24. 我国沿海地区水污染区域治理探讨

    Study on the regional control of water pollution in coastal regions

  25. 我国沿海地区台风灾害影响研究

    Study of the impact of typhoon disaster on coastal region of China

  26. 广东沿海地区现代地壳垂直运动研究

    Study on the modern crustal vertical movement in Guangdong Coast

  27. 福建沿海地区木片生产的经济决策研究

    Economic Policy Making Study on the Chip Production in Fujian Coastal Areas

  28. 沿海地区心房颤动流行病学调查和治疗现状

    Survey of epidemiology and treatment of atrial fibrillation in coastland

  29. 沿海地区温室的风灾防御模式及自动测控的研究

    Windstorm Disaster Prevention Model and Control System for Greenhouse in Coastal Areas

  30. 中国东南沿海地区外资撤离问题研究

    Research of China east & south coastal district foreign capital retreating problem